Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 860 Isjataraku Virus

Chapter 860 Isjataraku Virus
Slowly, Qishisi suddenly discovered that it is not bad to become a zombie. A zombie does not need to eat or drink, will not be sleepy, and will have inexhaustible physical strength. He also discovered that after becoming a zombie, no matter what injuries he suffers, the wounds will heal quickly , The root of the speed express can't see what happened.

The people in the hospital, they are very happy that they have become like this, because they can communicate with zombies inside, and with zombies outside, but the zombies outside are unconscious, and they don’t know anything except biting , Slowly the people in the whole hospital turned into zombies, but he discovered the problem again, they can't go anywhere except the hospital, they can only stay in the hospital, they can't get out no matter what, jumping from the window , and can’t jump out, it’s really a bit boring, your body has such a powerful ability now, but you can’t get out of the room, you can only stay in a tall building, you can’t go anywhere, there is no freedom, they yearn for freedom, they want to Leaving here, I have always wanted to leave here, and Qi Shi has never seen the dean even after he died. The dean disappeared without a trace, as if the world had evaporated.

In fact, they can only wander around in the hospital, go up and down the stairs boringly, and go back and forth several times without getting tired. This power is really amazing. Is this really a virus? Could this be a new type of biochemical weapon? I understand, but it’s okay to stay here for a while. If you can’t go anywhere, no one can bear it, so everyone starts looking for the dean. They want to leave here. How can we solve this problem forever, but the dean I really don’t know where I’m going, the people here and I started to become irritable, the zombies here started to become irritable, they smashed things in the hospital frantically, they wanted to leave here, very, very much wanted to leave here, and Qi Shi Si saw a little girl sitting in the corner and asked her how to leave the hospital. The little girl shook her head and didn't tell him how to leave the hospital, but the little girl gave him one thing, that is, a pen and a notebook.

Qishisi's hands were trembling. Recalling that period of time, he realized how terrifying the dean was. He actually knew about the existence of the Isjataraku virus, but he didn't say it. , he used his hypocrisy to deceive everyone, everyone believed him so much, and he pretended to be so good. After a while, he actually discovered that the female nurse who was the first to become a zombie was actually still in the hospital. He didn't leave the hospital. The dean lied to them. After all, this female nurse was his subordinate, how could he make him powerful, and this female nurse was also conscious, so when he transformed for the first time and saw that she was actually dead? They didn't rush to bite him, but still observed themselves calmly. This is really crazy, because the end of the world has just begun and they saw this kind of conscious zombie for the first time, so what is going on in their hearts? It's better to be a zombie.

After reading Qishisi's narration, Lin Ye and the others realized that their hearts were already turbulent, and this incident was really surprising. The blue drug was full of viruses, and it could turn people's bodies into zombies, but their brains did not change. Sijataraku virus, in fact, Lin Ye also knows what the dean is planning. If this virus can make so many people have the fighting power to go public but still have consciousness, wouldn’t it be a good zombie to train a team of zombies? ?These people are also subject to management, and can communicate with zombies and those real zombies that can only bite. It seems that the dean's ambition is not small.

Lin Ye looked at Qishisi, and said: "If everything you said is true, take me to see the Isjataraku virus, I want to know more about it, only if we know how we can help you ? First help you how to restore to the original state, if you really can’t recover and you still want to die, I will try my best to help you.”

Chiss nodded, then turned around and yelled at the other zombies, and then those zombies gave way to another passage, and Chiss took Lin Ye and the others to the house behind the nurse's station. .

You have to look at the blue liquid in the big machine, and those small black particles, this thing looks scary, and then the blue liquid will turn into gas when those tubes send it out, and then it will be inhaled into the lungs If there is no change in the brain after inhaling it into the lungs, it means that you have been infected with the Isjataraku virus.

Qi Shisi took Lin Ye and the others to the room behind the nurse's station, where the machine was dilapidated.

It is different from what Yu Qiran and Ling Wei saw in the illusion. What the two of them saw in the illusion was a brand new machine and the blue liquid virus, but now, this machine is too worn out to be used, and there is no virus in it. A blue liquid was used.

Lin Ye observed this machine, and always felt that he had seen this thing somewhere...

Qi Shisi saw that Lin Ye and the others were silent, and he wrote in his notebook: "This machine knows the root of the Isjataraku virus. After we became like this, we have always hated this machine. machine, so it was destroyed like this, you may not be able to identify what it is, but a long time ago, in this glass, there were some blue liquid and black particles, and the black particles would appear at any time The number of these black particles increases with the increase of time, and I have carefully observed these black particles. It is the blue things emerging from its tail that make the liquid here turn blue. I am very surprised about this. The Isjataraku virus, is it the liquid or the black particles.”

Lin Ye looked at what Qi Shisi wrote, thoughtful, if this machine used to be filled with blue liquid and black particles, then Lin Yue was [-]% sure that he had seen it at someone somewhere This thing, I still remember that the person introduced him to this thing will change the fate of the whole world, but at that time he was bothered by the problems of some of their underground places, and didn’t take what he said seriously, so that now he wants to I can't get up, who is here...

Li Jie looked at you thinking hard, thinking that he must have some clues, then he checked the whole machine carefully, and found that there were many small black dots under the machine, covering the whole machine Underneath, what is this? Could it be the black particle that Qishisi mentioned?
Li Jie squatted down and studied carefully, and found that these little black dots actually had shapes.

(End of this chapter)

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