Chapter 872
This kind of ecstasy drug was developed by Master Ling Wei's master. It is the last trump card in our city. Because it is not easy to make, it will only be used at the last critical moment, and it will not be used unless it is a last resort. After all, it is a trump card that is easily taken out, so why is there such a ecstasy drug here?This kind of ecstasy can only be obtained by the masters of Lord City Lord and Lord Ling Wei!Others have never even seen it, let alone how to use it, so why does it appear here? "The young man looked puzzled and didn't understand what was going on.

And Lin Ye and Li Jie couldn't figure out what was going on. From what the young man said, the power of the ecstasy drug is still very powerful, and it can stun everyone's names in two seconds. It is very powerful, but the young man also said that only Xu Yichen and Ling Wei's masters can get the ecstasy medicine, and Lin Ye doesn't know who Ling Wei's master is, so he doesn't know who it is. It's easy to say, but Xu Yichen definitely wouldn't do that. How could he take such a distracting ecstasy to stun all of them? It's really too strange, after all, they I came out this time to help them find the root cause of the brain-dead virus. How could they be attacked by the ecstasy drug in the city?

"Then do you know how to wake them up?" Lin Ye said. At this time, we can't find out who let them go. The most important thing now is to wake them up and rush back to the place. in the city.

"There is a way. Although our ecstasy drug looks very powerful, the method to wake them up is also very simple. There is no need for any antidote, just pour a basin of cold water on their faces. Now, this kind of ecstasy will be cured, but..." The young man looked around and continued: "In this desolation, where can I find cold water!" They are now surrounded by ruins, Except for dilapidated high-rise buildings, there is nothing, and there is no water at all.

Lin Ye smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. I am an ice-type power user, but I can also use water-type powers freely, so I can release water-type powers to wake them up."

"That's really great!" said the young man happily.

Lin Ye didn't say any more, first removed the ice shield protecting them, and then released the water ability, all the water was sprinkled on the faces of You Qiran, Ling Wei and those half-human half-zombies, A cooling sensation wakes them up.

When the young man saw these half-human half-zombies like Qishisi, he was frightened and didn't know what to do. Lin Ye quickly explained to him: "You don't have to be afraid. Although they look like this, they have human brains. Yes, they can understand us and won't attack us, don't be afraid, okay?"

But the young man still had a look of disbelief, she looked at Qishisi and the half-human half-zombies in horror.

Chiss had no choice but to write in his notebook: "Hello, my name is Knights. Although I look terrible now, I am actually a veritable half-human. You really don't need to be afraid. Are we It will hurt you, and we have made an agreement with brother Lin Ye that we will contribute to the plan to save the entire human race, so we will be companions in the future, I hope you can slowly accept us like this, and give us Some trust, we will do our best to fight those real zombies to the end!"

The young man looked at the words written in the notebook, then at Qishisi, and the half-human half-zombies behind him, and he calmed down a little: "Hi, hello, my name is, Zeng Wan, you, hello..."

Only then did Kiss smile in relief, there was a human being who accepted them.

Then they had to rush back to the city without stopping. On the way, Lin Ye told You Qiran and Ling Wei about their fainting. The city’s unique ecstasy, why did it appear near the hospital, and also attacked us, it’s impossible to support it, the soul is scattered, only the city lord and my master can see it, and I haven’t even seen it , because this kind of ecstasy is not easy to make, and the quantity is limited, so take it out and use it sparingly, unless it is a very critical audience, you will take out one to solve the urgent need. It was invented by my master, he How could it be possible to attack us, especially when I am around, it is too unlikely, is there some diagnostic error?"

"No, Master Ling Wei, I heard Lin Ye and the others say that after they said there was a loud noise, you passed out in just 2 seconds today, but they couldn't find out who it was. Throwing, the appearance and complexion when he fainted in recent years, and the loud noise within two seconds he described, aren’t these all the characteristics of the three souls? So I will not be mistaken. You will attack you when you are out of your mind. You need to find out about this. Is there any ghost in our city who wants to prevent us from finding the root cause of the brain-dead virus, and does not want us to find a solution to the deadly virus? From all the reasons, I will attack you with scattered souls." Zeng Wan analyzed and said.

After hearing what Zeng Wan said, Ling Wei was thoughtful. There is actually a ghost in the city, so why does he have to let the brain death virus spread in the city? If it spreads to him one day, he won't It's so frightening, since the death virus has invaded their city like that, doesn't he want to find a solution to the brain death virus, completely remove the brain death virus, so as to prevent future troubles, the brain death virus, in the hearts of the people in their entire city, is more than zombies The horror and fear of the virus will come again.

In order to rush back to the city as soon as possible, the few of them rushed back non-stop, and released supernatural powers to speed up, because with Qishisi and the others who were half-human and half-zombies following, even if they accelerated like this, they could not make it in one day. Nei did not rush back to the city.

As night fell, after discussing, they decided to rest for the night first, and set off for the city at dawn tomorrow, but because the surrounding area is a desolate place, there is no place to live, so it is very unsafe.

(End of this chapter)

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