Chapter 798
The two of them stopped still, knowing that the thing below was not easy to mess with, and wondered if they could bypass it. However, this strange thing continuously exuded supernatural powers. Lin Ye was a little moved by the supernatural power.

He asked Li Jie to stay here, and then he swam slowly by himself. After swimming close, he realized that the sleeping guy was actually a big catfish. He didn't expect that there were catfish in this kind of river, but since he could sleep here He was still afraid of those strange fish, and he was a powerful guy after all. Lin Ye thought about how to kill him with one blow. If he attacked rashly but failed to focus on the vital points, then the catfish would be active. In this water, the two of them could not It must be the opponent, Lin Ye took out the Baqi Hanjian, and then pointed at the head of the big catfish to stab, but when he was about to stab, another thing suddenly appeared from behind the big catfish, Lin Ye was a little unexpected And, there was no time to dodge, fortunately Li Jie spotted that thing in the distance ahead of time, swam quickly to block it, and the two sides met, that thing turned out to be a fish body with a human face, don’t get me wrong, it’s not the mermaid you imagined , but with only a human face and a fish.

Li Jie retreated to Lin Ye's side and confronted the man-masked fish. It seemed that this was another weird species infected by a virus. A big threat, Li Jie asked Lin Ye to continue approaching the big catfish, he came to deal with the man-faced fish, Lin Ye nodded, and when he raised his sword to assassinate the big catfish again, he found that the big catfish that was still sleeping just now had disappeared!

How is this going? !The two looked at each other in dismay, both puzzled, how could they suddenly disappear without a trace when they were still here a second ago, no matter what, let's get rid of the mermaid first.

Although this merman's ability is not strong, but its speed is extremely fast, it will move to them and attack them in the blink of an eye. Confrontation from place to place, because in this dim water bottom, the moving speed of this human face is even more difficult to see clearly. It is not a solution to go on like this. Lin Ye released his ability to freeze all the waters around him, including the ground, so that that If the mermaid wanted to attack them, it had to attack from the top, and the two of them stared at the top together, ready to meet the attack at any time.

But the two of them waited for a long time and didn't see the figure of the man-masked fish. Could it be that it has already retreated?
Lin Ye slowly swam out to have a look. Apart from the black water outside, there was no trace of the fish with a human face. It was strange, do the fish here like to play hide-and-seek?He went back and shook his head at Li Jie, then removed the ice, a strange thing happened, the fish with a mask appeared again!Then it attacked him at a very fast speed. Lin Ye raised the Baqi Hanjian and slashed at him, but it was too fast to cut at all, which made Lin Ye a little annoyed. He looked at the mermaid, Ice instantly condensed at its position, and then surrounded it. The mermaid touched the ice wall, and then the ice wall melted!That's right, it melted, and it wasn't because of the kind of heat that melted, but was dissolved by a jet of black juice, and the water was filled with an unpleasant smell again, and this smell irritated the nasal cavity and skin. Lin Ye hurriedly pulled Li Jie backed away, this human-mask fish is highly poisonous!
Fortunately, I was not touched by him just now, or I would have been buried here. The poison of this man-faced fish can actually dissolve Lin Ye's ice. It can be seen that this poison is very powerful. If it is touched, even a person with supernatural powers will Lost life.

This thing is not easy to deal with, it is very fast, and it is very poisonous. The two of them swam towards the surface of the water vigorously. Lin Ye condensed a layer of ice below to prevent the man-mask from chasing him, but the man-mask was very The ice melted soon, and the big catfish that disappeared just now swam above them. This time they really saw the face of this big catfish, which was the same as the fish with human face. It seems that the two It's a group, one has high abilities, the other is highly poisonous, and there is a pincer attack from top to bottom, trying to eat Lin Ye and Li Jie!
However, epic-level power users are not vegetarians. Lin Ye glanced at the big catfish, then raised his hand and released a powerful power. Slowly, the whole river began to freeze. Li Jie surprised Lin Ye. With such a powerful ability, Lin Ye didn't stop. He froze all the water in the river. As soon as the man-masked fish melted the ice, Lin Ye quickly put it on ice again. The man-masked fish melted faster than Lin Ye had frozen it. The speed was fast, and then Lin Ye continued to freeze with one hand, and freed the other hand to release the power again, summoning the ice dragon, and he let the ice dragon attack the big catfish, and the ice dragon did not hesitate from the belly of the big catfish. Passed through the middle, and Lin Ye held the Baqi Hanjian, and ended the human-masked fish in the ice. The sword pierced through the heart, and he couldn't fight back at all. The battle was reversed at this moment. This is an epic level. Li Jie, who saw the strength of the supernatural being from the beginning to the end, was a little stunned.

After finishing these two troublesome things, Lin Ye took back all the ice, and then took out the heterogeneous nucleus of the big catfish and put it in his arms, but he did not intend to take the heteronucleus of the man-faced fish, after all, it contained drama. Poison, besides, its ability is not high, so don’t take any risks. After solving this, the two of them returned to the surface of the water to take a breath, and then continued to swim to the depths. They are not far away.

Lin Ye swam in front, and Li Jie followed closely behind. After reaching the bottom of the water, he found that there was nothing around. When Lin Ye turned his head and was about to talk to Li Jie, he found that Li Jie was gone!Strange, he was clearly following behind him, why did he disappear?

It was dark all around, and he could only see things vaguely. Lin Ye searched for Li Jie around, but didn't find him. Could it be that he didn't follow me and got lost?
"Lin Ye..."

"Lin...Lin Ye..."

Suddenly, Lin Ye seemed to hear someone calling him, he listened carefully, and after confirming the direction, he slowly swam towards that direction, but there was only darkness in front of him, he didn't dare to swim rashly, he could only feel his way. with.

"Lin Ye..." The voice was a little closer, and Lin Ye swam towards the source of the voice. He was a little surprised, how could he be able to make a sound at the bottom of the water? Could it be that he had some supernatural power to be able to speak at the bottom of the water?
"Lin Ye..." This voice is full of ethereal, not at all human-yelling, but it should not be a zombie. Ordinary zombies can't speak human words, unless it is like the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang, not only zombies , is still like a spirited monster, but he didn't feel such a powerful force, so it shouldn't be, or Li Jie, what kind of ability did he call him in order to find him?
(End of this chapter)

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