Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 853 Blue Monster

Chapter 853 Blue Monster
But when he ran upstairs, he didn't find the two of them, nor did he run downstairs. The zombies were standing by the stairs very quietly, and there was no sign of fighting, so where did they go? up?

Besides, on Lin Ye's side, he had already killed the humanoid monster. Although it took some effort, it was an intermediate zombie monster after all, and Lin Ye could still deal with it.

It seems that there should be no other threats on this floor, and then Lin Ye went down to call Li Jie and let them come up, but when he went down, he found that Li Jie and the others were gone. It was strange, where did they go.

Lin Ye checked the two floors back and forth again, but still did not find Li Jie, You Qiran, and Ling Wei. These three people disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

"Roar..." Suddenly, there was a low growl in the distance, as if some kind of wild beast was demonstrating something.

When Lin Ye heard the voice, he walked towards the place where the voice came from.

"Li Jie?" Lin Ye called out tentatively.

"Roar!" There was another low growl, and Lin Ye walked aside and turned around, seeing something making the sound through the window.

It was a blue guy nearly two meters tall, with all fours on the ground. It seemed to be a mutated animal. Lin Ye could feel that its heteronuclear level was above extraordinary!The place is filled with the smell of blood. It has blue skin and strong muscles that can be lifted up to kill a person at any time. The level of this monster's ability is really unfathomable, and Lin Ye can only feel that it is above the extraordinary level. Yes, it may be higher level than Lin Ye himself. With such a strong opponent, Lin Ye doesn't want to find him.

Lin Ye turned around and wanted to leave here, but just as he moved, the monster also moved, and then Lin Ye saw the monster's apple-sized eyes looking at him, obviously he had spotted Lin Ye, it was turning The huge body faced Lin Ye, "Roar!!!!" It roared loudly, which was deafening.

Lin Ye turned around and ran, the monster broke through the window and chased Lin Ye.

Lin Ye didn't hesitate, jumped directly from the window at the end of the corridor and released his ability instantly. There was ice below to catch Lin Ye, and the blue monster was still chasing Lin Ye. Lin Ye knew that running like this was not right. There was no way, so he stopped, and then saw that the blue monster also stopped, it seemed that it was also afraid of Lin Ye.

But Lin Ye turned to attack and sprinted towards the blue zombie. The muscles all over his body began to tremble, and a supernatural power slowly gathered in his dantian, as if it was about to burst out. The cold sword was taken out from the space ring, and the edge of the sword in his hand also began to make a clear sound.

Seeing Lin Ye rushing up like this, the blue monster was taken aback for a moment, and then let out a roar from its bloody mouth.

Then the blue zombie also charged up, threw off its four claws and rushed towards Lin Ye. .

Lin Ye was facing the charging zombie, every cell in his body was boiling, his body was in a state of extreme excitement, but his brain was extremely calm, as if the body he was manipulating was not his own.

Watching myself run, watching myself raise my sword.

One person and one monster burst out with a monstrous fighting spirit.

The zombie raised its giant claws, and Lin Ye raised his blade.


Lin Ye and the blue monster passed by.


When Lin Ye was facing the claws of the zombies, at the critical moment, relying on his calm mind and strong physical fitness, he used an irregular displacement to abruptly avoid the pounce of the claws, and floated past the zombies.However, the sword edge in Lin Ye's hand did not stop, and a thick blue light bloomed from the sword edge.

By mistake.Swing the knife and cut it out.

The sword light swallowed and spit out, and the sword light disappeared in a flash, touching the zombie's body and leaving.

Lin Ye turned around slowly and looked at the blue monster coldly.And the bull-headed blue monster hit the air with a blow, and turned to look at it with a roar.One person and one monster stared at each other, and the black and white pupils collided with the green will-o'-the-wisp's eyes only for a moment, but it seemed to last forever.

Click!There was a click sound.

I saw that the belly of the blue monster, which had already had the upper hand, burst open a wide crack on the gray-white exoskeleton exposed!

Lin Ye was in an uproar!
The blue monster lowered its head, looked at the bone cracks in its chest, and then let out an angry howl.With howling, the blue monster rushed towards Lin Ye like crazy again.Seeing the monster sprinting again, Lin Ye sneered, and the Eight Strange Sword in his hand reappeared.

Suddenly, the blue monster rushed to Lin Ye!

This time, the blue monster stretched out both claws, with five steel-like fingers between the claws.Suddenly, ten extremely sharp black nails shot out from between the ten fingers of the monster's giant claw!

The ten sharp nails that were separated from the zombie's fingers, with a black light, wrapped in a gust of wind, rushed towards Lin Ye.

Such a close distance!Such a weird attack method!Such a vicious ultimate move!How can I avoid it?

In Lin Ye's hand, he is not a god, nor a superman, nor is it Teacher Qitama.Such a vicious and strange attack, even Lin Ye couldn't dodge it.

But Lin Ye didn't intend to escape.

It is a waste of life to spend time doing something that is impossible to succeed.Although Lin Ye doesn't have much concept of life, every minute and every second is very important in the critical moment of fighting zombies!

In order to survive, Lin Ye raised the Baqi Hanjian, at the extreme point of the blade, the thick green light was like a green dragon coming out of the abyss, rushing forward and sweeping, slashing towards the zombie's claws.Wherever the sword light passed, light and shadow intertwined, and strong winds blew up!This knife is really shocking and rebelling against ghosts and gods.

Puff!Ten black lights passed through Lin Ye's body. Two of the zombie nails pierced Lin Ye's chest, pierced the combat uniform, and pierced Lin Ye's chest. Two other zombie nails flew past Lin Ye's face, leaving There were two bright red bloodstains.

The nails of the remaining six zombies were all out of alignment. They flew past Lin Ye's side, stuck in the snow behind Lin Ye, and entered without a handle.

Lin Ye didn't care about being hurt, and swung the Baqi Hanjian wantonly, cutting down along the center of the monster's pair of giant claws.

The blue light flickered, the green dragon dispersed, and the blue monster's ten white radish-like fingers slowly slipped from the palm.

The ten sharp steel claws of the blue monster were cut off alive like this!
However, Lin Ye didn't have the slightest time to express his joy.

The blue monster couldn't feel the pain, but the attack of the zombies never stopped.As soon as the blade passed, the blue monster's bloody mouth came suddenly with sharp fangs!

Lin Ye felt a stench coming from the top of his head as soon as he cut it with his knife.

Creepy!Instinctively, Lin Ye fell down, put one hand on the ground, and swung the dragon hanging on the wall with a move. He slid past the blue monster's abdomen lightly, narrowly avoiding the blue monster's fangs and kisses.

However, the battle is far from over.

(End of this chapter)

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