Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 790 The Dark World

Chapter 790 The Dark World
"Brother Lin! Take the move! Win or lose with one move!" Xin Yu roared.After he finished speaking, his whole body turned into a black shadow, but there seemed to be a layer of black armor on the surface. The sunlight around Xin Yu seemed to be absorbed, making it difficult for people to see where he was. 20cm triangular bayonet.

"Look! Brother used that trick!" said the young man in the red windbreaker. "That's right! That's Big Brother's strongest ultimate move. It enhances your own state and physical fitness, and absorbs the sunlight from the outside world so that people within ten meters can't see where he is, while people within ten meters can only see a large shadow , I don’t even know where the eldest brother is in the circle.” Scarface continued.

"Brother Lin, to tell you the truth, this is my full state. If you don't have the ability to kill large areas, I advise you to surrender! lest I accidentally hurt you!" Lin Ye heard Xin Yu's voice from the shadows , but couldn't see where he was at this time

After Lin Ye saw Xin Yu's killer skills, he fell into deep thought. He only had the primary skill of the third brother, Ice Blade, Ice Power, and Ice Control.Although Lin Ye recalled his Frost Mystery Slash skill last night, he only mastered the theory and did not fully cast it after amnesia. Besides, he is only at the second-order level of Transcendence, even if he casts it. It is still unknown whether it can reach the power in memory when it comes out.Lin Ye decided to put himself to the test, first using his primary skills with the Baqi Hanjian to try to fight Xin Yu.

"Brother Lin! Didn't you underestimate me and don't let go of any skills? Don't blame me for not reminding you!" Xin Yu yelled at Lin Ye as he rushed over.

"Then you have to see if your current state is qualified to force me to make a move. I won't waste my energy in vain." Lin Ye chuckled lightly.Lin Ye just wanted to annoy Xin Yu, make him lose his mind and disrupt the rhythm of the attack, so that Lin Ye could wait for the opportunity to defeat him.

"Okay! Then you die! Don't forget that the skill that kills you is called Dark Realm, a world of eternal darkness." Xin Yu roared.

Before the words were finished, Xin Yu had rushed to less than ten meters away from Lin Ye, and Lin Ye had completely entered the range of Xin Yu's skill Dark Realm. Indeed, Lin Ye couldn't see anything in the Dark Realm, no different from a blind man , now only hearing can help him, but Lin Ye's instinct kept him from panicking in this state. He first covered his whole body with ice armor, and tried his best to use his hearing to find Xin Yu's trace.

"Don't waste your efforts! To tell you the truth, in my dark world, I can be said to be a god. No matter how good your defense is, I can hack you to death with one knife. It's just a matter of time, haha, Even if you have the ability to instantly move dozens of meters, I can immediately approach you with a shadow step, so if you can't run away, you can either surrender or be killed, you choose!" Xin Yu said arrogantly.

"Surrender? Hehe, you are too arrogant, I have nothing? Come on! Let me see your dark world!" Lin Ye was also mobilized and shouted excitedly.

Xin Yu didn't say anything, he wanted to tell Lin Ye how strong he was with his strength, so Xin Yu immediately rushed towards Lin Ye, swung his right hand out, lunged and bounced violently, and this blow was extremely fierce, pointing directly at Lin Ye's chest heart.

Although Lin Ye can't see with his eyes, he has reached the fifth level of epic strength. Although he is not proficient in some supernatural skills, his physical fitness will not decrease with amnesia, so Lin Ye's hearing can completely keep up. Xin Yu, he could even hear the distance Xin Yu moved with each step, so when Xin Yu stabbed Lin Ye with a bayonet, Lin Ye had already discovered and prepared defensive measures, and put the Baqihan Sword in his right hand on the ground. The left hand is parallel to the front of the body, and there is only a crisp sound of "ding", which is the sound of the military stab colliding with the eight strange cold sword.Lin Ye was repelled by Xin Yu for a few steps, and he was able to stop when he hit a big tree behind him.

"What, that kid blocked it!? He actually blocked the instant kill of the boss, or the instant kill in a complete state in the dark world. At the beginning, I didn't even react before the boss put the army stab on my neck! " said the boy in the red windbreaker among the robbers.

Compared to the shock of the robbers, the Sanren Guild breathed a sigh of relief. After listening to what the young man in red said, they realized how much risk Lin Ye had taken in the dark world.

In the same way, Xinyu himself did not expect that Lin Ye could still catch his own attack in his own dark world. This can only show that Lin Ye is either deluded, or his strength is too much higher than his own, and it is impossible to absolutely Impossible, if he is so much stronger than himself, how could he talk to me so much, I don't believe it.

Just as Xin Yu was thinking, Lin Ye closed his eyes and faced the darkness and was also meditating. Lin Ye also didn't expect that he could clearly hear Xin Yu's position and moves, but he still couldn't resist his attack. This is because he was knocked back a few steps even though he was blocking it. If there is no blocking, it will definitely pierce through the heart.

But Lin Ye couldn't show his panic on his face. Although Lin Ye couldn't see Xin Yu, Lin Ye knew that Xin Yu could clearly see his every move and even the expression on his face. Lin Ye couldn't make him feel Lin Ye wanted to irritate Xin Yu, so he continued to say to the darkness, "How is it? Are you scared! To tell you the truth, although you have strengthened in the dark world, I can still clearly detect Your every move is in my mind. Although you hide it deeply and lower your voice, it still rings like thunder in my ears. I was almost hurt by you just now, but I didn’t react. Give up, you can't hurt me!"

"Impossible! You are just a coincidence! I don't believe it, you and I are both at the second level of the extraordinary and you didn't exist to find me. My dark world is invincible among the extraordinary!" Xin Yu roared, because Lin Ye Overturned his cognition.

"Whether you admit it or not, I can hear

And judge your every move, if you don't believe it, you can try again! "Lin Ye continued to irritate him.

"I don't believe it! Lin Ye, take your life!" After saying that, Xin Yu began to attack Lin Ye crazily, using the instant-killing shadow steps crazily. The people watching outside didn't know what happened inside, but the The sound is endless, and it is very intense to just listen to the sound.

"Brother, do you think Brother Lin Ye will be fine?" Alice asked Edil worriedly.

"Don't worry, sister, can't you hear if you can't see it? From the beginning to the end, there were sounds of weapons colliding in the Dark Realm. Lin Ye didn't make a cry, which means he wasn't hurt at all." Adil said truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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