Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 795 Find the weakness

Chapter 795 Find the weakness
The first one is to throw Lin Ye here and he escapes alone, but Xin Yu has been a loyal person since he was a child, Lin Ye was only injured in order to save him, he would never leave him behind, and the second method That is, Xin Yu gave Lin Ye his own heterogeneous core to eat, so that his wounds can not only heal, but also directly break through the extraordinary and advance to the epic, so that Wanquan can defeat the multi-headed zombie, but since then, Xin Yu's ability It will be reduced to bronze, and it will be very painful to take out the heterocore. The price is too high. Xin Yu looked at Lin Ye. He and him have known each other for two days. Ye even risked his life to save him once. Xin Yu was hesitant, but when he heard the roar of many zombies in the distance, he saw Lin Ye frowning in pain, thinking that Lin Ye would push him away from the zombie tree trunk without hesitation. Ye is a man worthy of deep friendship, so let's repay his life-saving grace.

After making the decision, Xin Yu didn't waste any more time, took out the dagger, and stabbed at the location of the different core, endured the pain, and took out the different core from his body. The nucleus was pushed into Lin Ye's mouth, and after he swallowed it, his body fell to the ground, his consciousness became more and more blurred, exhaustion and pain tortured him and he passed out.

Aidier led the others to find a small human base, and their leader was Wei Chen. Wei Chen led them, but after waiting for a long time, they did not see Lin Ye and the others chasing them. They were very worried, and Alice couldn't stop going far away. Looking around, Wei Chen came over and asked, "Do you have any other partners?"

"Yeah, we met zombies on the way. In order to cover our escape, those two people willingly stayed behind. They said that they would chase after the time delay, but they haven't seen anyone yet. I don't know if they met them. Difficult opponent." Adil replied worriedly, his face full of anxiety.

Wei Chen knew how his partner had disappeared. After all, they were still searching for Lin Ye: "How about I send some supernatural beings to look for it?"

"Well, let me go. My two friends are both at the extraordinary level. If they can't deal with them together, they must be a very difficult guy. It would be a pointless sacrifice to send others. I will go find them, maybe It can help," Eddie said.

Wei Chen nodded, he could feel the strength of the person in front of him, so he didn't say anything more.

And Alice also clamored to find Lin Ye with Adil, but Adil refused: "Sister, you are obedient, staying here is the safest for you, I promise you, I will definitely give you your brother Lin." Bring it back." After finishing speaking, Adil quickly moved away, without giving Alice a chance to speak again.

Here Lin Ye gradually regained consciousness, because after being smashed by the many zombies, he regained his memory by accident. He saw Xin Yu lying beside him, saw his wound, and found the scar on his forehead. The wound had completely healed, and when he felt the steady stream of supernatural powers on his body, he instantly understood what had happened.

He moved Xin Yu to a very hidden cave, and bandaged his wound, "Not only did you not leave me and run away alone, but you also used your own alien core to heal the wound. I, Lin Ye, am so loyal to me. , will definitely pay back a hundredfold! After finishing speaking, Lin Ye stood up, listening to the screams of many zombies outside, only killing intent in his eyes.

He rushed out, first kicked the zombie directly, the zombie stepped back a few steps, looked at Lin Ye who was so small, yelled a few times, and then rushed up, Lin Ye was about to dodge but was still hit, he forgot There is no blind spot for this multi-headed zombie. No matter where he hides, he will be found by him, because the Baqihan Sword is not in his hand, and Lin Ye can't get close to it. Let's go to the Baqihan Sword first. Lin Ye jumped into it. With a jump, he jumped to the other side, and faced the multi-headed zombie with a burst of icicles. When the multi-headed zombie's anger was all concentrated on Lin Ye, Lin Ye turned and ran back. The multi-headed zombie was chasing after him, waiting for Lin Ye. After Ye ran to Baqi Hanjian, he stopped and confronted the many zombies.

If you want to defeat this multi-headed zombie, you must cut off its head first, so that you can attack its huge body, but when this zombie has a head chopped off by Xin Yu, he knows that the head is his weakness, so he also focuses on it. Protecting his head, Lin Ye couldn't get close at all.

Lin Ye planned to freeze its elbow first, and then attack its head when its hands were inconvenient, but found that the zombie was very strong, which may be the reason for being annoyed. He broke away in an instant, and quickly blocked Lin Ye who wanted to approach his head. The tree trunk swung vigorously, and with the strong wind around, Lin Ye directly split the tree trunk in half with the Baqihan Sword , the multi-headed zombie lost its weapon, and its aura instantly became much weaker. It took a slight step back, and then took a defensive posture. It seems that this zombie is really thinking, but it is not like the ancient zombie warrior corpse before. The emperor can communicate directly like a human being. Maybe this multi-headed zombie is like the thinking of a five or six-year-old child. He knows the most basic evasion, but he doesn't know more.

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth curled up slightly. Maybe to deal with this multi-headed zombie, you only need to coax a five or six-year-old child. You don't need to think about everything too complicated. Thinking of this, Lin Ye released the ice dragon, and it was huge. The ice dragon hovered in mid-air, and the attention of the many zombies was immediately attracted by the ice dragon. It looked at the ice dragon cautiously from the beginning of fear, Lin Ye let the ice dragon slowly approach the many zombies, And try to play with it. Slowly, many zombies began to be interested in the ice dragon. Sure enough, because they saw such a monster before, they attacked it violently. If it was an ordinary zombie, it would have already been beaten Dead, and this multi-headed zombie is a zombie with human thinking. When attacked and injured, it will not just attack and bite like ordinary zombies. It will generate anger externally, and know how to defend, know Where is his weakness, and he knows how to protect his own weakness, so Lin Ye plans, since this is a child, let his anger be lowered first, and then let him no longer be in the defense of concentration, so that he can keep on going Hit and break.

The attention of the multi-headed zombies was mostly attracted by the ice dragon. It started to play with the ice dragon, and kept making "giggle" sounds similar to laughter. Seeing those smiles with distorted heads, Lin Ye suddenly felt Feeling a sense of sadness from the heart, this is the sadness in the last days.

(End of this chapter)

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