Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 900 Underground Laboratory Base

Chapter 900 Underground Laboratory Base

Then the Flame Zombie jumped up its huge body, and then rushed over like Xuewu, with raging flames all over him, a huge group of flames gushed out, Xuewu reacted very quickly, she directly opened a fire shield , this fire shield not only resisted the flames of the flame zombies, but also continuously absorbed the flame power of the flame zombies.

"This absorption is really amazing!" Li Jie on the side couldn't help but praised.

"It turns out that this is what she has been practicing hard before..." Lin Ye murmured.

It turns out that this flame zombie not only has raging fire on its body, but also this flame zombie can breathe fire.

An extraordinary fire-type power user and a mutated flame zombie, the two raging fires illuminated the entire gold mine, and soon, the flame ball attacked by the flame zombie was completely covered by snow. Absorb.

This flame zombie was obviously encountering this kind of situation for the first time, so he took two steps back timidly. Of course, Xue Wu didn't give it a chance to escape, and directly released the ability, surrounding the flame zombie with a circle of fire. , the raging fire surrounded the flame zombie, and a strange thing happened. Although the flame zombie was covered with flames all over, he seemed to be afraid of the fire released by Xuewu, so he shrank in the circle, roaring in a low voice.

"Brother Lin, it's up to you next!" Xuewu said.

Lin Ye didn't delay, and directly summoned the Baqi Hanjian. When the flame zombies were trapped in the flame circle of Xuewu, Lin Ye pointed at the long sword, and the blade suddenly extended, and a ray of light shot quickly, killing the flames. Zombie head piercing.

"Awesome!" Ling Wei was dumbfounded, she never thought that Xue Wu, who usually seemed very weak, was so powerful.

"Hey, take a look, there seems to be something wrong here." Yi Er said suddenly.

Lin Ye and the others walked over and found that there was a slight light on the wall here. Could it be that this is a fake wall?

With this guess, Lin Ye directly released the ability, broke the wall, and found an entrance, which seemed to be the entrance of a basement.

"This leads to the underground." You Qiran said.

"Should we go down and check? Maybe the serum is hidden here, and then, Zhou Yangshen set up such a false wall to deceive people." Ling Wei said, she is eager to find serum now.

"Well, I still have to go down and take a look." Lin Ye said.

The intersection of this basement is in a place that looks like an office on the outside, but when you walk in, you can see that there is an underground stair passage inside.Obviously, when the mining base was built, someone deliberately wanted to conceal the existence of the underground laboratory.

It is even conceivable that most of the staff at the mining base did not know that there was such an underground laboratory.

The stairway is very long, without a trace of light.

Xuewu directly released the ability to emit flames, illuminating the steps.

After they walked down the steps, there was a door in front of it. There were some words written on the side of the door, which were already blurred, but the word "laboratory" could be vaguely seen. Could it be that this is an underground laboratory? ?For some reason, when they mentioned the laboratory, they reflexively thought of Zhou Yangshen and Qi Lian.

"I didn't expect that there is actually a laboratory under this gold mine. This laboratory is not used by Zhou Yangshen to conduct experiments again. This Zhou Yangshen is really everywhere." Li Jie said.

They opened the door and walked in. Behind the door was not a laboratory, but a corridor, so they had no choice but to continue walking in. Suddenly, Xuewu who was walking in front tripped over something. She thought she just accidentally stepped on something, but found that there were many strange vines growing under her feet and around her.

"Everyone be careful!" Lin Ye shouted, they seemed to have arrived at the territory of the strange vine zombies.

At this time, everyone immediately gathered together.

A ball of fire lit up, illuminating the surroundings.

A flame zombie appeared not far away, rushing towards everyone.

"Why is there another one?"

They thought it was a flame zombie!

The flame zombie rushed towards the crowd, only to see that it was covered in fire and let out a low growl.

Lin Ye clenched the Baqi Hanjian tightly, and was about to make a move, but at this moment, the strange vine zombie let out an angry roar, waved his big hand, and his arm turned into a long vine and flew towards the flame zombie.

The long vine strangled the flame zombie's neck and forcibly threw him out.

"These two zombies are fighting?" Lin Ye was taken aback.

Zombies generally don't attack each other. Only when one zombie dies, other zombies will eat its carrion.

Only advanced zombies will fight when fighting for food, because they are not like ordinary zombies, they have a certain consciousness and IQ.

Whether it is the flame zombie or the strange vine zombie, the IQ has at least reached the low-level advanced zombies, so they will compete for food.

"Let's run while they fight, the destination is ahead," Xin Yu said.

"Rush! Rush over!"

It's all here, and no one wants to give up.

The flame zombie and the strange vine zombie fought quite fiercely, and they seemed unwilling to share food with each other.

Both arms of the strange vine zombie turned into long vines, and kept beating the flame zombie.

And the flame zombie is bathed in fire, and it has restraint against the strange vine zombie.

Fortunately, it was difficult to tell the winner for a while, which gave them a chance to slip away.


Lin Ye, who was in charge of cutting off the back, frowned and looked up, only to see two strange vine zombies appearing in front of the passage leading to the destination.

"Don't go any further, get out quickly, there are many zombies like this here!" Seeing that this was not a good thing, Lin Ye immediately shouted.

"No, we're already here, walking through this long corridor is the laboratory!" Ling Wei didn't want to give up, she looked back at Lin Ye, hoping that he could take action to kill the two strange vine zombies in front of him.

Lin Ye pointed with his long sword, but this time the sword edge was a little off, and it didn't directly pierce the strange vine zombie's head, but just pierced its arm.

"Roar!" The strange vine zombie was extremely angry, and opened its mouth to roar.

The strange vine zombie stretched out its arms, and two thick long vines flew towards it, trying to attack Xuewu and Xinyu who were in front.

"Ice shield!" Lin Ye cast the ability very quickly, and a two-meter-high ice shield blocked Changvine's attack.

Lin Ye and the others retreated, but, "I'm afraid it's too late to run." Lin Ye's face changed, and a flame zombie blocked behind.

The flame zombie held a head in its hand, apparently it had already defeated the strange vine zombie.

There are strange vine zombies in front and flame zombies in the back. They have no way out.

(End of this chapter)

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