Chapter 854 Beheading
The blue monster missed a single hit, and immediately bounced its limbs and turned its head, moved its body away, and bit Lin Ye again with its bloody mouth.

Lin Ye rolled and rolled on the ground, avoiding the blue monster's kisses repeatedly, but the blue monster's huge body was very flexible. Under repeated attacks, the monster's attacks became more and more proficient and faster, not only In this way, the monster also tried to attack with four claws.Although the monster's forelimbs were cut off by Lin Ye with ten fingers, but the giant claws are gone and there are still giant palms.

This time the attack was even more ferocious, and Lin Ye had some difficulty parrying it.

Lin Ye rolled on the ground for a while, the blue monster was like a perpetual motion machine, no matter how hard he tossed, he would not get tired.

His grandma, the monster is not tired, but Lin Ye is exhausted. After this battle, Lin Ye's waist is sore, his back is hurting, his legs are cramping, and his chest still hurts.The more he beat Lin Ye, the more furious he became. Lin Ye seized an opportunity to bounce up from the ground, grabbed the monster's abdomen and kicked it, and climbed up the blue monster's back along the monster's body.

Lin Ye was forced to turn over and climb onto the back of the zombie. Unexpectedly, this unintentional move suddenly brought about a dramatic reversal of the situation.

Lin Ye climbed onto the tiger-like body of the blue monster, and then thrust the Eight Strange Sword into the zombie's exoskeleton.

With all his strength, the Baqihan Sword really broke through the exoskeleton armor, pierced into the back muscles of the zombie, and firmly fixed the Baqihan Sword, and Lin Ye grabbed the Baqihan Sword regardless of his life, like a bone attached to it. body, entangled on the back of the zombie.

The monster was dumbfounded now, jumping on the ground repeatedly, screaming and colliding, but couldn't touch Lin Ye.The tragic monster's limbs are all exoskeletons. These hard bones are invincible and indestructible to the zombies, but this time the exoskeleton has brought huge troubles to the monster.

The sitting monster is still tossing endlessly.But Lin Ye finally had a chance to breathe. He no longer had to face the zombies with a strong kiss, and he no longer had to reach out to grab the handle of the knife like a zombie with four pile drivers. Lin Ye was bumping in the air, and finally had time to pull it out. Two sharp nails on the body.

The physical battle was really different from the ability battle. Lin Ye was a little exhausted at this time, and the blue monster struggled to stand up and continue to fight with Lin Ye. It seemed that it was really not tired at all.

Lin Ye didn't waste any more time. He directly released his ability and released countless ice thorns towards the monster. The hard ice thorns went straight through the blue monster's body.

"Roar!!!" The monster roared in pain. It looked at Lin Ye with hatred in its eyes, but it could no longer seek revenge on Lin Ye, because it was about to die.

After knocking down the blue monster, Lin Ye was already out of breath and spent most of his physical strength. This monster is really difficult to deal with, but he still can't rest. He hasn't found Li Jie at this time. Ling Wei, I don't know what happened to them, why can't find them until now, Lin Ye is very worried, wondering if it is because of this blue monster.

Besides, Yu Qiran and Ling Wei pushed open the door behind the nurse's station, and found a huge machine running non-stop inside. It is blue liquid, and there are some unknown black particles, and there are many tubes on the top of this machine, which are sent to each ward through the roof.

Looking at these tubes, he went out to the nearest ward to check. Sure enough, in a small corner of the roof, there was a tube opening, and then the liquid delivered from the tube turned into The gas is then distributed in all corners of the ward, allowing people in the ward to breathe in.

So I went to other wards to check, and sure enough, Ling Wei came over and asked, "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

After thinking about it, he walked back to the room with the machine and said, "The blue liquid inside is transported to each ward through the tubes on the machine, and then turns into gas, which is inhaled by the human body. What the hell is this? How can there be such a thing in a hospital?"

Listening to it, Ling Wei also felt a little unbelievable, "Could it be something that can make the patient's condition better?"

Hearing what Ling Wei said, she shook her head naturally: "If this is such a good thing. How could the hospital secretly insert a small tube to send it in? Look at those patients, they must be unaware of the existence of this thing, so this There must be something strange in it, besides, if it is really something that makes the patient's condition better, the hospital cannot give it to the patient for free, and the hospital will definitely charge a fee, so that guess is not valid."

"Well, it will never be a gas that is harmful to the human body, and the hospital cannot be stupid enough to do that kind of thing. If people have accidents in their hospital, then their hospital will definitely have unshirkable responsibility. How can you keep driving?" Ling Wei said.

"This is what I'm thinking about, so what is this liquid..." You Qiran murmured.

The two just looked at the machine like this, and Ling Wei stared carefully at the black particles in the blue liquid, feeling something was different, she walked up to the machine and looked at the black particles floating in the blue liquid , that... the black particles seem to be moving...

"Hey..." Ling Wei said to You Qiran with a trembling voice: "Look at such a black liquid, this, this thing seems to be a bug..."

From it, I hurriedly approached to have a look, carefully observed those black particles, and found that they were insect-like things with tentacles!

"This, what is this..." Ling Wei stepped back, and now she is sure that this must not be something that makes the patient's condition better!

Those "little bugs" swim in the blue liquid, and then observe by yourself, you will find that the bottom of the "little bugs" is very slow, and the blue substance is secreted.

As a result, his complexion suddenly became very bad. He looked at the machine in horror, and had an astonishing guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, because that guess was too insane!
As a result, he kept stepping back: "Ling Wei, let's get out of here!" he said.

Seeing Yu Qiran's expression, Ling Wei knew that he must have discovered something, and didn't ask why, the two hurriedly ran out of the room, and Yu Qiran didn't take Ling Wei upstairs or downstairs, Instead, he hid in a ward.

"What's wrong?" Ling Wei asked softly.

"Hush!" Yu Qiran made a silent gesture, and then stared at the door tightly. He is very nervous now, because he already had a premonition that there is something outside the door!This thing is not those illusory people, but something that really exists!And it can be felt that the other party is not kind.

(End of this chapter)

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