Chapter 876 The Dead
"Tonight, we will leave tomorrow." Lin Ye replied pretending not to understand what he meant.

The man looked at them coldly, and continued: "Don't you think you are taking too much care? This is our city's own business. You are not from our city. Why doesn't our city need you to come here?" Don’t worry, you don’t need to look for serum. People in our city will solve the serum issue by themselves. Now we only ask you to leave as soon as possible and stay away from our city. Since you came, the brain-dead virus began to spread faster. It’s so fast, the past few years before you came here, you lived in peace and harmony, so we also suspect that the brain death virus must have some direct relationship with you, it must be you who brought the brain death virus into our city again , So now I really implore you to leave and stay away from our city, this is much more effective than looking for some bloody blood."

This person said so many things in one breath, which doesn't match his cold temperament. It seems that he is really impatient. You also want to laugh in your heart. It seems that he really has some purpose. Then that As expected, he was the one who took the ecstasy medicine for the second time to disperse the soul!
"Heh, don't you have a lot of heart and dog lungs when you say that. We risked our lives to find a solution to the brain-dead virus for you, but now we turn around and slander us for bringing the brain-dead virus to you. Aren't you repaying your kindness? We are so I tried my best to help you, isn't it because Lin Ye and your city lord are brothers, we only help you because of Lin Ye's face, but you don't want to show shame, don't you repay kindness with complaints, isn't it the most important thing to live in this city? Don’t you have lost your basic humanity? Don’t you know what kindness from a drop of water is reciprocated by a fountain? Don’t you even have the most basic morality to be a human being? Or you have lost your humanity and are no longer human, because you Didn’t you also suffer from brain death? Doesn’t brain death not let you die, but take away your humanity? Li Jie said angrily, after the battle in the hospital, they went through so much suffering just to help These cities have overcome the brain-death virus as soon as possible, but now they are being sprayed so bloody by them. This will make anyone very angry. Li Jie is also a person who can't beat around the bush, so he said it directly.

"Li Jie, don't worry about this kind of person. You said it just now. He is no longer human. He is no longer a human being. He is not even a zombie. Since he is not a human being, talk about his humanity with them. They even thought that we brought the brain-dead virus to them, so let them think so, it’s fine if Xue Qing doesn’t help you find it! You returned the silk to us, we risked our lives to get it back , why do you want to go for your own exclusive use, since you feel comfortable that we have brought the brain-dead virus, then don’t use the silk we found to find any serum!" Yu Qiran also said sarcastically.

But the man in the mask didn't waver, he said: "You guys are talking faster now, I don't care about it with you, if you want her to live, leave as soon as possible, as far away as possible, as for the silk and satin, that's at the discretion of the city lord." I don't have the final say, but you can't take back the silk and satin. Since you have not brought brain death to us, let it spread so fast, and basically occupied half of our city, then this silk and satin is quite valuable. Because of the apology you found for us, we need to use this silk to find serum to save the half of the city that was occupied, so what face do you have to ask for it back, get out of our city right now, okay?"

"Oh, you're really thick-skinned! You took what we risked our lives to get back, took it as our own, and said it so sanctimoniously, why haven't people like you been harmed by the brain-death virus!" Li Jie said.

"Of course he won't be harmed, because he invented the brain-dead virus!" Lin Ye's words stunned everyone present.

Including the masked man, he also looked at Lin Ye in surprise, and couldn't help shivering.

"Lin Ye, you, you just said that he invented the brain death virus?" Li Jie asked in disbelief.

"That's right, this person not only invented the brain-dead virus, but also those, the Isjataraku virus, the Urla infinite terminator virus, all invented by him. He is the evil inventor biologist, Zhou Yangshen's dog leg, my former good friend, do you think I don't remember you anymore, ha ha, sorry, because we just talked about you two days ago, I tried my best to recall your appearance, just yours I remember your appearance, so when I saw you for the first time, even though your face was burned, I could still recognize you, you are, aren't you! Ling Wei's master!" Lin Ye said , looked at the man coldly.

And Ling Wei's master did not surprise Li Jie and the others, because they had guessed it would be him before.

"You, you, what nonsense are you talking about, I don't know you." He was still dying.

"Actually, I didn't believe it at the beginning. After all, you were dead. You died right in front of my eyes. I saw your dead body. I felt that you stopped breathing. So when I saw you for the first time, I really I can’t believe that you are still alive, so why did you invent so many viruses for the purpose of destroying the entire human race? What good is it for you if the entire human race is extinct? You are right before the end comes I have seen the Isija Taraku virus. You have known about these viruses long ago, and you know what consequences these viruses can cause, but you are still the developer of this virus without hesitation. What is your intention? Tell me now, zombie What does the virus have to do with you? Let me tell you, what kind of consequences the doomsday has brought to human beings. We have all seen the zombie virus, and you invented the brain death virus, including Iska who pulled the virus! And The Urla Infinite Terminator virus is not of the same nature. Although the latter three viruses also caused serious consequences, but because the three of them are behind the zombie virus, the impact is the same, and the zombie virus is doomsday In the beginning, it caused the doomsday, it brought mankind to the present situation, and it will lead to the imminent extinction of mankind, so the zombie virus is what I hate the most."

(End of this chapter)

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