Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 817 Tragic Experience

Chapter 817 Tragic Experience
"Wait, you have to explain clearly why those people made you like this?" Lin Ye asked.

"Why...hehehehe, well, then I will tell you how I got here in my life of only ten years!"

"My name is Il. As I said before, I don't want to be human. I was abandoned by my parents after I was born. They threw me in the hospital and left. I was sent to an orphanage. The hospital left me Mine are some basic information filled in by my parents during their hospitalization. Life in an orphanage is not easy. If you do not eat well, you will be beaten by the adults in the courtyard, really beaten, punched and kicked, against us children who are only two or three years old." When Ir talked about it here, he recalled some terrible memories, let His body was a little unbearable, so he sat on a big rock on the spot, and then continued to preach: "In those few years, I only hoped that someone could adopt me, and then when I was six years old, finally There was a couple who fell in love with me and wanted to adopt me as their child. I was so happy! On the day they came to pick me up, I put on my favorite clothes and waited happily for my new parents to come Take me back to my new home, they came, talked to the dean, and signed some documents, and then they can take us away, yes, it is us, they adopted not only me this time, but also others There are a total of five of our boys, all of whom were adopted by this couple, and we are also very happy to go to the new home together to take care of each other..." Yi Er clenched his hands tightly when he talked about this, and Lin Ye could I found that there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and he knew that the next thing must not be to live happily in his new home.

"Our five children, who thought we would go to the new home, were brought into a big tall building. We thought this new home was really big. No wonder they wanted to adopt five children. When we first arrived, there was Someone took us to take a shower first, and then put on a very strange dress, in fact, at that time, I didn’t understand why those clothes were so strange, and I naively thought that the new parents were afraid that we would be too hot.” ​​Il Speaking of this, Lin Ye had a bad premonition in his heart. He seemed to know what would happen next.

"Hehe, then our five children were taken into five rooms respectively. The room I entered was very dark, with only one light on weakly. After a while, a 50-year-old bald man with a beer belly opened the door and walked in. , and then..." Yi Er choked up, during that time, it was a nightmare of his life: "Then he raped me." Yi Er said, his voice still trembling.

"Wait, wait, you say strong?" Li Jie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, come on, he made me immobile. No one could have imagined what he did. It's disgusting!" Il shouted.

"But weren't you only six years old at that time..." This matter was beyond the scope of Li Jie's knowledge.

"Hehe, don't you know that there are beasts with strange hobbies among you humans!" El shouted: "If all human beings are like that, I'd rather be a beast!"

Lin Ye and the three of them were silent, because they also knew what words to use to comfort this person. The trauma in the center would really be a shadow for a lifetime.

"Do you think this is the end? Hahaha, it's not that simple. I was imprisoned in that place for two years. During these two years, I don't know how many decent people came here, which made me very painful. I knew that when I was eight years old, I didn't meet the requirements of their place, and then they sold me to another place, and it was in that place that I became what I am now." Yi Er said, raising his hand to stroke Looking at the scars on his face: "They kept doing experiments on me. The experimental things made my nose rotten, so they cut off my nose and sewed it up. Cut it off and sewed it up, there are still countless places on my body that were sewn up, and I was tossed by them for a year of experiments until the end came, haha, really, I am really very grateful for the end of the day , let me escape from hell, I watched those people turned into zombies, and then they turned into zombies to ask for other human beings, I was so happy! They killed my parents and orphans The dean of the hospital! The new parents who killed me! Killed everyone who disgusted me! Hahaha, kill them all! And those who used to experiment on me were finally torn apart, I think this They must be very happy with this way of death, hahaha, the zombies were sent by God to save me!" Il began to laugh wildly.

And Lin Ye and the others sympathized with him after listening to what Yier said. Lin Ye was the boss of the underground forces before. He had actually seen all the things he said, but in the society at that time, rich people People just can do whatever they want.

Li Jie and Cheng Shenren, who are ordinary people, have never heard of such a cruel thing. The two were shocked and speechless. In the doomsday.

Is the coming of the doomsday a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, or is it God’s punishment for mankind and the relief of Il?

"Are you wondering, I was only eight years old at the time, how did I survive at the beginning of the end?" Il said, "Because of the various experiments they did on me, and The injections of various drugs made my body no longer look like a living person, and the inside of my body was basically rotten. If you cut me with a knife, it might not bleed, and then I was regarded as the same kind by zombies , Hahaha, I am shuttled back and forth among the zombies by myself." Then, Il blew the thing in his hand, and then a bunch of zombies came from a distance: "Come to introduce to you. "A male zombie and a female zombie came out: "This is the parents who gave birth to me. Because I was an accident, they threw me in the hospital before I was born."

Then a female zombie came out: "This is the director of the orphanage. I put on a loving face in front of other people, and the face behind them is really...disgusting."

Another male zombie and a female zombie came out, and Il continued to introduce: "These two may be my new parents who adopted me. They really look much better now when they were human beings."

(End of this chapter)

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