Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 801 Humans Underwater

Chapter 801 Humans Underwater

"What about you, don't you know the base?" Li Jie asked.

"I still want to go to the bottom of the river to find that alien core." Lin Ye replied.

Li Jie had the urge to hit him: "You are crazy, you almost lost your life just now, bro."

"But Xin Yu's life is still waiting for me to save, oh yes." Lin Ye took out the heterocore of the big catfish in his arms: "You take it back and give it to Xin Yu to eat first, you can rest assured that I will be safe Returning to the base, the most important thing now is to prepare for the defense against the zombie hordes." After speaking, Lin Ye handed the different core to Li Jie, and then walked towards Dahe.

Li Jie looked at his back, sighed softly, picked up the psychic next to him, and rushed towards the base.

Lin Ye returned to the bottom of the river again. Perhaps because of the disturbance of the psychic before, he could not accurately determine the location of the different nucleus, but now he can feel the location of the different nucleus, and Lin Ye swam directly there It was only when he approached Lin Ye that he discovered that this alien nucleus was not in any creature's body, and he sank to the bottom of the water. To the bottom of this river?
But that's not the point anymore. When Lin Ye swam over, picked up the alien core, put it in his arms, and was about to leave, the current in the bottom of the water became very fast, and then the whole river bottom began to vibrate, like an earthquake. Lin Ye I didn't have time to think about what happened, I just swam to the surface of the water with all my strength, but a strong current vortex formed at the bottom of the water. This current vortex made it impossible for Lin Ye to swim upwards, and it kept pulling him downwards. Lin Ye wanted to freeze the vortex, but found that it was useless. The turbulent vortex was the mouth of a giant beast, engulfing Lin Ye, and Lin Ye fell into the boundless darkness.

When Lin Ye woke up again, he found that he was no longer at the bottom of the river. This was a place he didn't know, surrounded by towering walls, and there was an endless space in front of him. There were actually dense forests. Lin Ye looked up at the mountain peak and the trickling water, and saw the water pattern and the fish swimming past. Lin Ye recalled that he was sucked in by a huge vortex before he fell into a coma. Jing, thinking this is not the bottom of the water, right? !
Wait, why is there such a large space at the bottom of the water, and there is enough air and light, and you can feel the breeze blowing by. When you close your eyes, you think you are basking in the sun on the beach. It is refreshing and comfortable. This is the temperature and breeze that no longer exist after the end of the world. Will that human world come back?

Lin Ye was lying on the ground. At this time, he was recalling more than ten years ago, yes, more than ten years ago, he experienced the reincarnation of life and death. This kind of environment, he experienced ten years ago in his last life, really It's a past life. In fact, Lin Ye has never told anyone that he hates the last days. Many people say that he has become what he is now because of the last days, but he would rather be a mediocre ordinary person in the human world than become one in the last days. hero.

After a while, footsteps came from a distance, Lin Ye suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the footsteps, and slowly walked over alone, a man who was only surrounded by leaves , he has a long hair and beard, like a primitive human being, this man looked at Lin Ye, and Lin Ye looked at him, and the two looked at each other for a minute, and then this man suddenly rushed over and wanted to hug Lin Ye , Lin Ye flashed nimbly, dodging the hug, the man was in vain, he knelt on the ground, and then started crying, Lin Ye was helpless, why are you crying: "Who are you?" Look at him It doesn't look like a zombie, it's a human being.

The man cried and said: "I finally saw other living people again, woo woo woo, I finally saw it!"

He repeated this sentence while crying, no matter what Lin Ye asked him and didn't answer anything, just when Lin Ye's patience was about to wear out and was about to leave, the man grabbed him and said, "I already have many Haven't seen another human in years."

The two sat on the ground, and the man said: "Just a few years ago, the sky suddenly rained blood red, and then my friend became very strange, his body became rotten, and he opened his mouth to bite me, not only It's my friend, a lot of people became like that, I was chased and bitten by one of them, and then I jumped into this river to avoid them, and then somehow I got sucked into it, never I have never been out, I have lived here by myself these past few years, I am really too lonely, I want to talk to other people, I finally realized how terrible it would be if you were left alone in the world." The man was crying as he said up.

Lin Ye looked at him and said, "You are so lucky."

"What do you mean, what kind of luck is this, I'm really lonely." The man said.

"You don't know what the outside world has become now. Do you know the end of the world? The world is now in the end of the world. Most of the human beings on the earth have become zombies, and only a small number of human beings have survived. Although he survived, he can't live with peace of mind, because he still has to worry about his own safety all the time, for fear that one day his neck will be bitten off, torn apart, and eaten by his own kind. The real doomsday is something you can't imagine, and you've been here safely for the past few years, aren't you lucky?" Lin Ye said: "It's really a shame that you haven't experienced those things that were bitten by your relatives and betrayed by your friends. Fortunately, what is really scary in the last days is not those zombies, but the despair without hope."

The man looked at Lin Ye showing a sad expression, and his own mood became very sad. What happened to this man to show a tearful expression: "Is human beings going to perish?" He asked Dao, the voice trembled a little, who would have thought that human beings would perish?

Lin Ye was silent for a few seconds, and the man listened to his heartbeat and became very nervous until Lin Ye firmly shook his head and said: "No, human beings will not perish, there are still people with supernatural powers in the world now. , They are constantly eliminating zombies, protecting the only remaining humans, and they will defend this world."

When I said this, Lin Ye himself didn't believe it. When I first wanted to get the supernatural power, it was to keep myself alive. Because of the experience in the previous life, he knew the importance of power, so his first thing after rebirth The thing is to get supernatural powers, just to survive, but as the strength becomes stronger and stronger, from the initial purely to survive, to the present to fight for the survival of the entire human race, during this period, it is really an experience too much.

(End of this chapter)

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