Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 827 Brain Wave Data

Chapter 827 Brain Wave Data
"At that time, I only had one thought, and that was that the only person in the world who was kind to me was gone. The only sincere person was gone. I hate the man in white, and I want to take revenge." Yi Er said with hatred, even though it had passed After such a long time, he still gritted his teeth with hatred.

There was a sudden roar from outside the base, and a large number of zombies suddenly attacked. The strong defense line of the base could not make the zombies retreat. They rushed in densely like a tide, and the base's defense line collapsed.Looking at the extremely vicious zombies from a distance makes people shudder, not to mention such a large number of them rushing forward.The calm face of the worker in white finally collapsed.Under Il's order, this group of mighty people dressed in pure white huddled into a small and ugly group at this moment, but they couldn't prevent them from facing the attack of zombies.

The smoke cleared, and none of the white-clothed workers in the gloomy base survived.

The important task entrusted by Dr. Nores Kaderina was completed, and Il took a deep breath. After the smoke receded, there was a lot of pain and endless loneliness.The doctor actually gave him the sole right to use such an important device.The doctor actually trusted him so much.Whistle only recorded his brain wave data, only he can control the zombies and protect the people entrusted by the doctor.This is the doctor's gift, and it is also a relic, and it is an extremely powerful force.

However, as soon as he was freed, the voice of greed appeared. "Il, hand over the whistle that the doctor left you. Why should it be yours? It should belong to everyone, so give it to me. You can trust me." When did he win over a few people and approached Il, intending to seize the whistle.He couldn't hide the greed in his eyes.But greed is not only in his eyes, the same strange light keeps shining in the eyes of several other people.

"Give it to me, give it to me." Noticing the gazes of others, Gou Yang couldn't help leaning forward, but was overturned by Yi Er's slap.Il was filled with sarcasm and disdain.

"Nores Kaderina just passed away, and the people she cared about protecting ignored her and her last wish for everyone to live, and fought again over the power of the whistle, fighting each other regardless of the means." Il said bitterly. "In order to quell the riot, I summoned the zombies. In the end, too many people died at the hands of the zombies and their companions. Only a few people were left under control."

"But the doctor just passed away, these people did such a thing in disregard of her last wishes, I can't trust them. I always think people are hypocritical and disgusting. After the doctor passed away, I feel that the only sincere person has left. If you don't believe in people, you will They are dismissed." Speaking of this, Yi Er was finally relieved, and a tear slipped down the side of his face uncontrollably. "That's the whole truth."

After listening to Lin Ye and the others, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This story is really too heavy. "Il, so one of your pains stems from your guilt towards the doctor and your disappointment with others because of what happened, right?" Lin Ye said.Yi Er didn't nod or shake his head, but just acquiesced.

Lin Ye sighed softly, patted Yi Er's head, looked at him with sincere eyes, and said, "Dr. She should not only want you to live, but also want you to be happy, because she has seen too much of your pain. She hopes to comfort you with a smile. Your pain also makes her suffer, understand."

"For the disappointment of people, you didn't meet the right person before, except for Dr. Nores Kaderina. But, you met us. During this period of getting along, what have we experienced and what feelings have we had? You should understand." Lin Ye said softly: "You can trust us, we, like the doctor, want you to be happy. My friend."

"Doctor, she wants me to be happy?" El asked himself in his heart.Then, he gave himself an affirmative answer.He has been living in the pain of the doctor's death, feels guilty towards the doctor, but forgets the doctor's last wish.He was really wrong, wrong.

In the last "my friend", Lin Ye didn't emphasize his tone, but it caused a slight ripple in Yi Er's heart.For a long time, no one could say such a thing to him. "My friend." This is not just a title, but also an affirmation, a commitment, and a bond.This is indeed a sense of happiness.

There was a trace of an imperceptible shallow smile on the corner of Yil's mouth.Be happy in the future, Doctor.

He stretched out his hand to hold Lin Ye, and looked at Lin Ye and the others. "Of course I would like to believe you, my friends." Lin Ye and the others also felt sincerely happy to see Yi Er untie the knot in his heart. It was great.

Since I satisfied my curiosity, I was willing to help Il attack the arsenal. First, Xinyu opened the dark world, and found out that there were two superhuman soldiers guarding the arsenal, and their The supernatural level is one extraordinary, the other is amethyst, the level of the two supernatural powers is not low, it can be imagined that they are very difficult to deal with, but for the spiritual supernatural beings, controlling one supernatural and one amethyst, Still easy.

I saw that You Qiran released the supernatural power, controlled the nerve centers of the two soldiers, and soon the soldiers lost their consciousness and obeyed You Qiran's orders. I thought it would be solved soon, but the two soldiers After being controlled for a moment, he suddenly regained his consciousness, and he was taken aback. This has never happened since he learned mind control. Unless someone finds his weakness, he won't be able to remove it by himself. Yu Qiran didn't believe it, he released the power again, controlling the nerve centers of the two soldiers, and the soldiers lost their consciousness again, but before Yu Qiran gave the order, they all suddenly regained their consciousness, In just a few seconds, he was out of Yu Qiran's control.

"This, how is this possible? I have never encountered such a thing." You Qiran murmured in disbelief, as if he had been greatly shocked.

Lin Ye actually couldn't believe it. He was someone who had been controlled by You Qiran. He knew how powerful Yu Qiran was. If he wanted to break away from Yu Qiran's control so easily, he must have a very high level of abilities. Why did these two Chaofan and Zijing soldiers get out of You Qi's control so easily?
"Is it because the entrance of the arsenal in the room is too far away, and you can't control them?" Li Jie asked from the side. After all, when he controlled Lin Ye, he controlled Lin Ye face to face.

But Yu Qiran shook his head and said: "One of them is Amethyst and the other is Transcendence. I have absolutely succeeded in controlling them at such a distance. You have seen that I have actually controlled them, but I don’t know how they got out of my control.” You Qiran said.

(End of this chapter)

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