Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 826 Il's Chapter Memory

Chapter 826 Il's Memories

fully.It's all the desire and pain to survive, as ferocious as animals trapped in a cage, no!It was one by one, ghosts, howling bleakly and heart-palpitatingly under the ground.But the eyes of the staff are scarier than ghosts.They were dressed in pure and spotless white clothes, with meticulous hairstyles, no smiles on their faces, and even less emotion in their eyes.

At that time, they had to go through all kinds of training, with heavy loads and little food, and they faced powerful and brutal training opponents.Companions die every day because of training. Their bodies are mutilated, cold, and transported away alone. Even if they survive, they cannot receive treatment and can only be abandoned.

In the eyes of the staff, they are not considered a "person" at all, not even a sentient life, not even a mouse.Blood, iron, and white filled Yi's memory at that time, no matter which color it was, it made people feel extremely palpitating and frightening.They will also prepare various medicines for Il and the people around him, and use them in experiments to increase combat power.

"There is no safety guarantee for this kind of drug. They are just experimental products. This kind of drug often exceeds the tolerance of the human body and brings unexpected pain."

Speaking of this, Yi Er couldn't help shivering, as if thinking of the pain like ten thousand ants biting his heart, he couldn't live but couldn't die.Lin Ye and his companions were also tightly gripped in their hearts.Il really hurts so much.

Yier continued to recall: "At that time, those people in white looked at the painfully twisted limbs of those around me, ignored their begging, and only wrote calculations in their notebooks. They thought it was a very common thing, It's like drinking a glass of water. The eyes of the people around me are full of hope for survival. There is nothing in their eyes, but the eyes of nothing make them more terrifying than evil spirits." Hearing this, Li Jie, Lin Ye and the others couldn't help thinking about what was wrapped under those pure white clothes.The hell is empty, and the aborigines in it may have quietly come to the human world and mingled among the people.The man in white in the dark base probably also came from it.

"Dr. Nores Cardinale," said the name again, and there was a flash of warmth in El's eyes.But soon, it was replaced by pain. "She appeared at that time, and she was the only person in the base who could smile. Her smile was gentle, kind and beautiful. But her smile was never on the people at work, she was only on us, and the people in white didn't know. Nores Dr. Catherina said that she hoped that this would make us less painful and give us some comfort." She was the only warm light in the boundless cold of Il's time.

"Dr. Nores Kaderina, such a wonderful person. She taught me knowledge, secretly brought me food, told me interesting things outside the base, and gave us painkillers behind the back of other staff. But ,” Elton paused. "She is a person who loves to laugh, but she looks at us in pain, and her smile decreases day by day. Until one day, I overheard her crying and saying, why can't she do anything. I know, she In fact, the sadness in my heart is no less than ours.”

"Dr. Nores Cardinalina has been researching a device that can control zombies since that day. She kept it from the staff and all of us. She hoped that one day we could use this power to escape. This How difficult it is." Il's voice was a little choked up, "Although during the long-term training, I was lucky to survive, and my ability has been improving, and it has reached a frightening level, but I still can't escape the researchers. I knew I couldn’t escape, so I became numb day by day. But Dr. Nores Kaderina, she never gave up.” It’s the previous condition of Yu Qiran, and Yu Qiran was shocked by Il’s previous experience , also feel sorry for Il.When he came to the conditions he proposed, he began to listen attentively, and secretly decided to help Lin Ye and the others.

"She has been secretly researching possible methods of manipulating the actions of zombies, focusing on the connection between the tiny current emitted by the physical device and the zombie's special Stramberg nerve plexus. Later, she succeeded through complex calculations and experiments. That The button mechanism and the whistle are made of Thura Elmer Metal and Treskash Substance respectively. These two crafting materials are rare, and only they, that can resonate with the zombie's special Stramberg plexus .The data and test process used in the device program are complex and unimaginable, and this device is impossible to replicate, that is to say, it is unique."

What happened next was that Dr. Nores Kaderina fled with Il and the other subjects.But what is unexpected is that the export has long been full of combat power.The worker in white finally laughed, but it made people retch. ——full of viciousness.

"Dr. Nores Kaderina has long been betrayed by her most trusted assistant. She has worked so hard and worked hard day and night. The result is coveted by the workers. They have long wanted to snatch this device. "

"——It's really gratifying, Dr. Noreskaterina." The white-clothed worker spoke slowly, laughing wildly. "We have finally waited for the treasure you created. Now, if you give it to us, we can keep you. After all, you are a rare talent. But well," he clapped his hands gracefully. "Clean up the rubbish behind you. Anyway, if you have it, you can control the lost device as a combat power. This pile of debris is useless." As soon as he stopped, the muzzle of the gun beside him pointed at the victim in front of him. experimenters.

"Dr. Noreskaterina never expected to be betrayed. She began to accuse the man in white in front of her loudly, and then talked about the pain of the man in white. Because of the dirty things he did in the past, the man in white has a secret body. The disabled person angered the man in white. She gave me the whistle behind her back." Yi Er's breathing became rapid, and Lin Ye and the others knew that the most critical and painful part was about to come to Yi Er. "The man in white actually noticed the doctor's actions. He realized that besides the doctor, I might also have the right to use it. He wanted to shoot me first."

But Nores Kaderina turned around, protected Il, and was also shot in the heart. "Il, I know I can't escape. Even if you escape, they will catch me at any cost. With me, the device will be..." Dr. Nores Cardinalina coughed in pain: " He is the only one who can still use the whistle, promise me and take everyone away." These few words exhausted the strength of the doctor, and the thing she cared about the most has been completed.She finally slowly closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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