Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 912 Super Corrosive Blood

Chapter 912 Super Corrosive Blood

The continuous supernatural attacks of the two blasted the man-faced spider corpse king's abdomen into a blur of flesh and blood.

Suddenly, the Human Face Spider Corpse King let out a roar, and his whole body actually fell down.

"Run!" Lin Ye turned around and shouted.

At this moment, they were under the body of the Human-faced Spider Corpse King, and when such a huge monster was pressed down, they had to be crushed into meatloaf.

Fortunately, they were only at the edge, and when the body of the man-faced spider was crushed on the ground, a gust of wind was blown up, making the ground full of smoke and dust, making it difficult to open your eyes.

But it seems that he has no fighting power, and he attacks people with his huge body.

The fallen Man-faced Spider Corpse King couldn't sit up easily, which just gave Lin Ye and the others a better chance.

The three of them released their abilities together, and greeted the Human-faced Spider Corpse King with a supernatural power. Lin Ye looked around, and felt a little strange. At this time, the battle between the Human-faced Spider Corpse King and everyone was obviously a bit difficult. , But why are those human-faced spider corpses lying motionless on the ground?
What's even more strange is that when the human-faced spider corpses moved, those human-faced spider corpses also moved, as if they were very afraid of the corpse kings who approached them.

"It's weird." Lin Ye thought.

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King was beaten to the ground by the three of them and screamed, obviously in unbearable pain.

"I said corpse king, if you beg for mercy now, we can still let you go. We only want the serum, and we don't want to hurt you. You don't seem to have any offensive power, so you should give the serum to us obediently. We will also stop attacking you, and you don't have to be so persistent. Zhou Yangshen is not a good person. If he traps you here by any means, or takes something of your hand, we will also help you. Yours, as we said before, Zhou Yangshen is also our enemy, if you hate him, we will definitely help you, so, just obediently hand over the serum to us, how about it?" Li Jie discussed .

"You, you have a good idea!" Although the Human Face Spider Corpse King was completely at a disadvantage at this time, he still said arrogantly as if he was not defeated at all.

"It's not that I said that you have failed, so don't persevere anymore, and we don't want to kill you. After all, you are here now, and you haven't done anything harmful. If you really want to persevere to the end, we I can only kill you, and then take your core, don't you feel very unwilling?" Lin Ye said.

"Hahahahahahaha, take away my corpse core, let's see if you have the ability first, do you think that as long as you knock me down, you will be successful? Thinking too simple, I don't want to use it to deal with you Go all out, want to get the serum, unless you can really defeat me." The man-faced spider corpse king was obviously beaten to a bloody mess at this time, and he couldn't move at all, and the man-faced spider corpses around him, you didn't come to help Meaning, I know where he still comes from for his confidence now, but the tone he hears does not look like he is defeated at all. He obviously has no chance to make a move, and he has already been beaten to the ground by Lin Ye and the three of them He couldn't even get up, so he should feel scared right now!Why did he say so confidently that he didn't do his best.

"Does he still have any backhands? We must be careful, if he sneaks up, it will be bad." Xuewu said.

"That's right, it's better to be careful. After all, we don't fully understand his attack mode. He just used his huge body to attack us just now, and didn't use any abilities, mutations, zombie monsters, and He is at the level of the corpse king, it is impossible that he does not have supernatural powers, we can't take the enemy too lightly, take a look, the human-faced spider corpses around him don't move at all, and when the human-faced spider corpse king moves, they all move He backed away, as if he was very afraid of getting close to their king, so there must be something strange about it, we have to be careful and pay attention to our surroundings." Lin Ye said.

"Hahahaha, what's the matter, are you afraid? You can continue to attack me. I really don't care about ants like you." said the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

Li Jie jumped up directly, his hands were full of abilities, and he could vaguely see some yellow light, he jumped directly on the body of the spider corpse king, and then punched the weakest spider corpse king. He was punched in the stomach, and there was a bang, and after the Man Faced Spider finished speaking, he received a strong punch from Li Jie.



With powerful fists and astonishing explosions, even the Spider Corpse King couldn't bear it.

Its stomach was instantly exploded, the dark gray flesh was burnt to charred black, and a large amount of black blood gushed out like a waterfall.

"No, run!" Lin Ye turned pale with shock.

Black blood flowed from the body of the Human Face Spider Corpse King, and fell to the ground, filling the air with green smoke.

But not only that, the huge body contained a large amount of blood, which was rushing in all directions like a tide!

The blood of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King is super corrosive, if it touches the black blood, it will definitely die to the point of death.

What is surprising is that when the blood of the human-faced spider corpse king flowed to the ground and spread around, not only the three of them were on the run, but those human-faced spider corpses were also on the run.

This made Lin Ye puzzled, but at the same time surprised.

He had seen with his own eyes the stiff long legs of the human-faced spider corpses piercing his ice shield. His ice shield was as strong as steel, and even human-faced spider corpses could pierce it. This shows how strong the steel armor on them is. hard.

However, the blood of the human-faced spider corpse king actually made the human-faced spider corpse flee in a panic. This also shows that the blood of the human-faced spider corpse king is more corrosive than the human-faced spider corpse. Corpse, even if they have anti-corrosion, they dare not touch those black blood.

While escaping, Lin Ye looked back and saw some human-faced spider corpses that hadn't had time to escape. Because they were stained with black blood, those slender feet melted instantly.

"Damn! This corrosiveness is too exaggerated!" Li Jie said in shock.

"It's no wonder that the human-faced spider corpses dare not approach. The really terrifying." Lin Ye said, this is really too exaggerated, the ground has been corroded and a big pit has been formed.

"What to do, if this blood is allowed to corrode, then the pillars supporting the experimental base are likely to be corroded!" Xue Wu shouted.

"Now it is necessary to stop the blood of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King from flowing. It is so corrosive. If they are allowed to continue to flow, they will face unimaginable consequences. I think, but his corrosiveness is very strong. Strong, even my ice shield can't stop it." Lin Ye said, he looked at the man-faced spider corpse king lying on the ground, his exploded body, he didn't know what to do, and those human-faced spider corpses were all Stay away from the corpse of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

(End of this chapter)

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