Chapter 788
Everyone looked for the sound. It turned out that it was Ma Simeng, the daughter of the village chief who was sitting next to the village chief. Being able to be with brother Lin Ye, farming and hunting every day, living a happy life, never thought that brother Lin Ye would leave suddenly, how could she not be sad?For a moment, he yelled that sentence without thinking.

"Girl! What are you talking about? Lin Ye is going to suppress the bandits, what are you doing with me?" the village head scolded angrily after hearing this.

"Yeah, Simeng, our trip is very dangerous, and you don't have supernatural powers, so I'm afraid I'll hurt you, so Simeng, I'll definitely come back to see you when I get my memory back." Lin Ye coaxed him to commit suicide.

"You're a liar! Woooooo..." Ma Simeng cried and ran back after shouting this sentence.

Seeing this situation, Alice couldn't help but click her tongue and said, "Oh, it's another girl trapped in love!"

"Isn't that right, you are too, my silly sister." Adil replied.

"Oh, brother, what time is it, you're still kidding me." Alice said angrily.

"There is no permanent banquet in the world, so it's hard for me to leave everyone. The village chief, please help me persuade Simeng." Lin Ye said sadly.

the next day.

Early in the morning, the gate of the village was full of people. Everyone didn't say anything, but their eyes betrayed everything. With the same reluctance, Lin Ye and Sanren Guild stood opposite the villagers.Lin Ye recalled all kinds of experiences in the fishing village, after all, this was his first home after losing his memory.

"Let's go!" Lin Ye turned around and said without delay.

"Boy, let me ask you, what kind of abilities are those of your accomplices? Tell the truth!" After walking for half an hour, Adil suddenly said to Scar.

"It's like this, big brother, our eldest is the dark element, the second is the fire element, and the other five, six, and seven are metal, wood, and earth." Scarface replied truthfully.

"I hope what you said is true." Lin Ye said.

After walking for a while, Scarface pointed to a strange-looking mountain that looked like a spear in front of him and said, "Look, brother, that's Gun Mountain."

"Well, take us up!" Adil said.

On the way up the mountain, Lin Ye found that this mountain is really easy to defend and difficult to attack. The whole mountain is slender and smooth. At the end of the mountain there is a huge rock protruding outwards. Under the rock is an abyss. The whole mountain is like It's like putting a long gun on a display case, so the tip of the gun can only be reached from the barrel, and the base of the robbers is also at the tip of the gun.

Walking to the entrance of the bandits' base, it can be said to be a military fortress. Five high-speed six-barreled machine guns are mounted on the towering wall, and there are constant patrols on the wall to prevent attacks by people or zombies.

"Come on, open the door! I'm your third brother, I'm back!" Scarface shouted impatiently as if he had found a savior.

The robber on the fence heard the shouting, and looked over here and shouted: "It's the third brother! The third brother is back! The third brother, where are the fourth brothers? Who are the people around you?"

"Stop messing with me! Hurry up and open the door for me!" Scarface roared.

"Yes! Third Brother! Open the door! Let Third Brother in!"

The moment the door just opened, there was a flash of light, and Scarface moved into the door in an instant, shouting: "Close the door! Close the door for me! They killed the fourth child! Everyone is in an attack state! Hahahaha! Come on!" Ah, you bastards hit me! Haha!"

"Hey, it turns out that he is a power user of the electrical system, so he slipped away, but he was originally going to be spared, so it seems unnecessary." Aidier said with a helpless smile.

Such a big battle outside has already alarmed the people inside. After a while, the wall was full of people, five of them were particularly obvious. They stood in the middle of the wall. The middle-aged man in the lead looked 30 He was around [-] years old, wearing a long black windbreaker, with a neat shaved head, a pair of sword eyebrows as neat as a cliff cutting off a mountain ridge, and the eyes under the eyebrows were full of murderous intent. The half-face tattoo of a scorpion makes people feel like a tough guy. Except for the black clothes, there is nothing close to his dark attribute. The middle-aged man shouted to Liu Ye and his group: "Xin Yu, you are Who? Why did you kill the fourth child? Hurt the third child?"

"Hmph! Why? They went to my village to rob things, and threatened to make our blood flow like a river. Why do you say?" Lin Ye shouted excitedly.

"What?! Third! Is what he said true? Didn't I tell you not to threaten murder!" Xin Yu questioned Scarface.

"Boss! I didn't kill anyone! I just threatened them, but boss, the fourth brother was really killed by them, you have to make the decision for the fourth brother! Take revenge for the fourth brother!" Dao Scar cried with tears .

At this time, a young man in his early twenties wearing a red windbreaker and with red phoenix eyes next to Xinyu said: "Brother! Why are you talking to them! They kill you!"
The death of the fourth child is a fact, no matter who is right or wrong, as long as the fourth child dies, then we will avenge him. "

"Everyone, you have also heard that although what our third and fourth brothers did was wrong, they didn't kill people, did they? But you killed the fourth because you didn't agree with each other. We can't forgive you. I used to be a soldier and nothing else. I understand but I know how to kill for life." Xin Yu said.

"Oh? According to you, we are still wrong, but the robber should be killed, but you have a conscience, how about we make a bet?" Lin Ye replied.

"What are you gambling?"

"Just bet on you."


"Yes! It's you! I will fight with you and you win and we will let you handle it, but if you lose, you will dismiss your subordinates and I want you to follow me." Lin Ye stared at Xin Yu and said.

"You want me to be your subordinate? I, Xin Yu, have never been controlled by others, and the game is not valid. What's more, I have five superpowers who have countless firepower. Why should I bet with you?" Xin Yu touched Said the six-barreled machine gun.

"Do you really think you have a chance of winning? Come and see him." Lin Ye pointed to Aidier and continued, "Who among you can see the depth of his strength? He killed your fourth child."

Being pointed at by Lin Ye, Xin Yu and others discovered that Aidier was standing behind Lin Ye. After a closer look, he really couldn't see his strength. This made Xin Yu and others panic. He was already the strongest in the base. The second level of extraordinary, but still can't see his strength, could it be...

Lin Ye saw their panic, and said to them: "How about it? Have you considered it? If you disagree, I will let him start the slaughter. There is only one chance."

(End of this chapter)

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