Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 885 The connection between spirit and nerves

Chapter 885 The connection between spirit and nerves
Then slowly Qishisi and the others woke up.

After hearing what Lin Ye and the others said, Ling Wei did not experience much emotional fluctuations. She sighed softly and said, "Actually, I discovered some clues long ago. Master is actually a rather mysterious person. He often A person in the room didn’t know what he was researching, and I didn’t dare to disturb him. When the first brain-dead virus broke out two years ago, everyone was panicked, but only my master kept calm. I At that time, I still didn't understand why the master could remain so calm in the face of so many people dying. Later, after the brain death virus subsided, once, I happened to be in the master's room and saw a The word brain death virus was written on a piece of paper, and then I contacted the virus that broke out before. I think the master should be analyzing this virus. It seems that although the master is calm on the surface, he is still very worried about everyone in his heart. Since , began to analyze the virus, but after a while I found out that the master was not analyzing the virus, he was planning how to make the brain death virus spread in the city again, when I knew the facts, I was very angry, I I told the city lord, but Chengdu asked me to observe calmly, and said that he had actually discovered this problem. The master is always cold and indifferent, because the injury on his face makes people unable to see his own expression, but , Hearing what you say now, I also understand, master, I really regard you as my good master, since you are controlled by Zhou Yangshen, my apprentice will definitely not sit idly by!" Ling Wei said sharply.

Qi Lian looked at Ling Wei, suddenly his eyes went dark, and he was carried straight to the ground!
"Master!" Ling Wei hurriedly ran over: "Master! What's wrong with you, Master?!"

Lin Ye and the others also hurried over, probed under Qilian's nose, he was still breathing!
They hurriedly carried Qi Lian on their backs and headed back to the city.

Back in the city, Ling Wei found a doctor, the doctor examined Qi Lian, and said: "There is something in his brain that is oppressing his nerves, he is in a nervous coma, but that thing is not like It's a tumor, it's strange." The doctor was puzzled.

"It's that mysterious power!" You Qiran said, "That power can be materialized, it can become an entity to oppress his nerves, but this is too incredible, there is such a mysterious power I have never seen the power of it before, and I don’t know how to solve it at all.”

The doctor prescribed medicine for Qi Lian, Ling Wei sent the doctor away, and followed the doctor to bring the medicine back.

"Could this be caused by Zhou Yangshen? We preliminarily judged that Zhou Yangshen pressed the power in Qi Lian's mind, so I think it should be Zhou Yangshen who did it. I don't know what he used to transfer such a mysterious force. The power has moved to the raised brain, which is really strange, the power can actually become a body, to oppress Qi Lian's nerves, it was obviously fine before, why suddenly he became a body, and will, Qi Lian do something I'm dizzy." Li Jie said, he doesn't know much about the spirit, but it's really not easy to keep this mysterious power in such a small place as the brain, not to mention the space in the brain. It can't tolerate any impurities, how does that force enter the brain, and then make Qi Lian survive well.

"Actually, this power, he occasionally, materializes and sometimes illusory, has been flowing in his brain, just like the brain in the brain, but the brain will not be materialized, but this power is materialized and gasified. Integration can be done without any problem at all. How is this possible? I once went to a place to study literature on spiritual aspects. At that time, a psychiatrist told me that spirit is the thinking activity of the brain, and biological An invisible dark energy released by the body and brain tissue; elements: the components of life, the spirit is "essence" and "primordial spirit", which is a kind of dark matter.

Philosophically, the definition of spirit, in terms of connotation: spirit is the record of past events and things and the reenactment of this record, while the nervous system is the system that plays a leading role in the regulation of physiological function activities in the body, mainly composed of nervous tissue , divided into two parts, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system [3].The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system includes the cranial and spinal nerves.

The nervous system is a complex functional system composed of neurons and glial cells, which is the material basis of mental activities.Neurons are the basic functional units that make up the nervous system. This tells me that the spirit and the nerves are connected to a certain extent. The nerves are transmitted to the spirit, and the spirit is produced by the nerves. Since this mysterious power can survive in the brain, It shows that he does not belong to the outside world. The inside of the brain absolutely does not allow any other outside substances. If other substances enter the brain, the whole person will really be unable to move freely, which may lead to death. So look at this before Qi Lian It doesn't look like the computer has been invaded by impurities, so I guess that the mysterious power did not enter the brain from the outside, but someone directly caused this mysterious power to be generated in his brain. "Said by its analysis.

Letting it go and analyzed a lot, Li Jie said with some admiration: "It's no wonder that you are a psychic, and the analysis is professional and in place!"

As a matter of fact, he cast a glance at Li Jie, his face expressionless.

"Yeah, I think it's really amazing." Ling Wei also praised.

He scratched his head unnaturally and said, "It's not that exaggerated, it's just basic knowledge."

Li Jie: You are really discriminatory treatment is too obvious!

"Then according to what you said just now, this mysterious force was directly produced in Qi Lian's brain, isn't it like it itself belongs to something inside the brain?" Lin Ye asked road.

"It can also be said, but before this mysterious power did not appear in his brain, his own brain could only accommodate some things inside the brain, but suddenly this mysterious power appeared, mysterious Before the power could be turned into a liquid or gas without compressing the nerves and brain, it’s a good thing now that it’s manifested as a solid body, which has completely compressed the nerves and brain, so it’s possible to faint now, I think I want to take out his pure input It is impossible to do surgery at all, only to find a way to absorb this force when it turns into liquid or gas, and I am not sure about the means of this adsorption."

(End of this chapter)

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