Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 859 The Hypocritical Dean

Chapter 859 The Hypocritical Dean

The more he thought about it, the more strange it became. Chiss looked around, but found no one else, so he quietly walked into the room and closed the door.

Qishisi looked around the liquid, except for those few black swimming things, what are those things?
Then Qishisi found a large stack of documents next to the machine. He picked it up and saw that it was written on the paper: Isjataraku virus, which is a very special virus. It was first discovered that this The kind of virus is the European doctor Jan?Van der Heyslick Kira, all infected people become living dead without exception. As long as a person or animal is infected with a little virus, it will cause a systemic infection. Individuals infected by the virus must kill the brain cells. Otherwise, it will become a living dead, but this is different from the outbreak of zombie virus, it is a virus that turns people's side into zombies and keeps people's brains awake.

It causes pain at the infected site, the face turns purple or brown, and the wound is swollen. The symptoms of Isjataraku virus: The first hour: the infected site hurts, the face turns purple or brown, and the wound is swollen.Fifth hour: High fever above 40°C, chills, vomiting, severe joint pain.Eighth hour: Persistent high fever, paralysis of the affected area and limbs, loss of muscle coordination. No. 11 hours: Paralysis of the lower limbs, stiffness of the whole body, slow heart rate. No.16 hours: coma. No.20 Hours: Heartbeat stops. No.20 three hours: the body restarts. No.20 three hours: the body restarts.

When the body is restarted, the body will become a zombie, and it will have the fighting power of a zombie. If it is infected, these people can be trained into a zombie army!

At this point the virus is in its fifth hour phase.

Then the words stopped abruptly, but Qishisi was stunned by these words. Could it be that this blue liquid is the Isjataraku virus? Thinking of this, Qishisi also found that the people around him often had a fever recently. , Vomiting, and even fainting people, exactly as described on the paper!And it was recorded on the paper that the fifth hour is in progress, and Chiss found that these liquids flowed out through countless tubes on the machine, Chiss didn't understand why there was such a thing in the hospital ? !
Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and you, a nurse, stood outside the door, looking at Qi Shisi coldly, Qi Shisi calmly pretended to clean up and said: "I'm really sorry, I just saw the door There is no lock, I thought it was going to be cleaned, so I came in..."

"Didn't I tell you guys! Don't enter this room, don't enter! Are you deaf!" the nurse yelled, her angry eyes made Kiss tremble slightly, this is still these days, It was the first time he saw the nurse like this, and he didn't know why she was so angry, he didn't move anything, and even apologized, why did she still have to be unforgiving?

Chiss also had a bit of a temper, and ignored the nurse. The nurse stared at Chiss tightly, as if she wanted to see two holes in Chiss's body with her own eyes.

That look, that look full of murderous intent, Chiss could also feel it, the nurse slowly walked towards him, her steps were neither fast nor slow, and she walked straight towards Chiss at a fast pace.

"Hey, I'm already on the verge of tears, can I stop this!" Kiss shouted.

The nurse didn't answer his words, but continued to speak outside.

Only then did Chiss realize how terrifying this hospital is, and what it carries is not a simple refuge. The look in the nurse's eyes is really fresh in his memory, and Chiss will never forget it , and then that zombie, in front of Kiss, slowly changed its appearance, her face began to become shriveled, bloodless, her eyes lost their black eyeballs, only the whites of the eyes protruded outwards, and her body became bent and crooked , with fangs growing out of its mouth, and then let out a low growl that was not human.

Chissi looked at the nurse in horror, this, isn't this a zombie!Why did the nurse suddenly turn into a zombie in front of him? What was going on? !Kiss was really stunned, he hid in the corner of the room in fear, and looked at the nurse tremblingly, for fear that she would pounce on him and bite him to death.

But after the nurse became like this, she didn't make any further movements. She just stood there, looked at her hands, touched her face, and then the female nurse ran out!

After the female nurse ran out, Chiss stayed in this room for a while before he ran out. He was going to tell the dean that zombies appeared in the hospital!I don't know where the female zombie went, I pray that other people don't get bitten.

But seeing that there was no panic in the crowd, and seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, there was no panic or fear. Maybe they didn't see the female nurse zombie!Qi Shisi thought, and then he went to find the dean, and then told the dean about the female nurse turning into a zombie, but he didn't mention that he had been in the room behind the nurse's station.

When the dean heard Chissi's words, he immediately had people block off the floor where the female nurse mutated, and then arranged for all the people living on that floor to move out.

Seeing the dean busy here in person, Kiss couldn't help but wonder, does the dean not know what's in the house behind the nurse's station?That thing can turn people into zombies, the dean should have known that they should have been moved away long ago.

Later, the female nurse zombie was finally found, but the dean did not order the female zombie to be executed, but drove her out.

"Although this nurse has become a zombie, she was a good nurse before, so I didn't want to put her to death, so I thought, there are zombies outside anyway, so let her out." The dean said to said the people in the hospital.

Those people in the hospital felt that what the dean said made sense, and they felt that the dean was really a very kind-hearted person.

And thought that after the female zombies were driven out, everything would return to the way it was before, but Qishisi found that it was impossible. The Isjataraku virus, the virus that turned people into zombies, finally made people living here The people inside gradually turned into zombies, and even Qishisi began to change. When this great change happened, Qishisi didn't see the dean.

Later, the people in the hospital turned into zombies, but they were surprised to find that they were still conscious, but they could not speak, but they could growl, and the roars between the zombies could be understood by each other.

(End of this chapter)

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