Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 822 The Lost Whistle

Chapter 822 The Lost Whistle

"Il, I assure you that we never took your whistle. If it's not enough, we will find it for you. Now let's ask Captain Qin first."

El did not accept the offer.He smiled coldly, and looked at the people in front of him with eyes that were colder than his smile, crazy and indifferent and alienated, making the hearts of the people in front of him feel a chill.At this moment, Yier's distrust towards Lin Ye and the others had almost reached its peak. The loss of the whistle made it difficult for him to keep calm, "I'll say it again, give me back the whistle!"

Lin Ye looked at the furious Yi Er. Although Yi Er was still expressionless, the heavy anger emanating from his body was enough to make her feel chilly.She realized that Il must calm down first to prevent the situation from deteriorating.The person who lost the whistle was, very likely, still around to spy on their every move.

It can make the whistle disappear quietly without anyone noticing. ——This person is quite strong, and they are in danger now.It can't go on like this.A lot of information flashed through Lin Ye's mind in a short period of time, and he finally decided to stabilize Yi Er first. "Il, calm down first and listen to me."

Yi Er couldn't listen to it, and was about to make another move, she hurriedly shouted: "Chengcheng, if we stole the whistle, we would have already run away, please believe me!" Cheng Cheng's words can be heard.

Cheng Cheng was stunned when he heard the shout. He was a little hesitant at first, and had a faint feeling that something was wrong.But he cared more about Yi Er's feelings. The sudden incident also made him unable to think seriously for a while.

Li Jie also came to his senses. Seeing that Cheng Cheng was still in a daze, he quickly answered: "Cheng Cheng, think about the time we've been together, please trust us."

Cheng Cheng heard it and woke up.It was strange that the whistle was lost. If it was really lost by Lin Ye and the others, they would not have stayed here and caught it without a fight.Also because of this period of getting along, he and Lin Ye have feelings for each other, and he is actually willing to choose to trust Lin Ye.

"—Il," Cheng Cheng said, "Calm down first, I know the whistle is important to you, but this is not right." Ilton stopped, but his expression was still very bad.He was waiting for Cheng Cheng to speak. "The most important thing for us now is the whereabouts of the whistle. If the whistle is in their hands, they are by our side, and we can find it again. But if it is not for them, the whistle is on someone else. If this person leaves, it should not be there yet. If we go far away, if we keep arguing, we will lose time." Seeing that Yi Er calmed down a little, Cheng Cheng added: "Besides, I am willing to believe in Lin Ye, his character is definitely the best."

Yi Er's anger has not completely dissipated, but Cheng Cheng's words made him regain some reason, and he calmed himself down.Finding the whistle is the most important thing. Of the two possibilities mentioned by Cheng Cheng, if the first is the case, Lin Ye and the others are still there. As long as they are around, the whistle will still be there.If it is the second type, the top priority is to find this person, and time is very tight.

After thinking about the trade-offs, he chose to assume the second possibility first, and took Lin Ye and the others to find the thief first.In fact, the reason why Yi Er lost control of his emotions was that the whistle was too important to him.The second is that he, who was lonely for a long time before, was also moved by Lin Ye and the others during the time they got along.The loss of the whistle will make him lose his mind, also because if the whistle is lost by Lin Ye and others, he will be deceived by that kind of beauty, which he dare not think about, let alone accept.The loss of the whistle made his heart flustered, and the emotional doubt made him even more out of control.

Yi Er finally decided to accept Lin Ye's proposal and ask Captain Qin first.On the way to find Captain Qin, Yi Er still kept a distance from them, but kept a close eye on them from the corner of his eye to prevent any of them from leaving the team halfway.

Li Jie didn't say much when he saw this. What he cared more about was that Lin Ye hadn't said much since he was on the road just now. He seemed to be quietly observing his surroundings, feeling vaguely worried.He sneaked closer to Lin Ye and lowered his voice: "You have been a little bit wrong since just now. What's the matter?" Tell Li Jie about the current uneasy situation.

Li Jie's face turned pale after hearing this.He collected himself, pretended nothing happened, and continued to walk forward. He also silently looked around and began to be on guard.

The road to find Captain Qin was not long, but it was not easy for the few of them to walk.Some are full of doubts, some are on guard, and some are preoccupied.This road is not only not easy, but also seems particularly long.

Lin Ye found Qin Zhengyi and told him that Yier's whistle was stolen, but because there was no surveillance in the base, it was impossible to find out who stole it, so he wanted to ask Qin Zhengyi, can everyone Gather together, let El identify them one by one, and retrieve his whistle.

Qin Zhengyi also cooperated very much. He asked everyone to gather together: "Whoever of you took Yier's whistle, I hope you can hand it over as soon as possible. Since Yier has come to our base, he will not take it again. The whistle does hateful things, so please rest assured and hand over the whistle, after all, that whistle belongs to someone else, even if he has used it to do bad things, but if he knows his mistakes, there is no way to improve, we should trust him."

Il couldn't sit still after hearing him say this: "What do you mean by this, what is an abominable thing, you know who is the really abominable person, and I don't want to say anything to you, please return the whistle immediately I."

"Hey, what shame do you have? As a human being, you bring zombies to attack people just because you have such a small ability, and you still want to let all human beings perish and rule the world. Now you have failed, and we have not held you accountable. Responsibility, choose to forgive you, you are not grateful, and you are so arrogant, it is really shameless!" Everyone in the crowd below shouted.

"That's right, just throw him out." Someone echoed.

When Il heard this, he went straight to the front and said to those people: "What do you mean by saying this now? I came to you not because I was defeated, but because you couldn't beat me. I let you live."

"Hahaha." There was a roar of laughter below, "He said to let us live, you are too flattering yourself, our Captain Qin has enough ammunition here, and there are powerful supernatural beings, what qualifications do you have to fight with us? Come on, really, you should be thanking us for not taking you like a prisoner."

(End of this chapter)

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