Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 792 Multiple Zombies

Chapter 792 Multiple Zombies
Xin Yu was obviously moved by Lin Ye's words, and his eyes hesitated.

"Brother, are you going to abandon us?" Seeing that Lin Ye was trying to abduct Brother Xinyu with his sweet words, the brothers hurriedly stopped them. Their eldest brother is their savior, and they want to be loyal to him for the rest of their lives. Let this kid abduct his elder brother to suffer.

Xin Yu was not willing to part with these brothers, but he knew that he could no longer beat Lin Ye, so he was willing to accept the bet. Since he participated in this bet, he must keep his promise.

Lin Ye told the ice dragon to stop attacking. Xin Yu looked at his brothers, although he was reluctant, "If you brothers still remember me as a big brother after the end of the world, come to Baidi City to find me. You will be warmly welcomed.”

"Brother!" The young man in red wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Xin Yu: "I know what you are going to say, but you all know how big brother is, I am willing to admit defeat, since I lost the bet, I will follow They're leaving, but I, Xin Yu, will never forget everyone, so let's just leave now!" Xin Yu clasped her fists and said.

Everyone was a little bit reluctant, but their eldest brother had said so, and they couldn't let him be a person who didn't keep his promise, so they all had to keep silent and watched Xin Yu and Lin Ye leave.

Lin Ye appreciated Xin Yu's character and strength, so he recruited him to go with him, so that he would have a strong partner, but since the Xin Yu brothers were all on their side, the thieves would definitely not make trouble again.

A few people left here and went back to the village, rested for a night, and after saying goodbye to the village chief the next day, Lin Ye left the fishing village with Alice and the others.

Aidier asked Zhang Liang who rescued Lin Ye before, he found Lin Ye in the southeast direction, so there must be some unknown danger in the southeast direction, which caused Lin Ye to lose his memory, so they decided to stay away from the southeast direction and head towards him. Start in the opposite direction, so that you can avoid danger with a certain probability.

The group walked for nearly half a day, "Everyone, take a rest where you are and have something to eat." Adil said.

Alice handed her bread to Lin Ye: "Brother Lin, come and eat my bread, you must be hungry after walking for so long."

Lin Ye pushed the bread to her and said with a smile, "You should eat it. Girls are already weak, and after walking for such a long time, your body must not be able to bear it. You should eat more to replenish your strength."

Alice smiled shyly, she didn't expect Brother Lin to care about her so much, "It's okay, I don't eat much, Brother Lin should eat."

"Let's eat sister Alice." Lin Ye said.

"Wow!" Edil put a large bag of bread in front of the two of them, and said helplessly, "There are still so many breads here, why are you two pushing around for such a piece of bread?"

Alice's face turned redder in an instant, and Xin Yu next to her couldn't help eating, watching the slightly embarrassed Lin Ye like watching a play, Lin Ye scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I thought our food Not enough."

"You two are really stupid." Edil said with his hands on his forehead.

While everyone was laughing and chatting, suddenly there was a roar in the distance, mixed with the sound of dragging and tearing, which was obviously the sound of zombies coming.

"Everyone be on alert!" Adil shouted, and everyone stood up, holding their weapons in their hands, staring nervously at the direction of the sound, the sound was getting closer, and according to different roars, they could It is certain that there must be more than one zombie, there may be a dozen, but for those of them who have survived for such a long time in the doomsday, a dozen zombies will not pose a threat to life at all, and they still have two zombies here. For an extraordinary supernatural being, it is easy to beat up a few zombies. This is the reason, but at this time everyone has a nervous and fearful expression on their faces, because they feel that those zombies are no less than Amethyst, Most of them are extraordinary, and it is definitely very difficult to deal with them, but fortunately, Lin Ye is about to break through the extraordinary advanced epic, so he can still fight.

They thought about this before the sound was so close that they saw the zombies, but when they saw the five-meter-tall monster, they realized that it was simply a delusion.

Those people stared at the monster with more than a dozen heads dumbfounded, and they stuttered in shock: "This, this, what is this..."

Lin Ye, Xinyu and the others couldn't believe it either. They have all survived for such a long time in the apocalypse, and they have seen many kinds of zombies, but they have never seen this kind of monster. More than a dozen heads, and not all of them are human heads, mixed with the heads of various dogs, pigs and other animals. These heads grow on a huge body and are still biting each other. This scene is too overwhelming. It's unbelievable that the heads of humans and animals are biting each other on the same body, and different levels of abilities emanate from this zombie, some are amethyst, and some are extraordinary. Why does this zombie have different levels of abilities? can? !
Several people looked at each other, not knowing why, but seeing those heads biting back and forth, they didn't pay attention to their intentions at all, facing such a monster, it's still the best policy.

Edil quietly ordered the others to pack up and retreat. In order not to attract the attention of the monster, the group of people moved on tiptoe. When they thought they could retreat successfully like this, because of the fierce fighting, there was a person who did not know what kind of flesh and blood The fuzzy head was directed at them, and it was on a girl. The girl was very scared and nervous because of seeing such a monster. Suddenly, such a thing came, and she screamed instinctively. Just as Edil was about to stop it, she had already Before it was too late, the monster zombie had noticed them, they stopped biting each other, and turned their heads to look at them together. Seeing that they had been discovered, Edil shouted: "Run!"

Everyone stopped holding their things and ran forward with all their might, but Lin Ye and Xin Yu didn't move.

"What are you doing, run!" Adil called them.

"Run quickly, we will delay you, don't forget that zombies are several times faster than humans," Lin Ye said.

"No, this guy is so powerful, why are you two its opponents, you should run away together!" Adil persuaded, and Alice also looked at Lin Ye worriedly: "Brother Lin..."

"Stop talking nonsense, run quickly, or there will be no time!" Xin Yu shouted as he watched the zombies getting closer.

"Aidier, take Alice away quickly. Don't worry, we two supernatural beings can still handle it for a while. After you all run away, Brother Xinyu and I will get away to find you." Lin Ye said Pushing them forward: "Sister Alice, if you are obedient, brother Lin will definitely go to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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