Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 877 A virus bred by blood

Chapter 877 A virus bred by blood
"If the zombie virus is bothering you, let me tell you, your life is here to stay today." Lin Ye said in a very cold tone. When Li Jie talked to him before, the zombie virus might not be a natural disaster. It's man-made. Lin Ye is almost unable to control himself. After listening to her for more than ten years, she hates the zombie virus far more than all of them. Everything he has experienced is because of this zombie. It is caused by a virus, so if the zombie virus is really human, you will definitely try to eradicate that person at all costs.

"I only invented the brain-dead virus and the Isjataraku virus. I didn't invent the Urla Terminator virus. Don't mention any zombie viruses to me. Don't push all unnecessary things on me. In fact, Lin Ye, do you hate these viruses, but let me tell you now, do you know what was used to raise the original body of these viruses?" The man took off his mask, revealing his terribly burned face , "They are all bred by your blood!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't participate in any of your plans to raise viruses!" Lin Ye said angrily. His nonsense has blinded his eyes, and he can't be deceived by him. Lin Ye calm down.

"Hey, let me tell you, why do you start talking nonsense after you are at the end of your life? Can my Lin Ye's blood produce such a rubbish virus?" Li Jie said, and gave Ling Wei's master a blank look. Come is crazy.

"Haha, I'm talking nonsense, Lin Ye, I don't think you've forgotten that after drinking that time, I took you to my experimental base, and then showed you the samples of the Isija Taraku virus. Time to tell you, it was developed by a biologist friend of mine. In fact, it was really developed by him at that time, but the Isga Talaku virus he developed at that time was not as good as the current results. So later, I made serious research to create the current Isjataraku virus, and that time, when I introduced the Isjataraku virus to you, because you were already drunk, and later on This is where I rested here, and while you were asleep, I secretly drew your blood and injected it into the container of the Isiga Taraku virus, and then they would grow so well, already Zhiyi has survived until now and is still multiplying. In fact, I discovered your special physique before, and I knew that you would definitely be different in the future, so your blood is also different. I took your blood in advance, and then thought There is a Talaku virus, and I still have your blood sample. I can recreate the same blood based on your sample, which is enough to feed the brain death virus. Later, I developed it together with me, and Urla is boundless. The person who killed the Terminator virus also used your blood to raise the Urla Infinite Terminator virus, isn't it exciting? Hahahahahaha!" Ling Wei's master said with a frenzied smile.

Hearing his words, Lin Ye took a few steps back with some unsteadiness in his whole body. He never expected that his good friend he trusted at that time would actually do such a thing behind his back. It was bred with his blood!This, how is this possible? !How could his human blood breed viruses!
Lin Ye's mood was a little unstable at this time. He looked at Ling Wei's master fiercely, and suddenly felt a little fear in his heart, because on the night when he was drunk, he really couldn't remember anything. After taking him to see the Isgartaraku virus, his memory is gone. He really doesn't know what that person did to her. Could it be that he really took his own blood? Are you here to feed these viruses?

Wait, he used his blood to feed the virus, isn't he a part of cultivating the virus? To frame him like this, Lin Ye clenched his hands so hard that his nails were almost embedded in his flesh. His body was shaking, and he didn't know whether it was because of anger or fear. Ling Wei's master looked at Lin Ye proudly. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, what's the matter inside, is this news shocking to you? Did you not expect it at all? This is what I want. I'm just waiting for this moment, and I'll try out all these viral infections again." When you are in pain, let you discover that these viruses are cultivated by your blood. When you think about your expression at this time, the former me is very excited. Think about it, before the end, you He is the boss of the underworld, high above the ground, very extraordinary, and then you are willing to be friends with me, I am just an ordinary person, there is nothing, I can’t help you in any way, you are still willing to be friends with me, just at the beginning I was really touched, until later, I found out that you don't really want to be friends with me, you just want to ask for something from me, and you say that after the chess is gone, you don't want to be friends with me anymore. Let’s take care of our ordinary friends, so love, I will become your friend of the boss of the forestry underworld today, and I will do something to be worthy of the name, the friend of the boss of the underworld. Look at me today, I am this The originator of the virus, all the pains on your body were created by me, what can you say, hahaha, I am really excited now, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

Ling Wei's master's smiling facial expression at this time is very interesting, and his face has really achieved a terrifying effect, just like the demons appearing in the movie, such a scary person, there is still , There are still people who are willing to worship him as a teacher. I don't know what Ling Wei thinks, why Xu Beichen was willing to take in such a demon.

"You are talking nonsense. Although I was a very rude boss at the time, when I was superior, I really regarded you as friends. I never said that I would use you. Why do you misunderstand me so much? Why do you do this? , why..." Lin Ye said in a trembling voice, his whole body was trembling, including his fingers, because he never thought that there would be such a thing, he used to be my good friend, so misunderstood him, and still Using his blood to train some kind of Raoshizi virus, everything is really unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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