Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 901 Mutated zombie melee

Chapter 901 Mutated zombie melee

The flame zombie threw up the head that had been burnt into black charcoal, and the head flew over the heads of the crowd in a parabola, and landed at the feet of the two strange vine zombies in front.

Seeing the two strange vine zombies, they seemed to become even more furious. A long vine flew out and shot directly at the flame zombie.

Lin Ye immediately understood that these two kinds of zombies might have had a deep hatred before, and now they were fighting again, so they could use this to retreat.

"Huh!" The flame zombie spewed out a ball of flames, burning the long vines, moved its feet, and rushed towards the two strange vine zombies.

The promenade is not spacious at all, and it is easily affected.

Lin Ye stepped forward, grabbed Xue Wu's hand in front of him, and shouted at everyone: "Everyone, run!"

Whether it was the strange vine zombies or the flame zombies, they were indifferent to these people now, and the hatred between them made them fight together.

However, it was very difficult for the flame zombies to fight one against two, but they were seriously injured after a long time.

And at this moment, clusters of flames lit up in the darkness, illuminating the entire space as bright as day.

When Lin Ye saw it, his scalp went numb with fright.

"There are so many flame zombies!" Li Jie exclaimed in surprise.

"What kind of zombie is this?" Ling Wei said in disbelief.

Except for the one that was fighting the strange vine zombie, there were six flame zombies that appeared immediately after. Instead of trying to stop Lin Ye and the others, they rushed towards the strange vine zombie.

"Hurry up and flee!" Lin Ye said after breaking.

But just as Xin Yu was leading the way, there was a burst of heavy footsteps.

When he looked up, he saw a tall figure covered in rock armor appearing.


Lin Ye hugged his side and waited for me, Xuewu, to roll aside, while Li Jie and the others were shocked and fell to the ground.

"Is this also a zombie?" Lin Ye looked serious. What is going on in this underground laboratory?

The three kinds of zombies simply broke Ling Wei's basic concept of zombies. They are nothing like zombies, they are simply monsters!

Because the laboratory is too big, although Lin Ye and the others have escaped from the corridor into a large space, it does not mean that they are safe.

When Lin Ye was about to flee with Xuewu, he suddenly found another figure behind him. It was covered in rotting flesh like mud, emitting a foul smell.


The mud-like zombie opened its mouth wide, spit out a large ball of foul-smelling saliva, and sprayed it on the body of the stone-armored zombie.

The saliva was highly corrosive, and when it fell on the stone armored zombie, it immediately began to corrode.

Before Lin Ye and the others could react, the stone armored zombie rushed to the rotten zombie angrily, smashing the left half of the opponent's body with one punch.

It's just that the rotten zombie's healing ability is very fast, and the half of his body that was crushed by the stone fist immediately reorganized.

"What the hell is this?!" Ning Qiu said. Even Lin Ye, who had seen many weird zombies, was unavoidably surprised. This was the first time he saw a corrosive zombie.

And is it possible that the zombies here have hatred for each other?How can we just meet and do it?
However, this also happened to give Lin Ye and the others a chance to breathe, but the location of the rotting zombies was just at the intersection where they returned from the original road.

"Let's go!" Ning Qiu pulled Xuewu back, regardless of whether the direction of escape was correct, anyway, he fled the scene first.

Because of the shock just now, the others fled to unknown places in the confusion, and they separated from Lin Ye Xuewu at this time.

The two hid in a chemical laboratory, closed the door, and the sound of fighting outside continued to echo.

"Roar!" At this moment, Lin Ye felt a low growl in his ear.

An ordinary zombie rushed over, opened its stinky mouth that hadn't been cleaned in those years, and bit it.

"Ice thorn!" Lin Ye reacted quickly, and when he heard the zombie's low growl, he cast his supernatural power and assassinated him.

Lin Ye heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that there were no other zombies in the room.

"These zombies are so strange." Xuewu said.

"Well, they are all mutated zombies, it must be very strange." Lin Ye said, he flipped through various things here, including experimental equipment and various chemical materials.

"No, what I mean by strangeness is not that they are mutant zombies, but that they are strange as zombies themselves. You said, like the zombies we encountered before, although they will also have these mutated appearances, They are also very aggressive, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they will definitely attack when they see a living person, no matter what they are doing, as long as they see a living person, they will definitely attack, except for those controlled zombies, But these zombies here, when they see a living person, they don't directly attack the living person, but fight each other, as if they saw an enemy they haven't seen for many years, they fight as soon as they meet, and they fight hard. With this feeling, do they have any enmity? If they had enmity before they were alive, why would they still have memories after becoming zombies? I find this very strange." Xuewu said, he is very good at He observed the details, so he discovered this, and felt a little strange, so he thought a little more.

"Well, your analysis is not wrong. We have never seen such a strange appreciation before, but after all, it is a mutant zombie, and there are no surprises. We may not have encountered such a situation before. After all, if you think about it, Zhou Yangsheng is here. After passing here, could it be that he has tampered with it? We can't judge these. The most important thing now is to find a way to get out of here, or find a way to find the serum. After all, they are still fighting each other here. We will take this opportunity. Find out what this underground laboratory is doing, and there may be some clues." Lin Ye said.

Xuewu nodded, agreeing, the two of them are now hiding in a very big house, it may be a chemical laboratory, there are a lot of chemical experiment substances, they are all arranged on the shelves, there are many, many books and materials, Very much.

Lin Ye also discovered that there were several dried up corpses in this chemical laboratory, who had been dead for an unknown number of years.

After a long time, Lin Ye found a notepad on a desk, and after flipping through a few pages, he saw a line of chilling words.

"No one can leave here, everyone has to die and become a zombie!"

Lin Ye sat directly under the desk, and he continued to flip through the notepad, trying to find some records about this underground laboratory.

"Studies have shown that the fusion of viruses and viruses will produce severe viruses that are irresistible."

"Dr. Bai, the viruses he studied are all based on the boss's intention. The boss said that if the three viruses are all fused together, he will trigger a new type of virus. This virus is more powerful than these three. The power of the virus is three times stronger, and if it is infected, the power is naturally three times stronger than that of ordinary viruses. We have seen the experimental results, and the data is very amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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