Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 88 Joining the Giant League

Chapter 88 Joining the Giant League

"En." Wang Jian nodded and cupped his fist at Qi Xuan.

Qi Xuan then looked at the rest of the people and asked, "Then you all must stay."

At this time, Zhang Ren said, "Leader Qi, I also want to leave with these friends of mine. We originally planned to rectify in Tianshui County and eventually go to Yundu."

Qi Xuan laughed and said, "Brother Zhang, you should stay here. Our Tianshui County is also well-equipped with sufficient food and security. It is also a peaceful town in this troubled world. Brother Zhang might as well consider settling here , it’s not bad, isn’t it.”

Zhang Ren's expression didn't change at all, "No, thank you Leader Qi for your kindness."

Qi Xuan rolled his eyes, but didn't show anything, "Well, everyone has his own ambitions, so I won't force you to stay as a brother."

Qi Xuan looked at Lin Ye again, "Brother Lin, what about you, you are going to leave too, right?"

Lin Ye smiled and said, "I have plans to stay here. Our Tianshui County is also safe and healthy. It's not bad for me to live here."

"Hahaha." Qi Xuan laughed loudly, "Come on, brother Lin, do it." Qi Xuan stretched out the wine cup to Lin Ye.

Qi Xuan had heard from Wen Cheng a long time ago that Lin Ye's strength was astonishing, and Qi Xuan was quite satisfied with being able to pull Lin Ye into the Giants League.

As long as a strong man like Lin Ye is under his command and can increase his power, this will satisfy Qi Xuan's heart.

In Lin Ye's heart, he did have a plan that he had thought about to become Ba Ye.

In his opinion, the world is in chaos, zombies are rampant, and the forces are divided. If you want to build a great empire dream, you must first have your own team. Only with strong people and strong horses can you have enough strength to do things.

Among the large-scale human bases, the big forces now dominate. In every large-scale human base city, people with supernatural powers can now account for half of the forces.

Lin Ye was also the leader of an underground force in the past, and he didn't have a strong sphere of influence. After the end of the world broke out, he didn't have time to gather any of the former members. Now there are only four people around him, Xue Wu, Li Jie, Jiang Xinyu, and Hu Fei. General, although his own strength is strong, he has no team after all, and his overall strength is not high. He is not on the same level as other forces, and he can't shake the foundation of those forces at all.

The current plan is to avoid the disputes of those powerful forces first, first take a small area to gain a foothold, and take in the team, so as to have the capital to compete for supremacy in the future.

When the time comes, bring your team and go straight to the imperial capital, where you will fight vigorously for hegemony, and finally stand out like a bright star and build a huge ice empire.

In this process, he must continue to organize his subordinates, expand the number of people, and take cleaning up the zombies as his own responsibility to benefit the world's human beings.

Therefore, Lin Ye agreed to Qi Xuan. Lin Ye felt that he had no power in Tianshui County now, and being able to work in the Giant League was a good springboard. During this process, he would network his talents and strengthen his power.

Moreover, according to Lin Ye's previous words from Wen Cheng, he also learned that in Tianshui County, not only is there only one side of the Giant League, but there seem to be two other forces fighting against the Giant League.Where there is struggle, there is a separatist system of power. Looking for opportunities in the power struggle and chaos in Tianshui County, Lin Ye also took advantage of the camera and took action whenever he had the opportunity.

Thus, the first step in the great journey of establishing the Ice Empire began at this time.


Since the dinner with Qi Xuan, Lin Ye has nothing to do for the time being.Qi Xuan promised that a week later, that is, at the end of the month, he would allocate a batch of supplies to Zhang Ren and his party to support them in going to Yundu.

There are a total of eleven "monster clearing" teams under the League of Giants, that is, the team to clear the zombies. Tianshui County called the action of clearing the zombies "clear monsters", which is convenient and easy to publicize, and has been followed down.

Each team has one hundred members, and Qi Xuan appointed Lin Ye as the captain of the first team. Each team is subdivided into several sub-teams. Generally, ten to twenty people make up a small team, depending on how the team arranges itself.

Go out to clear monsters once a week, and there are still four days before the monster clearing operation.

Lin Ye started wandering around the county without incident, getting familiar with the environment of the county.Slowly, Lin Ye also learned about the distribution of forces in the county.

Now in the entire Tianshui County, the Giant League is the most powerful, and there are more than [-] supernatural beings in it. If Tianshui County is divided into seven districts, there are now equivalent to five districts under the influence of the Giant League. Down.

In addition, there are two other forces that can get on the table in Tianshui County.

One is the Goshawk League, second only to the Giant League in power, ranking second, with nine supernatural beings.Its leader is a fire-type supernatural being, whose strength is said to have reached the silver level.

The Goshawk League can probably occupy two districts, occupying the eastern part of Tianshui County. Its behavior is similar to that of the Giant League. It also often organizes out to clean up zombies, and at the same time obtains alien cores to improve its own strength. This is also one of the goals of these organizations.

The Goshawk League clamored that the Giant League oppressed the residents of Tianshui County, and often had conflicts with the Giant League, but the Goshawk League was not a good bird according to its reputation.

The third most powerful force is called the Fair Alliance.

The Fair League is an organization with the slogan of helping the people and rebuilding happiness. It seems that they are not sure whether there are supernatural beings in their organization, but many things they do are indeed helping the poor after the disaster. Therefore, among the people Word of mouth is still very good.

If they were divided according to a certain fixed point, this force might not even be able to divide even half of the district, but their organizational propaganda has penetrated very well, and almost every place in Tianshui County has the distribution of their organization members.

The Fair League also scolded the Giant League for being selfish and oppressing the bottom human beings.

However, these still need to be observed by Lin Ye himself, after all, some rumors are not true.

If what the League of Giants did was really oppressing the people, Lin Ye didn't mind overthrowing this faction, and came to integrate and build his own team.


"What are you thinking about?" Xue Wu patted Lin Ye's shoulder and sat beside him.

If one wants to survive in such a place, the first is the level of ability possessed by one's own supernatural powers, and the second is whether they can stand well in the team and not become the target of public criticism.

Lin Ye and others came here as supernatural beings, so they must have been targeted by the people here.

No matter how good Tianshui County is, some established resources are limited, and some unexpected situations will occur if they are not guaranteed.

In the distance, endless, uninhabited, like a wasteland, you can vaguely see a group of people walking back, holding various weapons in their hands, moving slowly, as if exhausted.

It should be the team that went to clear the monsters back.

(End of this chapter)

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