Chapter 816
"However, you are a human being now, don't you think about how to change, but just how to perish?" Lin Ye said.

But the boy didn't listen to his persuasion at all: "You don't need to persuade me, I know what I'm doing, and I know what I want. What you should worry about now is your own safety."

Those zombies stared at the three of them, and the boy suddenly laughed again, the smile was still very dark: "You said, it would be more fun if you let you die?"

Lin Ye, Li Jie, and Cheng Shenren leaned close together, watching the zombies getting tighter and tighter, Lin Ye gently touched Li Jie and Cheng Shenren with his hand, and the two suddenly came together as if they knew each other. With his hands, he kicked the nearest few zombies out, and the flying zombies knocked down the zombies behind. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Ye had already punched a big hole in the ground with ice, and the three of them jumped down together, and then Lin Ye Ye instantly sealed the hole with ice.

Through the ice, no one could see anyone's face clearly. Lin Ye looked back and could only vaguely see a figure standing on it.

"So that's how you escaped last time." The boy looked at the ice surface with interest, "Do you think I will let you escape smoothly this time? It's really stupid." After saying this, He walked down the ice, and then the zombies jumped directly on the ice, scratching and smashing at the ice, and soon cracks appeared on the ice.

"Break it open for me, you don't need to grab it out, just let them sleep forever in it, after all, what human beings care about is to be buried in the ground." He said.

The zombies smashed harder.

The three people who were climbing inside heard the sound.

"What should we do now?" Li Jie asked.

"I made a hole upwards, and we must not let them trap us here." Lin Ye said.

"But we haven't climbed far. I feel that if we go up now, there must be zombies on it." Cheng Shenren said.

The three fell into a dilemma, and Lin Ye thought: "What kind of supernatural person is Team Leader Cheng?" Lin Ye asked.

"I'm the Lightning Element." Cheng Shenren replied.

Lin Ye nodded and said: "Well, I'll drill the hole in a while, and after it's opened, you immediately discharge it, the higher the current, the better, and then I will make an ice wall to surround us in this gap, no matter what , must not be trapped underground."

Cheng Shenren nodded, indicating that he understood.

As planned, Lin Ye opened the hole leading to the top in an instant, and the soil that was punched out flew into the air, shaking the nearby zombies into the air, and then Cheng Shenren immediately released the ability, and the strong current suddenly approached. The zombies were instantly scorched by electricity, and then Lin Ye released his ability to build an ice wall, encircling a place with a diameter of nearly two meters, and then they climbed out from the hole, only to find that the surrounding area was full of zombies.

"What should we do next?" Li Jie asked looking at the crowds of zombies forming mountains and seas outside the ice.

"I can only rush out." Lin Ye said

"Rush out? How do you rush out with so many zombies?" Li Jie asked suspiciously.

Lin Ye was also thinking, and there was a bang in the hole they climbed out of, which meant that the entrance over there was opened!Soon a group of zombies crawled all over the hole, and were about to crawl out from the exit.

"It's too late, you two, we can only block it!" Lin Ye said, and then he released the ability to summon three ice dragons, the ice dragon flew out from the ice wall, and knocked all the zombies around the ice wall away Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Ye, Li Jie, and Cheng Shenren jumped out of the ice wall, and then released various abilities to blow away all the zombies surrounding them.

In this way, a road was opened. During the period when the zombies were being beaten out, Lin Ye took off the button-shaped thing on her chest and put it in his pocket.

The three of them worked together to find a way out, but when they finally broke through from the crowd of zombies, they found that the zombie controller was already waiting for them, but he was alone, and the zombies were standing behind Lin Ye and the others. He did not catch up.

Lin Ye and the others stopped and looked at the boy, wondering what he was going to do.

The boy was still playing with the thing I blew before, and said, "Do you want to live?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Lin Ye asked. If he wanted to kill them, he had to let those zombies catch up, but he didn't. He was here alone. Lin Ye didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore.

"I was just thinking, if you have such a strong will to survive, I also want to save you a way out, but. You told me before, why don't you choose human beings..." The boy's eyes became sad, and he turned The hood of his hoodie was taken off his head, and Lin Ye and the others discovered that the boy's hair was all white.

That head of white hair fluttered in the wind, this whiteness was not the effect of dyeing with hair dye, but just like the gray hair of people when they were old.

"See, isn't this white hair strange? My voice sounds so young, but my hair looks like this." The boy said, and then he slowly took off the mask on his face. , The three of Lin Ye were stunned. It was not a human face, it only had eyes, and there were only scars left on the nose and mouth, and there was no nose and mouth at all.

"Look at me, do I still look like a human being?" He said, when he was speaking, the position of his mouth was constantly squirming, and his speech was muffled. Lin Ye and the others thought it was a problem with the mask, but unexpectedly, it turned out that it was actually a mask problem. so.

"You, what's the matter with you?" Li Jie couldn't help asking, this is really strange, how can a human being have no mouth and nose, how does he speak, and how does he breathe?
"Does it feel weird and scary, are you wondering who made me like this?" The boy said, "No, it's not the zombies you think, it's not made by zombies, it's human beings! It's what you said of the same class!"

Humanity? !Lin Ye and the others were taken aback again, how could humans turn him into this?
"Hehehe, and I will become like me. It was before the end of the world. I was only eight years old when I was treated like this. At that time, I really knew what a devil is and what a hell is!" The boy excitedly Shouted, recalling the darkest place in his mind, his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Why! Why did those people treat you like this? It's still before the doomsday, so it's against the law to treat you like this!" Li Jie shouted in confusion.

"Do you think it's unbelievable? I didn't expect human beings to be so hateful? So disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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