Chapter 793

Alice had tears in her eyes. Although she was still worried about Lin Ye, she didn't say anything more, and left quickly with her brother Edil.

"Must come to us!" Adil shouted to them.

"Most definitely!"

When Eddie and Alice left, the monster was only a few steps away from them, and both of them made an attack posture, "We still don't know what its strength is, so we two will attack him before he attacks." A relatively violent attack, which can make him a little scared, after all, more than half of his head belongs to animals, so we must attack animals first." Lin Ye said.

Xin Yu nodded: "I understand."

The two activated their abilities together. Lin Ye first blasted the zombie with ice thorns, forcing the zombie to resist indiscriminately, and then restrained him with the ice bondage, "Hurry up, while it's now!" Lin Ye shouted.

Xin Yu moved out in an instant, slashed at those heads with a knife, and moved back in an instant before it fought back fiercely. Lin Ye looked at him and thought that the speed was really unbelievable. The moment the monster blinked It left him with countless wounds.

The zombie roared continuously because of the wound, and then ran towards the two with heavy steps. Lin Ye and Xin Yu dodged nimbly, and the two jumped behind it together. Because the monster was huge, it turned around very quickly. It's hard work, and the forest here restricts his activities even more. Lin Ye realized this, "Brother Xinyu, I'll attract its attention from the front, and you attack it from behind, it will be very inflexible when turning around. It turns to you, then I will attack it from behind, so that we can annihilate him in one fell swoop!"

"Good way, then you be careful." Said.

Lin Ye nodded, and then moved to the front of the zombie. Facing it were all kinds of ice picks and ice thorns. The sharp icicles penetrated into the zombie's body, causing it to attack Lin Ye crazily. Dodge, it is really unusual for this monster to go crazy!
Xin Yu wasn't idle either. He was attacking the zombies in various ways. The zombies were attacked from the back and the back, and they couldn't take care of them. In addition, the head on the body didn't know how to cooperate, so they were very passive.

Watching the zombie hit the surrounding trees with its huge body, the dozen heads roared together, and the sound was so loud that if there were any birds in the forest, they would be scared to fly around.

"We gave him the last blow and finished him," Xin Yu said.

Lin Ye nodded, and went to catch up with Alice and the others, so they shouldn't worry too much.

When the two joined forces and were about to kill the monster, suddenly, the situation changed. The monster zombie was no longer so rampant, but blocked the attack of the two!
"What's going on?" Lin Ye wondered, the zombie shouldn't be able to judge the direction of their attack so quickly, why does he feel that he is different now.

"Lin Ye, look at their heads." Xin Yu said.

Hearing what Xin Yu said, Lin Ye looked at the zombie's head, and found that the dozen or so heads were not in harmony at first, so he couldn't control the body stably, but now, one human head moved to the front, and the other heads moved to the front. The heads moved to the back voluntarily, as if they were listening to the command of the head in front. Not only that, but the other heads were facing in all directions. In this way, there was no dead angle for it, and there was no way to attack it at all!
"Why are they suddenly so united?" Lin Ye murmured.

"I think it should be because the human head in front is of the highest level, plus our attack just now, that's why they changed their strategy." Xin Yu said.

"No way, this zombie still has ideas? I can accept that human zombies have ideas and are obedient, but how can the beast cooperate so much?" Lin Ye couldn't believe it.

Xin Yu didn't quite understand either, but because they suddenly became so united, they needed to change their combat strategy.

The two of them took a few steps back together, only to see that the zombie grabbed the nearby tree with one hand, and uprooted the tree with the other. It waved the trunk and hit Lin Ye Xinyu, the trunk hit the ground, hitting Dust was flying around, Lin Ye and Xin Yu had already jumped to the side, they looked at each other, nodded to each other, ready to attack from left and right, but they moved over, they were hit by the swinging tree trunk and flew out, He fell hard to the ground.

The speed of this zombie has increased!And at the moment when they approached just now, Lin Yefa saw that the wound they caused to the zombie was slowly healing, which was beyond their cognition. The zombie mutated because the cells died of the virus infection. So they are dead people, how could they still heal their wounds? He wanted to tell Xin Yu about the problem he discovered, but because the zombies were attacking constantly, the speed was getting faster and faster, almost all of them were in the extraordinary stage. Speed ​​up!
If all of this behemoth becomes extraordinary, then he and Xin Yu will be buried here!

However, he can still feel the power of the amethyst stage, so his worries should be unnecessary. Now that the zombies are attacking Xin Yu, Lin Ye wants to find its breakthrough, but finds it difficult. The heads are all looking in different directions, and it is difficult to sneak attack it while avoiding these eyes.

Xin Yu had already been beaten back again and again by it, unable to fight back at all. The zombie let out a burst of triumphant laughter, which made Lin Ye even more surprised. Thinking can actually make the beast think. Isn't he dead?Or are some of these heads alive?This is incredible!
As for Xinyu, he was accidentally hit by the tree trunk and fell to the ground. Before he got up, the zombie's huge foot stepped on it. At the very moment, Lin Ye used an ice shield to help him block the foot , but many cracks appeared on the ice shield in an instant. One can imagine how heavy the kick was. Xin Yu hurriedly stood up and gave Lin Ye a thankful look. The zombie rushed over again. Xin Yu turned around and jumped onto a tree. It was on a thicker tree, so that he could keep eye level with the zombie, but the zombie didn't chase after him, and turned to hit Lin Ye. Lin Ye was also forced back again and again by it, but he could continue to shoot at the zombie. Sprinkle water on each joint of the body, and then freeze into ice in an instant. Although the zombie will break free quickly, it can slow down his movement speed. Lin Ye took advantage of this gap to jump to Xin Yu and told him what he just discovered. Like him, they were astonished. The two of them saw that the zombie was about to break free from the shackles of the ice, and they didn't know what to do. If they just ran away, the monster would definitely follow their scent and find them. Time is bound to be more troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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