Chapter 906 Serum

"Wait, wait, you said that Zhou Yangshen got the Man-faced Spider Corpse King into this experimental base in order to protect the serum..." Lin Ye said suddenly, "This idea is not impossible, Zhou Yangshen is such a smart person, he must Will there be any way to get the man-faced spider here after eating it, if it is not for the protection of the serum, he is definitely not willing to take such a big trouble."

"According to this, the serum is likely to be there..." Xin Yu looked at Lin Ye with a sudden realization.

Lin Ye nodded, and said, "That's right, it's probably in the big ball of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King!"

"Ah?! If the serum is in that big ball, isn't the Man-faced Spider Corpse King in that big ball? Listen to you, the Man-faced Spider Corpse King is very powerful and difficult to deal with, so if the serum is in it, Isn't that just going to fight the Spider Corpse King?" Ling Wei said.

"If you want to get the serum, you have to fight not only the human-faced spider corpse king, but also many human-faced spider corpses. We don't know how many human-faced spider corpses this human-faced spider corpse king bred. It is easy to deal with a single spider corpse, but if the number increases, it will be difficult to deal with it. If the human face spider corpse king is added, it will be really troublesome, so this serum is really not good. It's easy to get." Lin Ye said.

If this is the case, the price to be paid for this serum will be a bit high. The human-faced spider corpse king is a mutated monster of the corpse king level, and it is even more powerful than the ancient zombie king Nuo. The ancient zombie Wang Nuo almost lost his life during the battle, and lost his memory for a while. At the beginning, Wei Chen, the others, and many other supernatural beings had to deal with the ancient zombie Wang Nuo to defeat it, but now, Only Lin Ye and Xuewu Xinyu can support Li Jie's fighting strength, but now that Li Jie and them are separated, only Lin Ye and You Qiran, Xuewu Xinyu, and others are left. Although Ling Wei and these half-human, half-zombies have some fighting power, they can barely cope with the human-faced spider corpses, but when facing a large number of human-faced spider corpses and human-faced spider corpse kings, their own safety may be at stake. They can't protect them. At that time, Lin Ye and the others still have to devote their energy to protecting ordinary people like Ling Wei and the others without supernatural powers.

"The danger we need to take is too great. Otherwise, we should retreat first and wait for a long-term plan. After all, the preparations this time are too insufficient. Facing such a sudden mutant monster, and there is still a corpse king. Yes, what if? If you attack rashly, if you can't fight, you won't be able to retreat. However, there is no direction to go out, now we have to find the exit first." Xin Yu suggested.

"Well, you are right. If we rush to attack now, the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, if we retreat at that time, we will really have no exit, and it will be troublesome." Lin Ye said, "But now we have arrived. Here it is, the exit is really, the exit when we came here has been blocked, and there are flame zombies, strange vine zombies, corrosive zombies, rock monsters, if we meet them again, we will It takes energy to fight them, and I don’t know if there are other exits.”

They are now thinking of a better countermeasure. Since they are here this time, they must have it and take the serum back. , It is still possible to deal with a corpse king, but the trouble is those hordes of human-faced spider corpses, in fact, it can also be like this, "Let's find Li Jie and the others first, and then separate our team. First, there is an epic level Yes, supernatural beings, follow you ordinary people without supernatural powers, first find another exit, and then deal with the rest of supernatural beings with me, Man Faced Spider Corpse King, let’s look at it separately, as long as you We can concentrate on finding the exit, and we can also concentrate on dealing with the Man-faced Spider Corpse King," Lin Ye said.

"The Man-faced Spider Corpse King, can you fight if we are separated?" Ling Wei asked, because they had heard that the Man-faced Spider Corpse King seemed very powerful.

"Don't worry about this, it must be fine. You have a greater responsibility. You must find the exit. Then we will meet here in this room. When the time comes, mark it so that you don't get lost. You must pay attention to safety and don't act recklessly. " said Lin Ye.

Lin Ye and the others had made a plan, and they implemented it according to the plan. First, they had to find Li Jie, Yi Er, and the two half-human, half-zombies. Fortunately, Lin Ye could use his supernatural sense to feel Come to feel, at Li Jie's position, they encountered the attacks of flame zombies and strange vine zombies on the way, but these two zombies were still not very threatening in front of Lin Ye and the others, and they were all resolved by them. , they carefully bypassed the experimental base where the man in red and the big ball were. After all, they no longer wanted to be attacked by the human-faced spider corpses, so it was better not to disturb them until they understood them. Now They also need to save their energy. After all, there will be a fierce battle at that time, but this experimental base is really strange. There are quite a few mutant zombies of all kinds. After dealing with this wave, there will be another wave. It seems that it is just to waste them. They attacked one after another, consuming their powers and physical strength, because they couldn't beat Lin Ye and the others at all, but they still persevered and attacked one after another, as if they were premeditated, or someone was directing them. Similarly, this made them think of Zhou Yangshen again. This person really exists all the time. Whenever he encounters some strange and weird things, he may be involved. I really don’t know what this person is. What do you want to do? Lin Ye still remembers that Dr. Bai mentioned in the notepad he read, this Dr. Bai did not seem to have left the experimental base, even if various mutated monsters broke out in this experimental base, Bai The doctor still insisted on staying in this experimental base, but how did she, an ordinary person without supernatural powers, survive among so many mutated monsters? It is impossible for him to invent these mutated monsters, and then stop attacking him ?Lin Ye thinks this possibility is not too great. The experimental base is actually very big, but no matter how big it is, there are space restrictions, and there are many buildings, which restrict their pace. In addition, those mutated zombies are common They are all very big. If they knock down the surrounding buildings, they will easily collapse the entire experimental base. Therefore, when fighting these mutated monsters, it should not take too long, and a quick decision must be made. If it takes too long, If they are angry, they will attack the surrounding buildings. If the entire experimental base is collapsed, it will be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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