Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 905 Black Blood

Chapter 905 Black Blood
Xue Wu also reacted quickly and released the supernatural power, and flames flew over the human-faced spider corpses. As expected, they were also afraid of fire, and they all backed away.

"Very good!" Lin Ye immediately applauded when he saw the movements of these human-faced spider corpses stagnate.

These human-faced spider corpses are too difficult for Lin Ye's people to deal with, because when they are cut with a sword, black blood will splash out, and it will corrode the supernatural shield, which will instead put him in a Very bad situation.

Xuewu's flames increased again, and the surrounding flames suddenly burst into the sky. The human-faced spider corpse that was burned by the fire roared, and there was the sound of thunderbolts. There was a disgusting human smell in the air.

The power of the flame was very strong, and it had a wide range, almost igniting all thirty human-faced spider corpses, and the advantage of burning was that they would not be touched by their black blood, which was also the safest way.

These human-faced spider corpses immediately let out painful screams, their bodies were burnt beyond recognition, and collapsed to the ground.


The corpses of the human-faced spiders were immobilized by Xuewu, so it was easy to kill them at this time, but it didn't make any sense, and the most important thing was to get away from the big ball quickly.

The human-faced spider corpse king is hermaphroditic and has super reproductive ability.

According to the book of Zombie Experience, this monster can reproduce up to a thousand human-faced spider corpses a day, which is terrifying just thinking about it.

However, its reproduction requires a condition, that is, cannibalism.

The human-faced spider corpses that Lin Ye and the others saw just now do not eat people. They prefer to eat zombies, corpse beasts, and corpse insects, but once the human-faced spider corpses find humans, they will eat humans directly. Caught in the mouth of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

And every time the human-faced spider corpse king eats a human, it only takes 1 minute to give birth to a human-faced spider corpse.

That is to say, the human-faced spider corpse king is actually just a super mother, which itself does not have too strong combat power, but it can reproduce super-fast human-faced spider corpses, which is the most terrifying.

It is really lucky that the human-faced spider corpse king did not appear, otherwise a fierce battle would be inevitable.

Now they have escaped from that experimental base to another base. They did not expect that there are so many mutant monsters hidden below. It is conceivable what kind of insane experiments this laboratory has done before, and they feel This place is dangerous and you should leave as soon as possible.

Lin Ye told them that all of them are basically together now, but only Li Jie and Yi Er are half-human and half-zombie.

"Did any of you see them? I thought you were all together and shouldn't be too far away. I pray that they don't go to that place where there is the Man Faced Spider Corpse King." Lin Ye said.

"Then who is that red-clothed man we saw just now? He was standing there, and the big ball was under his feet. Isn’t the man about to die, but he just stood there without moving, I don’t know what’s going on, but I can feel that he is alone, because I can feel his central nervous system .” You Qiran said.

This is, Qi Shisi wrote in the notebook: "I know what's going on with him, because I have seen Zhou Yangshen use this thing before. It was a kind of drug in a state of suspended animation. After taking this drug, people will die He will enter a state of death, which is no different from being dead, but there is a difference. He is not a real death, but a kind of suspended animation. His heart may stop beating, his lungs may stop breathing, and his brain may stop breathing. The brain may also stop functioning, everything will be the same as death, and the body will become cold, but if this medicine is dosed according to the time you want to be in the state of suspended animation, wait until the dose you take is one to one. After time, the person in the state of suspended animation will wake up naturally. The appearance of that person is exactly the same as that of the person Zhou Yangshen did the experiment at the beginning. Didn’t you just say that? You can still Feel his central nervous system. It is impossible for a person who is really dead to still have an active central nervous system, so you may not be able to feel his breathing and heartbeat for a person in a state of suspended animation, but since you can feel his central nervous system Nervous, it means that he is still alive, but a state of suspended animation."

"It's Zhou Yangshen again? He really is everywhere!" Ling Wei gritted her teeth and said, after what happened to his master, he can say that he is right with Zhou Yangshen now, and he hates Zhou Yangshen to the bone. She only told Lin Ye about her grievances, Ling Wei didn't know about it, so she also felt that Zhou Yangshen was responsible for Qi Lian's disappearance this time.

"Then after he enters the state of suspended animation, won't he be attacked by the corpse of the human-faced spider? Could it be that the human-faced spider is a straight man and still lives or dies?" You Qiran asked suspiciously.

"No, no, the man-faced spider corpse king can't eat people, it's a matter of life and death, but I just took a closer look at the man in red, and there is a connection between them, as if They are connected to each other and provide each other with a certain kind of special material exchange. This is the first time I have seen this kind of situation. Although the man in red is said to have entered a state of suspended animation, all the functions of his body have entered Feign death, but as I said just now, his central nervous system is still active, which means that his body still needs a certain function. Once his body itself can no longer move, so he has reached an agreement with the man-faced spider corpse king. Some kind of connecting bridge, although we don't know what the substance exchanged between him is, but it shows that this person, this man in red, made a deal with the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, the Man-faced Spider Corpse King But those with human thinking, they have wisdom, so it is not impossible to do this kind of transaction." Xin Yu explained, "I have read the records, that is, a human-faced spider corpse king and a human reached some kind of agreement. One kind of agreement may be that the human-faced spider corpse king will not eat this human being, and this human being should find a way to find a good habitat for it, and then provide him with sufficient food at any time, but after all, this creature is a product of the end of the world. A mutated monster."

"Then what should we do next, is to leave here directly, when we don't know where the exit is, and we haven't found the serum yet, and Li Jie and the others are also separated, and we have encountered so many mutant species, what else can we do?" I don't know what else is under here, I can't guess at all, everything looks so weird, this Zhou Yangshen is really a disaster for the whole world, why does he always invent so many weird things, why can he Did he bring the human-faced spider web into his own experimental base just to protect the serum?" Ling Wei said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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