Chapter 789 Showdown
Xin Yu turned around and said to them: "What do you think? That person is definitely not something we can provoke. Even if my second child and I block him alone, I can't see through the person who wants to bet with me, and they There are also a lot of people of the extraordinary class, no matter what happens today, we have encountered a hurdle."

"Brother, why don't we fight them! Anyway, you saved our life, so it's okay to give it back to you!" said the rest of the robbers.

"No! I rescued you back so that you can live a good life. There is nothing to die. Besides, even if I lose with him, I won't be afraid of death. It's just being his subordinate. Look at the many people behind him Aren't people who are even stronger than me also subordinate to him?" After speaking, Xin Yu turned around and shouted at Lin Ye, "Okay, I promise you!"

After weighing it over and over again, Xin Yu said to Lin Ye: "Okay! Brother, I joined the game, I hope you keep your word!"

Alice turned around and said to Lin Ye: "Brother Lin Ye, do you really want to go out and deal with that second-order extraordinary guy in person? Although you can kill zombies of first-order extraordinary now, people are different from zombies, and you Amnesia has not yet recovered, some skills you do not know how to cast."

Adil also said: "Yes! Lin Ye, my sister is right, why don't you let me fight him, at worst I will let him have one hand, or just kill them all, why bother?" How about recruiting him?"

Everyone in the Sanren Guild is worried about Lin Ye, thinking that he is too reckless, because this gamble is meaningless, except for one person, who has always liked Alice's Dianlan, and he most wants Lin Ye to go In a duel, after all, if he dies, he will lose a competitor, and he has to do it himself if he saves it. How could he not like such a pleasant thing of killing with a knife?
So Dian Lan said with a smile: "Everyone, don't worry! Brother Lin has always only done things that he is sure of. Since he dared to raise this bet, it shows that he has great confidence to win. Brother Lin, am I right? ?" Although he said so, he didn't think so in his heart, he wished that Lin Ye would die without a place to bury him.

Lin Ye had some considerations in setting up this gamble, because first of all, he was still alone at the moment, regardless of the Sanren Guild by his side, but if the Sanren Guild returned and separated, he would not have a partner who could fight with him, besides, he saw It can be concluded that this bandit boss is not someone who burns, kills, and loots. He used to be a soldier, so it is not difficult to understand why there are so many military firepower on the wall, and Lin Ye thinks that he must have changed his career to be a bandit for the purpose of being a bandit in the last days. It is a last resort choice to survive. He himself said that it is okay to grab things but not kill ordinary people, which shows that he is still human. Lin Ye is interested in him and wants him to join his team.

Lin Ye said: "Don't worry, everyone! My current strength can be said to be at the second level of extraordinary. The disadvantage is that I don't have many skills, but it doesn't matter. Even if I can't win, I can't lose." Turning around and facing the wall, he shouted: "Xin Yu! Since you agreed, let's start. I heard that you are a dark-type power user, and I won't take advantage of you. I am a water-type power user."

"Okay!" Xin Yu agreed, and led the five of his men to jump down from the wall, leaving several deep footprints on the ground.

Lin Ye touched the shoulders of brothers Edil and Alice and walked forward alone, holding the diamond-shaped weapon Baqihan Sword as thin as a cicada's wings in his hand. The transparent and slightly blue sword body shines brightly under the sunlight , Lin Ye pointed the Baqihan sword obliquely at the ground, and a thin but extremely hard layer of ice instantly condensed on the body. When this ice layer cuts the enemy's body, the cold air will enter the body, causing the enemy's internal system to disorder, resulting in severe internal injury.

But Xin Yu didn't know about it. He only thought that Lin Ye's knife was very dangerous. Lin Ye was very dangerous because he couldn't see Lin Ye through. Take the initiative to try the depth.

"Shadow step." After Xin Yu finished speaking, she immediately turned into a black shadow on the ground, and in an instant moved tens of meters to come behind Lin Ye out of thin air. A five-centimeter-long black conical spike extended from the fingernail of her right hand. With a violent wave, it hit Lin Ye's throat.

"Lin Ye, be careful!" Aidier said naturally at the third level of extraordinary strength. He could clearly see Xin Yu's attack route, so he reminded Lin Ye loudly.

Lin Ye was startled, this guy is really not simple, if his eyes were slow, his eyes would turn red, he quickly erected the Baqi cold sword in front of him, blocking Xin Yu's right hand that was swiping with all his strength, and the sharp spikes hit the Baqi sword violently. There was a sound of metal colliding on the sword of Qihanjian, and several deep marks were drawn on the ice layer on the surface of Baqihanjian. The ice chips were scattered in the air, and a beautiful rainbow was actually refracted under the sunlight. , It's just that the timing of the rainbow's appearance makes people have no time to appreciate it.

Everyone was sweating for Lin Ye, except for Dian Lan, who hated him so much, Xin Yu, Xin Yu, why can't you even kill such a weak person, how did you become a bandit boss!

"Brother Lin has good eyesight, and he can even catch my shadow step steadily, but this is just a test of the water, this time I will try my best!" Xin Yu said immediately after returning to the original place after the failed blow.

Lin Ye said: "Brother Xin Yu has a good trick! I almost fell into your way, but this time I will go all out!"

Lin Ye didn't tell anyone that he was actually in the fishing village last night. In fact, he kept thinking about the skills he once had, and kept thinking about the last battle before he lost his memory. He saw himself in memory casting a 30-meter Gao's huge ice sword slashed at a zombie warrior, and he couldn't remember it anymore. No matter how much he endured the pain and recalled it, he still had no clue, but Lin Ye didn't give up. Powerful super skills, I must learn them as soon as possible so that I can live longer in the future.

Looking at the current situation, if Lin Ye doesn't use the Frost Mystery Slash, he can't do it. It's okay to kill low-level zombies with only small skills like ice blades, but it's still difficult to deal with strong humans of the same class, let alone Xin Yu's The supernatural ability is of the dark type, and the elusive ice blade is even more difficult to hit, so he can only be defeated with a full blow.

And Xinyu happened to think so too, because he knew that the dark system was a hidden assassination, but his shadow step couldn't cause damage to Lin Ye, so even other assassination hidden attacks would almost all be blocked by Lin Ye, so Instead of trying to do useless work, it is better to kill Lin Ye directly with the strongest ultimate move.

(End of this chapter)

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