Chapter 794 Escape

Suddenly the zombie broke free, and then rushed towards the tree where he was at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, directly breaking the tree that could not be surrounded by two adults, and the tree fell to the ground. Lin Ye When Xin Yu was still in the future and got up to run away, a tree trunk fell towards them. Lin Ye instinctively pushed Xin Yu forward in front of him, and the thick tree trunk hit Lin Ye hard on the head. Lin Ye fell to the ground, with blood streaming down his face, and Lin Ye couldn't feel his head, but everything was covered, and Xin Yu's exclamation was still in his ears, but he couldn't hear what Xin Yu shouted again, and his consciousness became weaker and weaker. It became more and more blurred, and there were countless double images of the multi-headed zombies, as well as the tree trunk that fell again.

Xin Yu kicked the tree trunk away, carried Lin Ye on his back, and then opened the dark world, which was to help them escape.Lin Ye's blood has soaked his back, hold on, Lin Ye!Xin Yu shouted in her heart.

He flashed his figure quickly so that the zombies could not confirm his location, but he can't go to Adil and the others now, otherwise it would be bad to lure this zombie there, but he is not very familiar with him nearby, and now Lin Ye was seriously injured again, If it is not bandaged in time, I am afraid that there is a danger of life!
"Don't worry, since you saved me, even if I, Xin Yu, take this life, I can't just let you die like this!" Xin Yu promised to Lin Ye who passed out on his back.


Here, Li Jie, Yehua City Lord Duanmuhan and others couldn't find Lin Ye at all after fighting the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang. They mobilized many human troops to search, but they couldn't find him. This is strange. After Lin Ye defeated the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse king, most of the people present fell into a comatose state. After they woke up, they didn't find Lin Ye. Some people even made alarmist rumors that Lin Ye In the battle with the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor, his soul was scattered, and there was not even a whole corpse left.For such rumors, Wei Chen gave him a hard lesson. Lin Ye defeated the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang and won the victory for them. He is their hero. They will do everything possible to find him. Duanmuhan also said: "Live If you want to see people, if you want to die, you need to see corpses!"

Xuewu here learned that Lin Ye was missing from Li Jie who came back, and almost fainted in a hurry, so she went to exterminate the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor. Lin Ye did not let her go with her for the sake of her safety. Staying here waiting for the good news of his triumphant return, but waiting for the bad news that he is gone, or even dead, Xuewu couldn't accept it, she wanted to find him in person, Li Jie hurriedly stopped her: "It's so dangerous outside, you are alone It would be dangerous to go out!"

"I don't care if it's dangerous or not right now, I'm worried about Brother Lin! Nothing happens to him, I'm going to find him!" Xue Wu ran out emotionally.

"We have searched thoroughly in a radius of several miles, and there is no trace of Lin Ye at all, nor his body, which means that he is still alive, and he may have gone somewhere after waking up, Xuewu, calm down first, it is okay for you to run out at this time Trouble, please calm down!" Li Jie shouted loudly, he knew how important Lin Ye was to Xuewu, and Xuewu was also very important to Lin Ye, so he had to protect him for the sake of his brother. Good Xuewu.

And Xuewu looked outside blankly, tears streaming down her face, she was very flustered inside, because she could feel that something happened to Lin Ye, but she could only hide here and could not help him, this made her very sad, and missed her Following Lin Ye in this doomsday for such a long time, Lin Ye saved her countless times, but at this time Lin Ye was in danger, but she was helpless, and she even had no way to find it. Thinking of this, Xue Wu paralyzed sat on the ground, covered his face and burst into tears.

Seeing Xuewu like this, Li Jie felt very sad. At this moment, he could only pray that Lin Ye could be found soon.

And here, Xin Yu carried Lin Ye on his back, temporarily throwing off the pursuit of the multi-headed zombie, but it was only temporary, because he could still feel the breath of the zombie, which meant that it was nearby.

There was a dilapidated house not far ahead, Xin Yu hid in with Lin Ye on his back, and then he quickly checked Lin Ye's wound, a large area of ​​blood had already flowed out, and the wound was still bleeding continuously. Well, Lin Ye is a supernatural person, or a superpowerful person. If an ordinary person bleeds like this, he would have lost too much blood and died, but fortunately, he has experienced in this end of the world, so he has cultivated In addition to carrying some of the most basic medicines for bruises with you, medicines are the most precious in this era.

Xin Yu sprinkled the medicine on the wound, then tore off the cloth strips from her inner clothes, and gave Lin Ye a simple bandage, so as to stop the bleeding temporarily, even if Lin Ye is a supernatural person, the blood still has life if it flows like this dangerous.

Because of fighting with multiple zombies before, Xin Yu has already used up a lot of powers, and at this time he has also opened up the dark world, and now his body is about to be overwhelmed, and the powers in his body are not enough, and there are waves of wind outside the house, or other Every little movement can make Xinyu's spirit tense. At this time, he is extremely tired, his body wants to rest very much, but his spirit needs to concentrate, and he feels as uncomfortable as being in dire straits.

Lin Ye next to him was babbling uncomfortably because of the pain, and suddenly there was a loud roar outside, obviously it was the many zombies who came here!

Xin Yu looked at Lin Ye, thinking that he would go out and lure the zombies away, but he was afraid that Lin Ye, who was now defenseless, would be attacked by other zombies, so he couldn't help it. Could it be that both of them were buried here today? ?
The multi-headed zombies are getting closer and closer, and all the surrounding trees have been destroyed by him. It was obviously irritated by Xin Yu and Lin Ye. At this moment, it wanted to catch them and tear them into pieces. It had already seen the small broken house in front of it. , and knowing that the two people were hiding there, it raised the trunk and threw it at the small hut. The dilapidated hut instantly turned into ruins, dust was flying, and the many zombies laughed harshly triumphantly. When he waved the tree trunk and smashed it down again, a figure suddenly flew out from the dust. This figure was Xin Yu. He held Lin Ye's Eight Strange Cold Sword in one hand, and quickly launched a secret attack at the many zombies with the other hand. When many zombies were confused by the dark system, Xin Yu cut off the head of the human leader with a sword, and the zombies roared immediately, shaking their huge bodies and retreating again and again. Xin Yu took advantage of this gap to carry Lin Ye on his back. Running away again, he knew that just beheading one of the heads of the many zombies would not kill them, but most of them could buy time for them to escape again. After all, he used up all the abilities in his body just now to hit him. Holding Lin Ye was very difficult.

After he ran out of strength, looking at Lin Ye who was still in a coma, Xin Yu had two ways to save his life.

(End of this chapter)

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