Chapter 904
Li Jie also understood, so he groped forward.

On Yu Qiran's side, they have already met the enemy, and there is a man in red standing in front of them.

The man in red turned his head to look at You Qiran, his pupils flickered a little blood red, revealing a hint of evil spirit.

"In his state, is he a human or a demon?" Ling Wei asked cautiously, the dagger in her hand was tightly clenched.

Hearing the words, he replied: "Dressing according to this person's appearance is very similar to a spiritual religion I knew before. Not long after the end came, I don't know who created a spiritual religion. The people of the Spiritual God Sect all preach that the Spiritual God Sect is the future. The ignorant and backward human beings still don’t understand the world. If they want to survive, they must join the Spiritual God Sect. It's red, with evil spirits, and gives people a very uncomfortable feeling."

Now they are here by reason, Ling Wei, just the two of them, just now, just repelled a wave of mutated zombies, after coming here, they saw this man in red.

"Then is he human?" Ling Wei asked.

"Of course they are human beings. It's just that they joined a cult and became a little abnormal."

He replied casually, "I don't know why he is here."

"We can ask him." Ling Wei said.

The man in red just stood there quietly, not moving at all, so he didn't look at them after they came, and he kept his movements, which was very strange.

"Why is he not moving at all? Could it be a dummy?" Ling Wei asked suspiciously.

Feeling strange because of it, the two slowly walked forward a few steps, wanting to take a closer look at the man in red.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Lin Ye and Xuewu came here and saw You Qiran and the two of them.

"Lin Ye?" You Qiran looked at Lin Ye suspiciously, not knowing what he meant by waiting a moment.

"Look at the front." Lin Ye pointed to the side of the man in red. There seemed to be something huge, like a big black ball.

Before, all their eyes were attracted by the man in red, and they didn't notice the big black ball behind him.

Because of the distance, some couldn't see clearly. However, they later discovered that something seemed to have crawled out of the big ball.

The thing was very small, but from their point of view, it was just a little black.

"I feel something is wrong." Yu Qiran said.

"I think so too." Lin Ye said.

There are more and more black dots, but the problem is that those little black dots are moving fast and heading towards their direction.


Everyone turned around and left the place as quickly as possible.


A growl came from behind.

"So fast!"

Lin Ye looked back and found dozens of spider-like monsters chasing after them. They were not big, only half the size of a human.

"My God, what kind of monster is this?" Ling Wei felt creepy.

You must know that Ling Wei has never seen these terrifying mutant species. She can bear the flame zombies and strange vine zombies she saw before, but this kind, Ling Wei naturally hates and fears arthropods, let alone those terrifying ones. A spider monster, even a tiny spider, could turn her pale with fright.

"Could it be a human-faced spider corpse?" Xin Yu looked at the monster behind.

The monster really looked like a spider, but it only had six legs, and its head looked like a human face, except that its mouth was so big and scary.

"Human-faced spider corpse?" Lin Ye's expression changed drastically when he heard that.

The human-faced spider corpses are only mid-level mutated monsters with supernatural powers. If it is a one-on-one situation, even ordinary platinum and other superhumans can fight against them. , and it's still here, this underground laboratory.

One or two hundred are less. It is said that once there was a relatively large safe city, it was because of the attack of the human-faced spider corpse that the whole city was annihilated in the end, and there was not even a single survivor.

Lin Ye suddenly remembered the big ball, so there shouldn't be a man-faced spider corpse king here, right? !The human-faced spider corpse king, that is a corpse king-level corpse beast!

There is a huge watershed between advanced advanced zombies and corpse kings. It is no exaggeration to say that a hundred advanced advanced zombies may not be the opponent of a corpse king.

Moreover, the wisdom of corpse king-level zombies or corpse beasts is infinitely close to that of humans.

The ancient zombie king that Lin Ye and the others dealt with before may not necessarily be the opponent of this human-faced spider corpse king!
The spider corpse behind was even faster, and it was about to catch up.

Lin Ye counted them, and there were more than 30 of them. If he fought desperately, it was not impossible to win.

But the problem is that they are afraid that once they stop, more human-faced spider corpses will appear, and it is even more difficult to use it in this not wide place.

"Let's fight! You can't run away." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he stopped immediately.


A human-faced spider kicked its legs and rushed towards Lin Ye.

Human-faced spider corpses are not as dangerous as ordinary mid-level advanced zombies, and their advantage lies in their quantity.

Lin Ye directly released the ice thorns, which penetrated the body of the human-faced spider corpse, and black viscous liquid flowed out.

It should be the blood of the human-faced spider corpse, but Lin Ye discovered that the black blood had a strong corrosive effect, and actually melted the ground into a pit.

"Damn it!" Lin Ye was really annoyed by these corrosive things.

A human-faced spider corpse approached, raised its slender legs and stabbed at them, Li Jie held a long sword, and directly pierced the human-faced spider corpse,
"Be careful!" Lin Ye shouted.

After Li Jie pierced the body of the human-faced spider corpse, black blood sprayed out.

Fortunately, he avoided the two in time, and Lin Ye got him an ice shield in time, otherwise he would definitely be splashed with black blood.

And pits were corroded on the ice shield.


At this time, two slender feet of a human-faced spider pierced into the ice shield. The toes were so sharp that they pierced through the ice shield suddenly.

They all knew that Lin Ye's ice shield was as hard as King Kong, but the human-faced spider corpse easily penetrated the ice shield!

Soon, the human-faced spider corpses immediately surrounded them,

Fortunately, there were only about [-] human-faced spider corpses chasing after them. If there were more, they would probably have to explain it here.

"Pfft!" The spider corpse spit out black saliva.

"Ice shield!" Lin Ye immediately released a stronger supernatural ice shield. He had seen the horror of this black saliva, not only super corrosive, but also highly poisonous.

"Dark Realm Shield!" Xin Yu's supernatural power, which he had been brewing for a long time, suddenly exploded. He could feel that he was about to advance to the extraordinary level soon.

(End of this chapter)

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