Chapter 796 Reunion

They may all be cute and innocent children who came to this world only a few years ago before encountering the apocalypse and becoming what they are now. Lin Ye spent ten years in the apocalypse in his last life. In the middle of the year, he has seen countless sorrows, betrayal between relatives and brothers, some parents throw their children to zombies as bait in order to escape, how sad, humanity in the last days is wiped out, they In order to live, they will use all means, betray relatives, and do anything in order to live.

After being reborn, Lin Ye, apart from wanting to gain extremely powerful power, also thought that he would never really trust anyone in the future, and that he would only live for himself. He originally thought this way, but because he met many loyal people, he was willing again. Believe in other people, it is these people who make Lin Ye feel that human beings will not perish, and human beings can survive this doomsday.

The multi-headed zombie had already played with the ice dragon completely. Lin Ye raised the Baqihan Sword without any hesitation or overthinking, and went down with a single stroke of the sword, beheading all the heads of the multi-headed zombie, and the huge body of the multi-headed zombie collapsed. On the ground, it rolled on the ground in pain, Lin Ye didn't hesitate anymore, and directly inserted his sword into its body again, and a lot of green juice spewed out of his body instantly.

After the juice of the many zombies was sprayed out, its body turned into a shriveled piece of skin. Lin Ye found a supernatural nucleus from the skin, and then found it from the severed heads. Many different nuclei, large and small, were produced. He cleaned them up, and then drove back to the cave where he hid Xinyu, and fed all these heteronuclei to Xinyu. Soon these heteronuclei made Xinyu's wounds After healed, his consciousness slowly came to his senses. Because he was directly downgraded from extraordinary to bronze, although he ate these different cores and advanced to gold, his body became very weak because of the great disparity in supernatural powers. Although Xin Yu woke up, But he also closed his eyes and didn't speak, and he didn't have the strength to speak. Lin Ye didn't say anything, and he carried Xin Yu on his back and left here.

After recovering his memory, Lin Ye didn't plan to go to Adil and the others again. He thought about bringing Xinyu back to Weichen's human base, and first said goodbye to Xuewu Lijie and the others. They must be very worried about him now, but he didn't expect that On the way, he ran into Aidier who came to look for them, and learned that the group of them had gone to Wei Chen's human base. Lin Ye was helpless, and it seemed that there would be some troubles in the future.

As for the troubles Lin Ye mentioned, when they returned to the base, Wei Chen was really happy when he found out that the person Aidier and the others were looking for was Lin Ye. Li Jie told Xuewu the good news of Lin Ye's return. Wu hurriedly went to look for Lin Ye, but saw Alice hugging Lin Ye's pear blossoms and raining, "Brother Lin, luckily you're fine and came back safely. I'm really worried to death."

Lin Ye was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't push her away. He could only blame himself for provoking this girl after he lost his memory. He watched Xue Wu staring blankly at the two hugging each other, and coughed twice. Lin Ye just discovered Xuewu, and Xuewu also looked at him with tears in his eyes, and when he was about to call Xuewu, Xuewu suddenly turned around and ran away.

See, here's the trouble.

Wei Chen patted him on the shoulder sympathetically and jokingly said, "Brother, don't step on two boats, or you will be hit by thunder."

Lin Ye glanced at him, then looked at Alice, who was pregnant with him and kept crying, and Adil, who was staring at him as if saying that if you want to disappoint my sister, I will make you look good. Incomparably troublesome.

But the most important thing now is Xin Yu's matter. He was sent to the doctor because of lack of physical strength. Lin Ye probably explained the situation to them. The goodwill of his friends continued to rise, and they all thought of ways to help him together.

"He took out his own heterogeneous core, not only will he lose his ability, but he will also bring out his own essence, so that his body's physique will decline, which is why he is so weak. I want to restore him, It is not only necessary to supplement his abilities, but also to supplement his nutrition, so that the body’s physique can be recovered first, and then the abilities can be truly recovered.” Li Jie said that he already knew a man who took out his own heteronucleus for his wife. But at that time, because he didn't have decent food to supplement his physique, he finally passed away. His wife was heartbroken at the time. In order to prevent her from doing stupid things, Li Jie persuaded her for a long time at that time.

Lin Ye knew that there were so many people in the base and little food, how could there be so many nutrients to nourish Xin Yu, but he must let Xin Yu recover: "Wei Chen, you prepare some food for him first, I'm going out to find nutrition for him products and heteronuclei.”

"I'll go with you." Li Jie said, there are many dangers outside, although Lin Ye is already epic, there will still be enemies who can't resist, Lin Ye nodded gratefully to him.

Wei Chen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Lin Ye, don't worry, we all eat less, and nothing will happen to your brother. You should go back early."

Lin Ye also nodded, but he felt that he had to talk to Xuewu before leaving. After all, the two hadn't seen each other for so many days. He walked to Xuewu's door and knocked gently: "Xuewu , I came in."

He opened the door and walked in. Xuewu sat with his back to him, and raised her hand from time to time to touch her eyes. It seemed that she had been crying. Lin Ye walked to her side: "It's been so long since you've seen me, you miss me and want to cry." Is it?" He said and wiped her tears gently.

Xuewu turned slightly sideways, and said angrily, "No matter how much I miss Brother Lin, Brother Lin won't miss me, because you have other younger sisters to accompany you, so you have completely forgotten about Xuewu." The voice was infinitely wronged.

Lin Ye sighed, and said, "Xuewu, I'm going to find the alien nucleus for Xinyu soon, and I can't take too much time, but you have to know that you are in my heart and cannot be replaced or surpassed by others. You have followed me since the beginning, experienced all kinds of tribulations, life and death, you are my friend, brother, relative and only love, no one will replace you." Lin Ye said from the bottom of his heart, looking at Xuewu with his head bowed.

Xuewu raised his head to look at him, his eyes met, Xuewu burst into tears again, and the two hugged tightly.

"Brother Lin, you are also Xuewu's only love."

"Well, I know." Lin Ye's voice at this time was extremely gentle. This woman is someone he can never let down. He will always put her on the tip of his heart and cannot hurt her.

The two hugged each other for a while, and then Lin Ye let her go: "Okay, idiot, I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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