Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 799 Controlled

Chapter 799 Controlled

The most important thing now is to find Li Jie, Lin Ye no longer blindly guessed, he clenched the Eight Strange Cold Sword in his hand, and slowly swam over, when the sound seemed to be right in front of his eyes, the goosebumps on Lin Ye's body instantly Standing up, he saw that it was not Li Jie, it was a huge face against the water surface, its mouth opened and closed, making the sound of "Lin Ye".

This face will change with the fluctuation of the water pattern, so it should not be an entity, but a reflection. The master should be at the bottom of the water, and Lin Ye ruthlessly inserted the Baqihan Sword into the bottom of the water.

"Wow ah ah..." There was a cry like a baby from below, the reflection on the water opened its mouth wide, and then spewed out a stream of black juice, and I saw this black juice emerging from the bottom of the water, making everything change. It was so dark, Lin Ye was surrounded by this black juice, and then he found that he couldn't use the ability anymore!

Then slowly he felt difficult to breathe, buzzing in his head, everything became dizzy, the feeling of suffocation made Lin Ye want to swim out of the water, but he was covered by the black juice and couldn't move, and finally lost consciousness.

Lin Jie kept searching around the bottom of the water. Just now he was clearly following Lin Ye, but suddenly a black object covered his eyes. When he could see it again, he found that Lin Ye had disappeared. He searched here several times. I didn't find Lin Ye either. It's strange. Could it be that Lin Ye has already swam to other places?

"Li Jie..." Suddenly, Li Jie heard someone calling him, the voice was ethereal, Li Jie listened to him carefully, and found that the voice was unusually terrifying and confusing.

"Li Jie..." The voice was very penetrating, as if the sound passed through the water waves to the brain, which gave Li Jie a headache. What was it? At the bottom of the water, Li Jie activated his ability to protect his ears and stop it. The sound came into his head, and it was better. When he recovered, he swam in the direction the sound came from just now.

The bottom of the water was dim, and it was impossible to see what was going on ahead, but a vague figure appeared, which looked like Lin Ye. Li Jie hurriedly swam over, and when he got closer, it turned out to be Lin Ye!Li Jie swam to his side, pushed him gently, Lin Ye swayed, then slowly turned his head to Li Jie, raised his eyes to look at him, and pursed his mouth tightly, Li Jie looked at him strangely, it seems There were still some unknown things at the bottom of the water, so he pulled Lin Ye up and hurriedly swam to the surface.

After swimming out of the water, the two landed on the shore. Lin Ye stood there blankly with his head lowered. Li Jie anxiously shook his shoulder: "Lin Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Ye raised his head and looked at Li Jie, the light in his eyes was gone, they were just hollow, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I, nothing, nothing."

Did you see something scary that frightened you?Li Jie guessed that it seems that it is better to go back to the base first because it seems that we can no longer continue to look for alien cores. Li Jie told Lin Ye his thoughts, but Lin Ye slowly shook his head and said, "I already know where there are alien cores. , we can find it."

"But your current appearance is very abnormal. Let's go back to the base first and let Duanmuhan show you." Li Jie said.

Lin Jie continued to shake his head and said, "It's okay, I, it's okay, come on, come with me, go find the alien core." After finishing speaking, Lin Ye turned around and walked forward slowly. Li Jie had no choice but to can keep up.

The two walked on foot for several hours. Li Jie looked farther and farther away from the base, and the surrounding area was deserted. There was nothing, no food, no zombies, and no alien cores. Where to go, but what Li Jie thinks is that Lin Ye is an epic-level supernatural being, and he can feel supernatural powers farther away than himself, so it's hard to say anything, so he can only follow.

Lin Ye staggered in front, as if tired and uncomfortable. Li Jie asked him to rest many times. After all, he had released so many abilities in the water, and his physical strength might have been exhausted. But Lin Ye Ye just shook his head and refused, and kept walking forward, Li Jie just sighed helplessly.

Suddenly, a large moving thing appeared in front of him, with occasional roars. That, it was a group of zombies!
God, no matter how powerful Lin Ye is, it is impossible to defeat so many zombies. There are countless zombies stretching as far as the eye can see. He hurriedly grabbed Lin Ye who was going forward: "Lin Ye, you are crazy! There are many cores, but the two of us alone can't defeat so many zombies! Besides, you spent so many abilities before, let's not take risks, retreat first, and go to the base to find other people to deal with them together."

But Lin Ye directly shook off Li Jie's hand, and walked towards the group of zombies at a faster speed. Li Jie was going crazy. When did Lin Ye become so arrogant, and he rushed upward without considering the actual situation? People are angry.

But if he was angry, he couldn't watch Lin Ye go to die, so he grabbed Lin Ye forcefully: "Calm down Lin Ye, didn't you come to find the alien core because of your brother Xin Yu? He died here, how do you go back and save him?!"

But Lin Ye didn't listen to Li Jie at all, and walked straight forward, Li Jie couldn't hold back, Li Jie shouted angrily: "Lin Ye, if you do this again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Ye stopped, and Li Jie heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Lin Ye was still sensible.

Unexpectedly, just as Li Jie was thinking this way, a dagger stabbed at him, dodged in embarrassment, and looked at Lin Ye in disbelief: "Lin Ye, are you fucking crazy?!" He actually swung the knife at his partner !
But Lin Ye didn't hear it at all, and continued to stab Li Jie with the dagger, Li Jie hurriedly backed up: "Lin Ye, please calm down, I'm so crazy relying on you!"

"Li Jie...dead..." he said faintly, his voice was ethereal and penetrating, which gave Li Jie a headache. This is the sound from the bottom of the water!Why, why did Lin Ye make such a sound... No, he won't be controlled anymore? !

Thinking of this, Li Jie hurriedly prepared his defense. He felt that Lin Ye was abnormal before, but because Lin Ye was an epic-level supernatural being, he didn't think about being controlled at all. How could there be a control epic in this world? But now, seeing Lin Ye's red eyes, the weird smile on his mouth, the ethereal voices coming from his mouth, and the dagger stabbing at him, he had to believe that Lin Ye Ye is under control!

This is troublesome. One, he can't beat Lin Ye, and two, even if he can beat him, he can't beat Lin Ye.Li Jie thought while dodging Lin Ye's dagger, but he found that Lin Ye's speed was average, his body flexibility was also average, and his whole person seemed very stiff and uncoordinated, completely different from before being controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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