Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 866 Analysis of Various Viruses

Chapter 866 Analysis of Various Viruses
"Actually, I think we have some. It's an exaggeration. When we dealt with those zombies in this building, we didn't feel too hard. It just felt a little strange. We can still deal with them. Now our most important thing is Is to solve that kind of brain death virus in the city, find the root of it and find a solution, because I feel that the city is almost unable to hold on. If we haven't found it, I really don't want to see the city being destroyed by that kind of It is really a nightmare to be dominated by the brain-dead virus, and the zombies in this building can't get out anyway, so we don't care about them, and we need to investigate the brain-dead virus first, okay?" Ling Wei said, because he always It was a bad premonition that his heart was pounding all the time, and he always felt that something had happened in the city. Now, he is already returning home, but he hasn't found the root of the brain death virus and he can't go back. He could only suppress the strange feeling in his heart. He said such things to Linye and the others. In fact, he didn't want to spoil everyone's interest. After everyone saw this kind of zombie, he must want to get rid of it all so as not to kill him. Come out to harm other people, but Ling Wei has no choice, he just wants to keep the city and only for the city.

"Don't worry about this, we will definitely investigate the brain-dead virus, because I also have this suspicion now, the brain-dead virus, the zombie virus and the Isjataraku virus all have a relationship, some kind of inextricably linked relationship, and this None of us know about the virus in one building, but if you think about it, maybe the virus in this building may be the source of the brain death virus." Lin Ye said, in fact, he had doubts before because he was in When I was fighting with these zombies, I noticed that their facial expressions were very strange. There are not only zombies but also many humanoid monsters in this building. All kinds of monsters are unexpected. Lin Ye encountered a total of two monsters here, but they were all eliminated by him. I don't know if there are other monsters. Maybe it was an ill-considered decision to get close, and Lin Ye hesitated.

Seeing Lin Ye's depressed expression, Li Jie asked, "What's the matter, did you notice something different?"

Lin Ye pondered for a while and said: "If not, we don't want everyone to go up, because that is too big of a goal, let's go up with two people first, because you seem to have reached the sixth floor and below the sixth floor. The zombies have been eliminated by us, so there are only six floors, so there should be no danger. Let's go in first and observe. We are all scattered on the seventh floor. We don't know anything about the seventh floor. If This time we will go to the seventh floor again. If you and us cannot find each other, it will be troublesome, so we will go in two people first, but those two people have not come out within the specified time. You just fight all kinds of animals, because I have a very bold guess, I think the building is broken, and the micro-molecular barrier will not disappear, and it is impossible for those zombies to come out."

"Wait, how do you determine that the building is forced, and the micro-molecular barrier will not be broken? We don't know how many zombies are in this building. If the building is directly broken and the micro-molecular barrier disappears, there will be hundreds of zombies. The zombies ran out and we couldn't deal with it all at once. I think this method is still a little inappropriate. You said that two people enter the building. I know this, and I agree with this point of view, because if they all go in , It’s really easy to get out again, and then they are half-human half-zombies, so don’t go in, because they can’t get out after they go in, they just stay outside, and then two people go in, two people keep watch Outside, if we stipulate how long you have not come out within the specified time, then everyone will rush in together, including killing them, and fight with the zombies inside. I will be lost, I can’t find each other, because I think it’s a bit of a risk to beat this method, if the micro-molecular barrier disappears, then the trouble will be big.” You Qiran said analytically.

Lin Ye listened to what You Qiran said, and you think it makes sense. The method he said just now to break down the building was a bit extreme. He nodded and said, "That's fine, just do what You Qiran said. I didn’t think about it just now, and the person who banned the building first must have me, because I chat with you a little more. There are not only zombies in this building, I met two monsters during this period , one is a humanoid monster with a beast head and a human body, and the other is a blue monster whose whole body is blue. Both of them were defeated by me, but I am not sure if there are other monsters in it. I must go in , I still have a little experience in dealing with these monsters, and the other person is, I don’t know you, who would like to go in with me?"

"I'll go, then I'll definitely go! Both of us are supernatural beings above the epic level. We should be the most suitable ones. The others should stay outside." Li Jie said hurriedly.

"No, let me go. After all, the virus you mentioned has something to do with the brain death virus. I must check it out. For the city I am in, this is my duty. I hope you will let me go up. I really really hope that I, I also want to help, and I really want to give something to the city. I haven’t done anything since I came here, and I hope I can go this time.” Ling Wei said, All he is thinking about now is the city. When he learned that the virus in this building and the brain-death virus that has plagued their city for many years may be a virus, he thought that he must investigate it himself. The city must find the root cause of this virus and the solution. He wants to save his city and all the people in his city.

But he shook his head and said: "I don't like the specific situation here. We don't know what you do as an ordinary person. You can't feel that you were attacked by zombies. I also know about these zombies just now." The strength has been increased by more than ten times, and it is more than ten times stronger than you guys. Do you think you can beat him? Although I know that you are eager to do something for the city and to save things, but we have to continue Considering the actual situation, now is not a child's play. Li Jie is right. He and Lin Ye are both the highest-level supernatural beings. It is very suitable for them to go. You should not argue with them. You have to trust the two of them, and you will definitely help you find out."

(End of this chapter)

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