Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 802 Ice Passage

Chapter 802 Ice Passage
"Are you also a supernatural person?" The man looked at Lin Ye and asked.

Lin Ye nodded.

"Then you are a hero!"

"Haha, I'm not a hero, but if I have the ability, I have to take the responsibility." Lin Ye said.

"If this doomsday can end and human beings will not perish, then you will definitely be called a hero!" The man said firmly.

Lin Ye smiled and did not speak. The two of them just lay flat on the ground, resting under the wind.

If only the end could end.

Later, Lin Ye asked how the man lived here for so many years. The man said that there were many fruit trees in the woods, and he could dig wild vegetables, but he couldn't eat meat, because there was nothing but him and the plants here. There was no other living thing at all, and the only thing that could be seen were the big and small fish that occasionally swam overhead overhead.

"Then you were also drawn in by a vortex of water?" Lin Ye asked.

The man nodded and said, "That's right."

"Then you haven't found a place to go out in the past few years?" Lin Ye asked again.

"Yeah, if I could find me, I would have gone out long ago. Living here alone is really lonely."

Lin Ye decided to check everything here. The man took him to visit, saying that if there are other people here with him, it is actually quite good, the food is self-sufficient, there are no zombies and viruses that Lin Ye said, so don't worry about your own health. His life is safe, but Lin Ye said that he must go out, his friends are still waiting for him to save his life, and he still has a lot of things to do.

"But you can't find the exit at all," the man said.

After reading all of this, Lin Ye really didn't find any exit, but for a supernatural being, this will not trouble him.

Lin Ye looked at the water above his head, and then released his ability to condense an ice channel. The ice channel is like the glass channel in the aquarium, with steps inside, and then Lin Ye made this ice channel It extends to the surface of the water and directly penetrates the water to reach the shore. Miraculously, not a single drop of water spilled out, which also surprised Lin Ye. This place is really amazing, and it seems that it can be used well.

And that man was already stunned. He pointed at the passage of ice with trembling fingers, and asked a little stammeringly, "You, are you a god?" This was the first time he had seen such a spectacle.

Lin Ye smiled and replied: "This is the ability. After you go out, you will see more people with abilities. Their abilities are also varied, which surprises you even more."

Not much to say, the two walked into the passage of ice, the man looked around excitedly while walking, and he found that even if he walked in it, he would not feel cold, it was simply amazing and powerful.

The two quickly reached the shore, and the takeaway was deserted, which formed a stark contrast with the scene at the bottom of the river. The man was so shocked that he didn't know what to say, it turned out that this was the end of the world!
But Lin Ye hesitated for a moment, thinking that it would be better to seal the passage, because he had a good plan, so he used ice to seal the exit of the passage of ice.

Then Lin Ye led the man towards the base. On the way, he encountered several groups of zombie attacks, but Lin Ye settled them one by one. It seems that the zombies really attacked. I don't know how Wei Chen and his defense are doing. .

The more Lin Ye thought about it, the more anxious he became. He simply carried the man on his back, because this man had been eating vegetables for a long time, and he was also very light. Then he quickly ran towards the base.

After rushing back to the base, Wei Chen and the others had already completed the most basic defense preparations. Standing on the high platform of the base, they could vaguely see a small group of zombies staggering in the distance, but everyone knew very well that this It's not just an appetizer, the latter is even more terrifying and difficult to deal with.

Lin Ye first introduced the situation of this man to others, and he also introduced himself as Cheng Fei, then Wei Chen asked others to take him to find a suitable dress, and then let him eat something.

Lin Ye was busy feeding the heterogeneous nucleus he found to Xin Yu again. Xinyu's complexion improved a lot at this time. Li Jie came over and said, "After I fed him the heterogeneous nucleus of that big catfish, he will have I woke up in a daze, and then passed out again soon."

Lin Ye nodded and said, "Maybe it has some effect, oh yes, what happened to that psychic?"

Li Jie's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "Are you saying that the psychic has some neurological problems? After I brought him back, he was not only dishonest, but also chatting with people on our side while laughing and joking." , What did you say that he was framed by you and me together, because he took a fancy to his ability and brought him here forcefully, and he took off his hat to look like a minor, still very handsome, and I’m very good at being coquettish and cute, so many aunts and aunts come to criticize me, I’m really bored to death.”

Lin Ye couldn't help but "puchi" after hearing this, and Li Jie immediately rolled his eyes: "Don't be complacent, you will be able to feel the attack power of those aunts later."

I won't let them see me.Lin Ye thought, "However, it is very difficult to meet people with psychic abilities. We must keep him." Lin Ye said.

"Keep him? Maybe one day he will control us all and cause a big civil war, and then he will sit by himself and laugh." Li Jie replied angrily.

Lin Ye knew that he was still angry, so he didn't say anything more. The most important thing now is to resist the attack of the zombies.

He walked up to Wei Chen and said, "The number of zombies is huge this time, how many supernatural beings can fight in the base now?"

Wei Chen sighed softly and replied: "After the last battle with the ancient corpse emperor, many supernatural beings in the base have almost exhausted their supernatural powers, and they haven't recovered much until now, and not many can fight."

Lin Ye also considered this issue. Here, Duanmu Han and him are epic, the other Li Jie and Wei Chen are extraordinary, and there are a few extraordinary, and the rest are below extraordinary. But this time the number of zombies is huge. It is somewhat difficult to resist with their supernatural powers.

Lin Ye was thinking, and Wei Chen looked outside in distress. There are nearly a thousand humans in this base. If they can't keep it, it will be...

"It's better not to guard." Lin Ye said suddenly.

Wei Chen looked at Lin Ye suspiciously: "You said not to guard, are you going to run away? But we don't know what's around, so I don't think it's right to leave the base rashly."

"You see, if we stick to it, we may be able to defend it, but we will definitely suffer heavy losses. If there are other dangers at that time, then we will be finished. The best way now is to abandon this base and move to other places." Lin Ye said .

(End of this chapter)

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