Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 855 Confusion in the Illusion

Chapter 855 Confusion in the Illusion
"Gululu... Gululu..." There was a strange sound coming from outside, "Gululu... Gululu..." The sound continued and was still approaching.

In this room, what I saw were three hospital beds, and there were patients on each bed. The patient near the door was already asleep, and a family member was taking care of him. The patient in the middle was sitting and eating. There was only one family member looking after him, and in the hospital bed by the window, that is, the bed closest to You Qiran and Ling Wei, the patient was lying on the bed, and seemed to be eating something, because he was lying on his stomach, by Qi Ran and Ling Wei couldn't see his face, and they didn't know what he was eating. This patient was alone and had no family members by his side.

He chewed loudly, "creak, creak." As if he was eating some meaty food, Ling Wei was very curious about what he was eating, why did he lie on the bed, wouldn't it make the hospital bed dirty?
So confused, Ling Wei slowly moved towards the patient's bed, then bent her neck, trying to see through the gap, it seemed to be a piece of red, and the juice dripped on the ground, it was also red, etc... Could this red juice be blood?
No way... Aren't discounted phantoms all human beings? How could human beings eat something raw...

Suddenly, a piece of the patient's food fell off and fell to the ground. Ling Wei took a closer look and found that it was a hand!A baby-sized hand! ! !
Ling Wei stood up with a "babble", and then she turned the patient over. The patient's pale face was covered with blood. I was so terrified that I didn't know what to do...

And the patient who ate the baby shook the baby's body, and then raised his sharp nails to grab Ling Wei, but Ling Wei completely forgot to dodge, and at the very moment, he had already gathered in his hand Actually, he slapped the "patient" directly on the forehead, and the head of the "patient" exploded instantly, and then his body was still in the attacking posture, and then fell to the ground with a bang, never moving again.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? You won't be scared stupid, right?" You Qiran stretched out his hand and shook Ling Wei's eyes, "Isn't it, are you so timid?"

It's not because Ling Wei is timid, but because she was shocked by the scene just now, why is it like that!

"Then, isn't that human?" Ling Wei asked, pointing at the "patient" who had fallen to the ground.

Yu Qiran looked at the corpse and said, "This should be in the same situation as that female nurse." As he spoke, Yu Qiran reached out and touched the body of the mutilated baby that was thrown out. Go over, and then touch the corpse of the "patient", you can touch it: "Look, his body is still warm, so he is also half-human, half-zombie, his brain has been invaded by zombie virus, and part of his body is still human .”

Ling Wei felt a little uncomfortable at this time, because what she saw just now was more uncomfortable than seeing a monster. This kind of discomfort is not fear, but desolation. When you find that a person you thought was a human is eating a Baby, this is really... indescribable.

"Gululu... Gululu..." The strange voice from outside sounded again.

Yu Qiran and Ling Wei entered the alert state again, they stared at the door, waiting for the voice to approach.

Li Jie was still wandering around on this floor, because he felt that Yu Qiran and Ling Wei had not left this floor, "Boom!" Suddenly, there was a loud noise in a room in front, and Li Jie immediately looked at him vigilantly. that room.

After a loud noise, everything returned to calm. In this dilapidated hospital with a lot of zombies, there could be a loud noise, indicating that there should be zombies or monsters over there.

Li Jie cautiously approached that room, he was a little nervous, he didn't know what kind of monster was behind this door...

He gently put his hand on the doorknob, and then slowly turned it...

However, staring at the door closely, they found that the doorknob was being slowly turned. Ling Wei also noticed it. The two of them did not dare to make a sound, waiting for the enemy that appeared after the door opened...

When the doorknob was fully turned, Li Jie suddenly pushed the door open!

Then he saw that the door was pushed open suddenly, and then found that there was no one outside the door!
Li Jie looked at the emptiness and found that there was nothing here except broken tables and crumbling windows. He took a flashlight and looked back and forth several times, and there was nothing.

"It's strange..." Li Jie murmured, he had clearly heard a sound here just now, why there was nothing there.

Yu Qiran and Ling Wei looked at the opened door, and there was nothing outside the door, it was strange, why was there nothing?

"What's going on?" Ling Wei asked suspiciously. Both she and You Qiran heard the "gurgling" sound just now. Why was there nothing when the door was opened?
The two stood up and walked slowly towards the door. When they reached the door, they looked around the corridor. Except for those illusory people, there was nothing, and no one noticed the two of them.

"Gululu..." The voice sounded again!And this time it was behind them, in the ward!
Yu Qiran and Ling Wei suddenly turned their heads, only to find a zombie standing in front of them!Wearing torn clothes, the zombie showed its teeth and demonstrated to You Qiran and Ling Wei.

Shit, how did this zombie appear there!This is just crazy!
You Qiran once again gathered the powers in his hands, preparing to kill the zombie in front of him like he did with the female nurse zombie and the baby-eating zombie last time, but found that this zombie was extremely flexible and easily escaped Yu Qiran's attack , and then this zombie also gathered abilities in his hands!Like You Qiran just now, and then launched an attack on them.

"This zombie is still a supernatural being!" Ling Wei said in shock.

After that, he took a few steps back and said, "He's still a not-low-level supernatural being."

This is troublesome, Ling Wei is not a supernatural being, it may be difficult to deal with him alone.

As for Li Jie, after he searched the house, the moment he turned around, he found two zombies standing behind him!

The zombie actually stood behind him silently, but he didn't realize that the two zombies were dressed in shabby clothes, grinning at Li Jie, and then one of the zombies gathered in his hand, and then turned towards Li Jie's head. When the attack came, Li Jie dodged easily, and then turned around and attacked the opponent with a magic ball, and the opponent also easily dodged.

(End of this chapter)

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