Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 824 Biologists

Chapter 824 Biologists
"What, you said that Captain Qin is a biologist? He also used Il for experiments?" Li Jie asked incredulously.

"That's right, he is those black-hearted biologists who did all kinds of experiments on us and treated us like guinea pigs. That time was really like hell, even scarier than this doomsday." Cheng Cheng said.

"Captain Qin, is what Cheng Cheng said true? I hope you can give us a clear answer. If you have done experiments on Yierta, then it is understandable for him to attack your base." Lin Ye said.

"Hahahaha, even if it's what you said, what can you do?" Captain Qin completely revealed his true colors, with a sinister and cunning face. Captain Qin was cheated.

"Why do you do this? Don't you always hope that human beings can unite to deal with zombies?" Lin Ye asked.

Qin Zhengyi laughed twice and said, "I don't care if human beings can unite. What I care about is whether I can survive in this world."

"Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Li Jie looked at Qin Zhengyi angrily and asked.

"Retribution? Hahahahaha, are you kidding me when you tell me about retribution in the doomsday world? People don't kill themselves, let alone after the end of the world, of course I have to think about my own survival, let alone me There are still so many soldiers, you see, I have taken in these ordinary people and tried my best to protect them. Isn’t this a good thing? Will I be punished for such a thing?” Qin Zhengyi said, but It is true that he took in ordinary people and gave these people a safe habitat.

"But you shouldn't have lied to us in the first place! You should have told us sooner! Why did you hurt Yi Er again and again, his life is already tragic enough, don't you even have the most basic sympathy?" Li Jay asked.

"I have sympathy, so you ask who will sympathize with me, and I won't talk nonsense with you, but I can let you stay in the base for the sake of helping us, so that you will also have a safe If you don't want to, I can let you go, but I won't return the whistle." Qin Zhengyi said.

Lin Ye and the others also knew that even if they asked for it like this, Qin Zhengyi would not give it. Now they should stay at the base first, and then find a way to get the whistle back.

When they returned to the room, Yi Er was obviously in a bad mood, and Lin Ye and the others felt very guilty. They didn't expect Captain Qin to be such a person, and he even got Yi Er involved.

"This person surnamed Qin, he only knows that the whistle can control zombies, but he doesn't know that it's impossible to control zombies just by using less." Yier said.

"Speaking of this, we took off the button-sized things on the bodies of the zombies you controlled, and then they would not be able to understand the commands of your whistle. Does this whistle need to be used in conjunction with that thing? " Lin Ye asked.

Yi Er nodded: "This device cannot be used separately, heh, the surname Qin, would not have thought of it, spy and I have been fighting for so long, but have not found it, and you and I have only fought like this for two My God, you just discovered this device, so it can be seen that the IQ of this person is different from person to person, the person surnamed Qin is like a low IQ." Yi Er was obviously very disgusted with Qin Zhengyi at this time, and Started to hurt him, alas, he was still a child after all.

"The surname Qin didn't have such a good intention to let us live here. He must have some conspiracy. We must find a way to find the whistle and get out of here." Yier said.

Lin Ye and the others nodded, thinking that what Yi Er said made sense.

"But what I didn't expect was that Captain Qin turned out to be the one who experimented with Yier." Lin Ye said, thanks to the fact that he had a good impression of Qin Zhengyi before, and helped him come up with ideas to stop the attack of zombies.

"That's right, looking at his sanctimonious appearance, I didn't expect to be so black-hearted." Li Jie said, "Fortunately, he still said something to let human beings unite to overcome difficulties, but he was already a villain before the end came."

"It seems that it is not so easy to get this whistle back." Xin Yu said.

"No, the whistle must be brought back, it is the most important thing in Yier." Cheng Cheng said.

Yi Er's face was gloomy. He must really want to get the whistle back, but someone like Qin Zhengyi would definitely not be willing to return it.

"I sincerely beg you all, please help Il find his whistle. Without his whistle, Il has absolutely no way to survive in the apocalypse. In fact..." Cheng Cheng hesitated, and continued: " In fact, Yi Er himself has no supernatural powers, and all rely on the whistle, so we must find it..." If Cheng Cheng had a body at this time, he might have already knelt down and begged Lin Ye and the others.

"Don't worry about this, we brought Il here and lost the whistle, so we will definitely not ignore you." Li Jie said.

Lin Ye nodded, and Xuewu followed suit, smiling tenderly at Yi Er and Cheng Cheng.

"Aren't you doing your own business, and you still have the mood to meddle in other people's business?"

You Qiran said disapprovingly from the side, which immediately aroused Li Jie's glare.

"In this case, don't make sarcastic remarks." Lin Ye said before Li Jie opened his mouth. Regarding Yi Er, they should bear the main responsibility. In addition, he wanted Yi Er to be his My partner said that if he wanted him to decide this matter, he would take care of it.

"Tsk, I really found that all of you are weird." You said, "Maybe you will be infected after staying with you for a long time."

Xin Yu smiled and said: "It will definitely be contagious." He has personally experienced the infectious power of Lin Ye's personality charm, and it is too powerful.

"Your way of thinking should be changed." Li Jie said to You Qiran.

"Why, you are bad people yourself, do you still want people in the whole world to be like you?" Yu Qi retorted.

"This is not called a bad person, this is to take the initiative to bear the mistakes caused by oneself, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." Li Jie said.

Letting it go, he glanced at him, walked to the other side, and didn't bother to talk to him any further.

"Qin Zhengyi will definitely not take the initiative to hand over the whistle. Now we have to figure out how to find out where Qin Zhengyi put the whistle, and then steal the whistle." Xin Yu said, "During this period, I observed them. The highest level of those who have obtained supernatural powers is only extraordinary, so Lin Ye is the most powerful supernatural power here, and this is also a great advantage for us. If we fight alone with supernatural powers, we have no problem at all. But the problem The reason is that we are fighting not only with abilities, but also ammunition, and Qin Zhongyi has plenty of ammunition, which is more than enough to deal with the few of us."

(End of this chapter)

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