Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 899 Flame Zombie

Chapter 899 Flame Zombie
These things were written in the notes, but Lin Ye and the others also grasped some important things.

"It mentions waiting for me Mr. Zhou, is it Zhou Yangshen?" Li Jie said.

"I think it should be. Doesn't it say that he came here to hide something? It might be the serum. I was really lucky. The first place I came came across the place where he hid the serum. As I wrote, this place is often attacked by zombies. They are not ordinary zombies, they are all mutated zombies, but these are not important. We can still solve a small mutated zombie. What is important now is that this gold mining base It's so big, how can we find the serum, Lin Ye said.

"I think that since Zhou Yangshen hid the serum here, it means that he thinks this place is a good place to hide. In addition, there will be specific mutant zombies attacking here every day, so the way of hiding here couldn't be better. If you want to learn those things, it must be a very small thing. It’s really hard to find such a big place.” Xin Yu said, and he also roughly observed this place. This gold mine is divided into two parts. The first floor, the first floor, is the floor where they are now, and it is used for mining, while the second floor, roughly looking, should be the production place, where the mined gold ore will be further processed before it can be transported Go out, the place is huge, all kinds of things, every crevice and every small place may be hidden, so if they search one by one, it will take at least a week, and they may not be able to find it yet. Then this week, I have to continue to accept the attack of zombies, so this method is not worth the loss, so what other better method is there...

"And what are the weird zombies mentioned here, flame zombies and strange vine zombies, what do these mean?" Ling Wei asked. After all, she has been living in the city since the end of the day. I have never seen any other mutated zombies at all, and those I saw were human, slightly mutated zombies, and I have never seen even the most basic supernatural zombies, so he is very concerned about the ones described in the notebook. The mutated zombies among them are very curious.

"Well, we haven't seen it specifically, so we don't dare to say what it is and how it mutated, but according to his name, we can tell that it looks like a flame zombie! Maybe he will have the same as me. attack, and this strange vine zombie, there may be something like a vine sticking out to attack people." Li Jie said, judging from the weird zombies they encountered before, his name, and his weirdness There must be a connection.

"Why is this happening? Isn't it just that people become zombies after being infected with the zombie virus? Even if they become zombies, their attack power is not just someone arresting people. How could they still use flames and vines?" Well, I have never seen it before, can this zombie mutate? What I have seen before is that humans mutate into zombies, but I have never seen mutated into monsters." Ling Wei said, no wonder he , The location of their city is very good, zombies can't get in, Ling Wei has seen a few ordinary zombies passing by today, he has not experienced other things and tribulations, so he has not seen any mutations zombies.

"Ordinary zombies are nothing anymore. They are no longer enough of a threat to us. After all, we are all supernatural beings, and our supernatural powers have reached a certain level. Ordinary zombies can basically feel the supernatural powers on us." When the time comes, they will not approach us, and the powerful enemies we are really facing are those mutant zombies and supernatural zombies. These two kinds of zombies have very high attack power and fast reaction speed, and some even With its own willpower, he may analyze your every move and feel your power level. It is not like ordinary zombies who only bite like those zombies in their hearts, just like the walking dead, mutant zombies and powers Zombies, their attacks are purposeful, and you will see more different zombies when you follow us," Lin Ye said.

Ling Wei also nodded in confusion.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar outside the gold mine base, but a huge figure rushed in. It was a huge zombie. This zombie actually looked the same as ordinary zombies, just the size It got a little bigger, and then there were raging flames on its body. Could this be the flame zombie mentioned in the notebook?
"You guys back off first, let me come." Xuewu said.

"No, how can I let you deal with this zombie alone? We still don't know how he attacks. If you attack rashly, it will be very dangerous." Lin Ye said.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, haven't you forgotten? I am a fire-type supernatural being. I am very kind when I see fire. Now let me come first and test his background. Only you can attack him, right? I haven’t been of any help along the way, and now I’ve met one, a flame zombie, so of course I’ll be the one to solve it. What’s the matter, I’m also a fire-type superpower, don’t worry, Brother Ling, I have grown up, it's just that I've been by your side and you haven't noticed." After Xuewu finished speaking, she showed a sweet smile to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye didn't try to dissuade him anymore, he just told Xuewu to be more careful, and then told everyone else to retreat.

Xuewu jumped over and landed about five meters in front of the flame zombie. Seeing Xuewu, the flame zombie roared again. His roar actually brought out sparks. It was his whole body. There are raging flames, and occasionally crackling sounds can be heard, as if the fire is burning his body and his bones, which is very strange. If a zombie is burned like this by everyone, no matter how powerful he is, he can't help it. Yes, at first, I thought he was such a fire-type supernatural zombie, but when I heard the crackling sound, it meant that this zombie was burning him. How could a fire-type supernatural being let the flame come? Burning himself, and this flame zombie is the fire burning him, so he should have been burned to ashes in such a big fire, how could he still stand here, what is the reason for this, Lin Ye is far away Observing everywhere, thinking in my heart, why.

(End of this chapter)

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