Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 823 Qin Zhengyi's Disguise

Chapter 823 Qin Zhengyi's Disguise
Lin Ye looked at the faces of those people. When fighting the zombies, they made trouble in the base, saying that the soldiers did not protect them, and they wanted to throw them out as bait. Now that the soldiers have won, their His face changed into this again, and if Il saw this side, he might be very disappointed with humans again.

"Hey, it's not what you said. The reason why he came here is because we persuaded him. Please don't say that about him. If anyone of you has a whistle, please hand it over." Li Jie said directly come out.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, just give me the whistle, and I'll leave here immediately." Yi Er said coldly.

"Captain Qin, please let these people cooperate with us?" Lin Ye turned to Qin Zhengyi and said.

Qin Zhengyi said with a troubled face: "But it's their idea after all. If some of them don't have a whistle, I have no right to stop them from speaking."

"No, isn't Nail's whistle gone? That's a very important thing for him."

"The important thing is that it is harmful after all. He used this to order the zombies to attack us, so since he lost it now, it means that God doesn't want this thing to exist in his hands, and we have to go with the flow." Mandate of Heaven." Qin Zhengyi said.

"Don't speak such big words, no one will say good things, I know who got the whistle, isn't it you who got it." Yi Er looked at Qin Zhengyi and said.

"Calm down, Il..."

"Calm down, you idiots were all deceived by him, did he tell you? We fought before you came, did he tell you?"

"Wait, before we came, didn't you attack here the night after you didn't come?" Lin Ye asked suspiciously.

"Yes! Captain Qin also told us that this is the first time we have encountered such a large-scale zombie attack, and didn't you attack the last base?" Li Jie said, the last base he mentioned was Wei Chen's base.

"It didn't happen for a while at all. Apart from this base, I have never been to other bases." Yier said.

"Who knows if you are telling the truth, after all, you are so ambitious." A member of the crowd said.

"Is it a bit unreasonable?" Xin Yu said, the faces of these people are really disgusting.

"Reasonable? When he let the zombies come to kill us, why didn't he reason with us? Now that he is captured, he has to be reasonable. Does he really think that the world is ruled by him?"

The other stretched his neck and said.

"What ambition, what ambition do I have? You must have evidence for what you say. Yes, I said before that I want to destroy all human beings in the world, and then I want to rule the world, but I didn't do that. I Didn’t hurt the humans in other bases, I have your base, why do I keep attacking, don’t you have any idea?” Yier Leng said, he looked at Qin Zhengyi: “Your surname is Qin, so you still have a The talent of an actor is really a talent, isn't it a combination of talents?"

"It's not that I know how to perform, I just said it casually, and they believed it." Qin Zhengyi's attitude suddenly became abnormal.

"Although these few people are not as talented as you, they are better at being human than you, and they know what human nature is." Yier said.

"The whistle was taken by Captain Qin's men, right?" Lin Ye suddenly said beside him.

Qin Zhengyi looked at Lin Ye in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

"From the conversation between the two of you just now, I can tell that Yi Er and Captain Qin are old acquaintances, right?

And I also found some clues before, Captain Qin, although you have been a very good person before, I found that you are very interested in why you can control the zombies, even when we want to snatch the whistle, You try your best to go there in person, and after several refutations, you still have to go in person. If I hadn’t appeared later, you couldn’t find a reason to refute it, and you would have gone straight to grab it. "

"Oh? Just based on this, do you believe this person who once led a group of zombies to attack us?" Qin Zhengyi said: "Can't you doubt me just because of his few words? Don't you think Thinking about it, he might deliberately say that the whistle was lost, so as to escape?"

Hearing what Qin Zhengyi said, Lin Ye looked at Yier, and saw that Yier was already very angry and wanted to rush up to fight Qin Zhengyi, but Li Jie who was next to him stopped him, and then Lin Ye looked at Qin Zhengyi again Said: "Is it what we said? I think Captain Qin must be very clear."

"They took it!" Cheng Cheng, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. The reason why he kept silent was because he was worried about Yi Er. He didn't want Yi Er to be regarded as a monster by these people, but after hearing these people say so Slandering Yi Er, as well as Qin Zhengyi's hungry wolf in sheep's clothing, made him intolerable: "I Er, pull off your clothes, let me talk to Captain Qin."

"Wait!" Li Jie took Yi Er's hand and said, "Will this be..."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care what the people here think of me, I just need to get my whistle back." Il said.

Li Jie wanted to say something more, but seeing Yi Er's firm eyes, he had no choice but to let go and let him make his own choice, because he was also very disappointed with the people here.

Yi Er slowly pulled his clothes away, revealing Cheng Cheng's face, and there was a sudden exclamation all around, and many people screamed, shouting about monsters and kept backing away.

"Has he already turned into a zombie?" someone shouted below.

"That's right, there is no human like him, he must have already turned into a zombie, and led other zombies to attack the base, it's really disgusting!" Someone echoed.

Immediately there were shouts, some shouted to beat Yier out, some shouted to kill him, and some shouted to burn him to death.Everything was frantic, but Yi Er didn't care at all, he looked at all this indifferently, without any facial expression.

Cheng Cheng fixed his eyes on Qin Zhengyi and said: "Please, captain, before the end of the world, you are not only a soldier, but also a biologist. Three years before the end of the world, you went to a house where all kinds of eccentric people play tricks." The local government bought three boys for experiments, and you experimented with various drugs on them, making their bodies dilapidated. The reason why Il and I became like this is all thanks to you, Captain Qin, don't you understand why Il has been attacking this base?" Cheng Cheng no longer spoke softly like before, and now he said this very seriously, expressing his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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