Chapter 865 Vicious
"It's different from the zombie virus. The zombie virus turns people's body and brain into zombies, so I think your brain-dead virus is somewhere between the Isjataraku virus and the zombie virus. So if you want to solve this virus, you should be able to find a breakthrough from the Isjataraku virus and the zombie virus, because your brain-dead virus is a new type of virus, we don’t know too much about it, and the zombie virus It has been around for many years, and we know it better, and the Isija Taraku virus has been on us for many years, and we know it well, so it is easier to break through."

Ling Wei nodded, thinking that Qi Shisi's analysis made sense, but he was still very worried. After all, the brain-dead virus reappeared in the city. He was very worried that the brain-dead virus would break out again. At that time, the city would be like two years later. He fell into panic as before, he really didn't want to do that, so he wanted to solve this problem quickly, she said to Lin Ye and the others: "I don't think we can go back to the city now, because we still don't know the specifics of the brain death virus yet. What exactly is it? I just learned about the Isjataraku virus, so I want to continue searching, but I don’t want to force you to join me. After all, this matter has little to do with you, and you I have found a strong half-human, half-zombie team like Qishisi and the others, there must be something I want to do, if you want to leave, I will definitely not stop you."

"Miss Ling Wei, I don't like to hear what you say now. After all, we didn't promise you when we came out, but the city lord of your city, and promised to find out the cause of the brain death virus, so I said We will definitely do what we say, you let us leave now, isn't that making us dishonest?" You Qiran said deliberately tricky.

An angry Ling Wei stared at him.

Lin Ye smiled and said: "Don't worry, although we have our own things to do, since I promised Yichen, if I want to find the root of the zombie virus, I will definitely help him do it. After all, he guarded such a A big city with so many people, the scene of that city is exactly the same as the scene before the end of the world, which makes us very nostalgic and moved, so we also want to protect this piece of pure land, how can he be infected by this zombie virus? As for the infringement, we will do our best! Help find the root cause of the brain death disease. Only when you find the root cause can you think of a solution. We will work together. Now we have so many half-human, half-zombie powers, at least our power has increased. , the chances of finding it will be greater and greater, are you right?" Lin Ye said sincerely, in fact, after going through so many things, Lin Ye is no longer the one he used to be, proud and arrogant, and he also knows that this kind of thing is wrong It's called meddling. After all, human beings have reached the moment of life and death, but whoever needs help, no matter what he did in life, he will lend a helping hand to them, let alone Xu Yichen, a friend who has lived and died for many years, To help him, Lin Ye would of course do his best.

"That's right, we won't go back on our word, Miss Ling Wei, don't worry, we will definitely do it." Li Jie also said in line.

Ling Wei looked at them very gratefully. Although he had a thousand words to say, he didn't know what to say. He was very grateful that they would put in such a big force to help him and his city, because that The city is really important to him, and he must protect the city well.

"Qissi, do you know what virus Zhou Yangshen is researching in this building?" Lin Ye looked at Qishisi and asked.

Qi Shisi shook his head at this, and then wrote in the small book: "Since I came to this hospital, I have been living in our building, and Zhou Yangshen does not allow us to walk around casually. Regarding the other building Things, I can only see them from the window in our building, but I can feel that the virus in another building is more painful than the Isjataraku virus in our house Much, much more, because I once saw a person struggling very, very uncomfortable when she was at the window, and I felt that her whole body was bent to an unbelievable degree, which is absolutely impossible for a normal human being Yes, including our bodies that have now turned into zombies, it is also impossible, so I think that virus must be a very, very vicious virus."

After reading Qi Shisi's writing, Lin Ye was thoughtful, so what does this virus have to do with the zombie virus? When the zombie virus first came out, the brain and body of the infected people were controlled and turned into Zombies, and this kind of virus, the instructions sent to the brains that become zombies are to bite and eat people, and nothing else. Finding out the virus will increase the speed of people, three to five times, and their strength will also increase by two times. Up to three times, the Isjataraku virus is also the same as Qishisi and others who have obtained the power of the zombies, but the Isjataraku virus is a higher-level virus than the zombie virus, he is not like The zombie virus is so barbaric. 2 As for the virus in the other building, I always feel that it is a more barbaric virus than the zombie virus. It may make people infected with this virus six to seven times faster. The strength will be increased by more than ten times, which is quite scary. After Lin Ye and the other supernatural beings get the superpower, their strength and speed will also increase to six or seven times. However, to deal with a zombie that has increased by more than ten times, That is also very difficult, but for people with high-level abilities like Lin Ye and the others, there is another thing to say.

"Actually, I think, when we lost the battle with this building, I found out that these zombies are even more ferocious, and their facial expressions are more ferocious. I don't want the kind of zombies they saw before. I always feel that their facial features It’s going to be distorted, they don’t know, they always feel that they don’t just know how to bite and eat people.” Li Jie said, he observed the zombies very carefully, and he was also surprised to find this at the time Those zombies don't just want to bite and eat people. On the contrary, they don't seem to want to bite and eat people. I always feel that they just want to take your life. It's that kind of purposeful. She can strangle you to death with her long nails, or stab you to death with a sharp object, but not, must bite you to death, which is more terrifying, because they are not like zombies, but like a kind of killer , a specially trained killer.

(End of this chapter)

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