Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 886 Memory in Qi Lian's Brain

Chapter 886 Memory in Qi Lian's Brain
"However, there is another way, which is to release the power of this life, or prevent him from turning into a shield immediately. As long as I control his nerves and control him, I can force this power out of your body by yourself. , this method is actually possible, but there is no way to prevent it from turning into a shield immediately, and solving this problem is much simpler than solving the problem of adsorption."

"But it's something in the brain. What should I use to absorb it? Or prevent it from turning into a shield? It's really difficult. After all, it's something in the human body. There is no way to stop it." Li Jay said.

"Nonsense, if it's that simple, wouldn't everyone be able to become a supernatural being?" He gave Li Jie a blank look and continued, "I've thought of a way now. Supernatural beings are not just about controlling Human nerves, I can also blur into the human brain and subconscious mind, because this thing consumes a lot of power, and it moves my consciousness into his brain, so that my own body is exposed to danger , so very few psychics use this skill, but in this situation, this is the only way to use it."

"Then don't worry about this. When you enter his body, we will definitely protect your body, but is there anything else we need to do? Should we just wait outside, or, we can find a way Imprison Qi Lian first, so that you can get into his brain?" Li Jie asked.

Yu Qiran shook his head lightly and said: "No need, I will find a way, no one can stop the consciousness attack of the psychic."

After finishing speaking, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and felt the spiritual touch of the person next to him, his central nervous system, and the mysterious power that had become materialized. They, feel them carefully, and soon, their positions are fixed, and then his brain gradually becomes blurred, everything becomes nothingness and ethereal, and it becomes a vast expanse of whiteness. What kind of sound? I can't even hear it anymore. This is the second time I used this skill. When I finished using this skill last time, my body was almost exhausted. I really almost died. I can't support such a big consumption anymore, although he is already at the extraordinary level now, and he is different from the thin and thin him before, so basically there should be no problem.

Soon, Youran felt the inside of Qi Lian's brain, and was surprised to find that a brain and some central nerves came out of his brain, and there was nothing else.

Without delay, he directly entered Qi Lian's brain, and then took control of Qi Lian's brain.

And in Qi Qilian's brain, he naturally saw such a picture.

"Ah! Come on, save me!" It was a middle-aged man yelling crazily, and under the middle-aged man was a little boy. If you took a closer look, you would find that the middle-aged man Behind him were several unknown humanoid creatures that were frantically biting the thighs of the middle-aged man.

"Hurry up, go away, leave him alone, you will die if you are caught by the zombies! Don't look back!" Among the fleeing crowd, a man shouted loudly while running forward with all his might.

"Zhang Zhangjie, pull me quickly, I can't run anymore!" A slightly fat young man panted for help to the man named Zhang Jie. on Zhang Jie's body.

I saw Zhang Jie quietly pulled out the army thorn pinned to his waist and grasped it in his right hand. Afterwards, Zhang Jie slowed down his running speed.Seeing Zhang Jie slowing down, the fat man was overjoyed, and thought to himself: I really deserve to be a good brother for many years, and brothers are the most reliable at critical moments.Suddenly, the fat man's face turned pale, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his two small eyes suddenly widened, "Zhang Zhangjie, you... want to kill me?" The fat man covered his stomach with a knife stuck in it, and the blood keep flowing.

Seeing that the fat man was bound to die, Zhang Jie's eyes showed a hint of madness. Suddenly, Zhang Jie held the handle of the knife inserted in the fat man's stomach again, and then he pushed it in hard, and pulled it out violently. The blood flowed with the knife. Zhang Jie, who was pulled out and sprayed, was covered all over his face. Although it was daytime, under the sun, Zhang Jie's face looked so ferocious.

Zhang Jie raised his foot and gave a strong kick, kicking the fat man's body aside, and then glanced at the zombies following behind him, Zhang Jie murmured: "Fatty man is in the way, if I take him with me, we must die together. It doesn't matter if you kill him, the zombies eat him, and it will also increase my chances of escaping.

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhang Jie's mouth turned up slightly.Zhang Jie skillfully held the knife in his waist again, turned his head and ran in another direction regardless of whether it was clean or not.Fatty lay powerless on the ground, because the wound was too big, blood kept flowing out, and the zombie was getting closer and closer to Fatty, Fatty's face gradually revealed a look of despair, he closed his eyes as if he was recalling something, He murmured: At school, you were often bullied because you were thin. I couldn't see it and would help you. People saw that I was physically strong, and they were quite timid. From then on, we mingled together and became brothers!And I didn't expect, Zhang Jie, my most trusted brother, you betrayed me!Mom, Dad, where are you?I'm dying, I miss you so much! "

Fatty's mind showed the appearance of his relatives. Although life is about experiencing life and death, but after it really happened to him, the feeling... Fatty shed tears.

"Hungry, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss The experience of the zombies came out.

Fatty saw that the zombies were getting closer and closer to him, but he was not afraid anymore, because the fatty knew that he would also become one of the zombies in the near future. It was just that the process was more painful, but in a sense, he, Fatty, did not die!Suddenly a zombie pounced on the fat man and bit the fat man's chest. The other zombies saw it and followed suit one after another. Some were squatting, some were lying on their stomachs. Yes, some zombies couldn't eat them and let out a low growl.

"Ah, I don't want to die!" A human roar suddenly came from a distance, and the fat man who was being bitten by zombies on the ground suddenly laughed loudly. He saw that half of the fat man's face was gone, but it still did not hinder him. laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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