Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 873 The Strange Shadow

Chapter 873 The Strange Shadow
Then Qishisi proposed: "We half-human half-zombies can form an encirclement, and you are inside the encirclement. In this way, we will form a safe barrier for you, and you can rest well in the barrier, because We are half-human and half-zombie, and the zombies will not attack us when they come, and we can also let you off, because we don't need to rest, we don't need to sleep."

Lin Ye looked at Qi Shisi and the others gratefully, and said: "Thank you so much, because we have been driving so fast for a day, and we are really tired at night and need a good rest, but because there is no In any safe place, I was wondering what to do, whether to release the ability to create an ice shield, I think your method is better, because although the ice shield is safe, it isolates the air, which makes it difficult for people to breathe, but Because of you, I feel safer."

Qi Shisi wrote in the book: "It doesn't matter, you saved us, we will protect you, as it should be, you are our savior, we are very grateful to you, so we will definitely protect you and return to the city Inside, to help you solve the problem, you can rest assured and have a good rest now, with so many half-human, half-zombie characters from us escorting you, you can rest assured!"

Lin Ye and the others didn't shirk, they were surrounded by half-human, half-zombie, and then fell asleep with their clothes back to back, but because of the habits Lin Ye had cultivated all the year round, they were completely unfamiliar, but if there was any slight movement , she would wake up, so when another person slowly approached, Lin Ye woke up.

Lin Ye stood up and looked at a black figure not far away, because at night he couldn't tell whether it was a person or a zombie, and Kiss apparently also noticed the black figure, he walked to Lin Ye's side, Wrote: "This black shadow has been there for a while, and we noticed her early, but he didn't get closer, just looked at us over there, I don't know what purpose, do we need to move him Drive away, or ask him what's the matter?"

Lin Ye shook his head and said: "Don't go there yet, we don't know what it is, if it's a zombie, he should have come here long ago, because the smell of human flesh and blood on our bodies will attract him, so if it's a zombie Man, when I saw so many zombies of yours, I must have already run away. It is impossible to stand there motionless. Do you think it is half infected with the Isjataraku virus like you? What about human and half zombie?"

"No, the Isija Taraku virus can only appear in the hospital where we are, and before you rescued us, none of us had left the hospital, how could someone go outside, Today, all the half-human half-zombies of the Isjataraku virus are already with us, and there is no way there will be any outside." Qishisi wrote in his notebook.

"What could that be..." Lin Ye muttered to himself in confusion.

Lin Ye didn't want to act rashly, and they just watched the black shadow quietly. As long as the black figure didn't make any further moves, they wouldn't do anything, and they couldn't resist us.

Everyone half-human, half-zombie looked at the black shadow very warily, for fear that he would do something that would endanger other people's lives in the next step. So many eyes were staring at that black shadow, but that black shadow didn't seem to notice it. Still standing there motionless, it was really a strange thing, people couldn't tell whether he was a human, a zombie, or a half-human and half-zombie, just like this stalemate, after nearly half an hour, the black shadow finally moved , he slowly walked towards Lin Ye and the others, step by step, all the half-human half-zombies entered a state of emergency, and Lin Ye also stared at the shadow to see what he was going to do. what.

The black shadow got closer and closer, and under the faint moonlight, Lin Ye vaguely saw the black shadow's face. It was the face of a middle-aged man, and the expressionless people looked at Lin Ye and the others.

But after looking at it this way, Lin Ye was sure that the shadow was a human being, so he stopped timidly in Thailand and walked out of the half-human, half-zombie enclosure, ready to ask the shadow.

The black figure looked at Lin Ye and Qi Shisi coldly, his facial expression was very cold, he walked in slowly, and then Lin Ye could see clearly that his entire face had been completely burned, completely burnt. Can't see the original appearance, against the moonlight, it looks terrifying.

Lin Ye and Qi Shisi looked at him warily, not knowing who he was, why he appeared here all of a sudden, and the breath emanating from him made Lin Ye feel very uncomfortable, which made people feel uncomfortable. I feel very uncomfortable. This person is worse than zombies, and even more terrifying than zombies. How did he do it.

"Is he human?" Qi Shisi wrote in his notebook for Lin Ye to read.

"Yeah." Lin Ye said softly, "I can feel his breath." The senses of a supernatural being are much higher than that of ordinary people, let alone Lin Ye, an epic-level supernatural being, who can travel tens of meters earlier. It is easy to feel whether a person is breathing or not, so when he feels the person's light breathing, he already knows that he is human.

"Then you should communicate with him directly, and ask him why he is here and what is his purpose." Kiss wrote again.

"I can feel his unfriendly eyes. This person may be an enemy or not a friend, so I don't want to act rashly and wait for his next move. Don't worry, just observe quietly." Lin Ye said.

Hearing what Lin Ye said, Qi Shisi stopped asking, and obediently stared at the shadowy middle-aged man.

The man stopped when the half-human half-zombies around Lin Ye and the others approached three meters away, and stopped moving forward. Then he finally said, "Go." There was only one word.

"Where are you going?" Lin Ye asked.

The murderous intent revealed in the eyes of the middle-aged man made Lin Ye be more cautious in defense, for fear of what this shadow would do in the next second.

But fortunately, this middle-aged man didn't do anything further, he just gave Lin Ye a cold look, then his eyes fell on Ling Wei, and then he said in a very penetrating voice: "Get up!"

As soon as his words fell, Ling Wei woke up from the hit, and Yu Qiran and Li Jie woke up together. When he saw the middle-aged man in front of him when his eyes were clear, he knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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