Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 89 Tianshui County under the Dark Night

Chapter 89 Tianshui County under the Dark Night

"Xuewu, let's try it when we have time. This can improve our abilities. You and I must continue to improve our abilities in order to survive in this world." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he silently looked into the distance. Dreams are stronger.

"Okay, I don't mind practicing my abilities, but we've been here for a few days, and I haven't seen you take any action. How do you see the situation here?"

In Xuewu's consciousness, although she has also experienced many difficult moments and gained a new understanding of human nature, in a seemingly peaceful area like Tianshui County, Xuewu subconsciously prefers to believe that there is a problem here .

Lin Ye's inaction made Xuewu very at a loss, not knowing what to do.

There is a saying that everything is calm before the storm.

This place seems to be peaceful, but the division of the three major forces will inevitably lead to an unbalanced day, and people's desires are far greater than they expected.

"Don't worry, I will protect you, Tianshui have to be more careful in the future and go back." After speaking, Lin Ye got up, and the two returned to their residence.

Lin Ye's house has three bedrooms and one living room, with a separate bathroom. Of course, not everyone has such facilities.

Since the call came, the days have been relatively peaceful, and they don't provoke others, and everything seems to have returned to the time when the end did not come.

Xuewu cleaned up the house briefly, and was about to go back to the room, when there was a knock on the door.

dong dong dong...

"Who?" Lin Ye asked.

"I, Zhang Ren."

The door opened, Lin Ye cautiously looked outside, let Zhang Ren in, and then closed the door.

"What's the matter? Suddenly thought of coming to my side?" Lin Ye enthusiastically asked Xuewu to help pour water for Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren looked serious and earnest, waved his hands, telling Xuewu to stop busy, "I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter? Look at you, why are you so serious." After speaking, Lin Ye laughed indifferently.

In fact, Lin Ye felt that something was wrong a long time ago, but he never showed it.

In Tianshui County, who knows what will happen?In the last days, everyone is in danger.

"Do you think it's a bit strange these days?" Zhang Ren whispered, seemingly saying nothing on the surface.

"It's okay! You know, after working so hard for so many days, we finally found a shelter. We can just rest here for a few days."

Lin Ye subconsciously glanced at Xue Wu, then his face returned to calm, and he said to Zhang Ren: "What's wrong with you?"

"I've been looking around here for the past few days, and I've discovered something. These three major forces are restraining each other. Moreover, they didn't tell us on the surface, but in fact, there is something here. The elimination mechanism of the survival of the fittest, where you and I currently live, there are many problems."

"How to say?"

Lin Ye did understand these things these days, but he knew that he must be inferior to Zhang Ren in this respect.

He has so many mutated dogs in his hands, and those dogs have high abilities in all aspects, so they must be able to discover all kinds of unknown things in Tianshui County.

Zhang Ren couldn't put it into words, as if he had thought of something bad, he was very helpless, and looked up at Lin Ye, "Forget it, if you really want to know, come with me tonight, by the way, be careful when you come , don't be followed."

After explaining, Zhang Ren left in a hurry.

Ever since they came here through the jungle together, it was the first time they saw Zhang Ren have such a reaction.

If this is really just a base formed by ordinary people, then how can there be three different forces?Especially that civilian organization.

It stands to reason that with such a big change in the world, ordinary people have no power to do so, unless the people here are not ordinary people in the first place.

Xuewu sighed, "There's another problem... When did you say this was a boss?"

The small flame in Xuewu's hand ignited, extinguished, ignited, extinguished...

Since Xuewu has become more proficient in controlling fire, when he is bored, he likes to play with these, it looks like a lighter.

"Stop playing." Lin Ye shook his head helplessly, and his eyes were more determined, "Xuewu, believe it or not, what I want is to build a human gathering place of my own. It’s here, in the last days, everyone is in danger.”

"Well, I understand this, but now survival is the biggest problem. You want to build your own empire? Lin Ye, you already have a plan in your heart, right? You have been quiet these days, and you are planning something ?”

Xue Wu is a smart woman, and she probably had such thoughts in her heart long ago.

"Well, let's follow Zhang Ren to have a look tonight, be careful, and be careful not to be tricked." Lin Ye instructed, and then stepped forward to close the doors and windows to rest.

This is a very ordinary county, and there are relatively few capable people. Lin Ye has also talked with people who are not supernatural beings in the past few days. According to them, if they can, they will definitely go to a bigger place, and Not here.

Although their survival can indeed be guaranteed in the county, they are now like livestock.

During the day, Tianshui County seemed to be unaffected by this doomsday mutation. People lived as they wanted, without seeing any problems at all, and because of this, this was the biggest problem.

Lin Ye knew in his heart that if Zhang Ren hadn't discovered something extremely unbearable, he wouldn't have come to inform him on purpose, and he seemed hesitant to say anything.

"I know, you and I have finally come to this point, I won't take it lightly." Xue Wu sat on the sofa, her heart was extremely heavy, she didn't know what she would see tonight.

As night fell, Xuewu and Lin Ye, who had rested for the whole afternoon, changed their attire and went to Zhang Ren's residence as agreed.

The more than 100 mutated dogs rested on the ground extremely loyally, and when they heard someone look up, they fell down again.

With these dogs, Zhang Ren is like having a thousand eyes and ears, and he knows that Lin Ye and Xue Wu are coming in the house.

Zhang Ren and Lin Ye went to an underground casino.

There are many small roads to enter the casino, most of these roads are dark and damp, and many people are ambiguous here at night.

The smell in the air was not very pleasant, making Lin Ye frown involuntarily.

The three were packed so that no one noticed them.

It wasn't until they really entered the so-called underground world that Lin Ye and Xue Wu were shocked by what they saw.

Tianshui County looks like an ordinary small county on the surface, but in fact there is such a large underground space.

Recalling the observation of the nearby terrain in the past few days, Lin Ye determined that this place should be regarded as a small canyon. Because it is surrounded by Tianshui County and it is very hidden, it has not been infected by erosion.

(End of this chapter)

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