Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 913 Sudden Mutation

Chapter 913 Sudden Mutation

"Is the Man Faced Spider Corpse King dead?" Xue Wu asked.

"Should be dead, even if he is not dead, he is already dying." Lin Ye said.

However, even if the Man-faced Spider Corpse King was dead at this time, they did not dare to go to get the serum, because the whole body of the Man-faced Spider Corpse King was already covered in black blood, like a lake.





"what happened?"

The three of them suddenly became alert. For some reason, all the surrounding human-faced spider corpses stood up from the ground, and opened their mouths to let out a strange cry.

"Is it because the corpse king is dead, they all feel very sad?" Li Jie said suddenly.

As a result, as soon as this remark came out, Lin Ye turned his head and gave him a blank look, as if to say...are you a dick?Can you stop saying such funny words on such a serious occasion, you are an epic-level supernatural being, you must think carefully when you speak.

Zombies don't have feelings, whether they are low-level or high-level, it is impossible to have them. Even if these human-faced spider corpses are the children of this corpse king, it is impossible for them to be killed because of the human-faced spider corpse king. To kill, but to cry.

And just when the three of them were puzzled, suddenly, all the human-faced spider corpses started to move.

At first, they thought they were going to attack them, so they stepped back vigilantly, but after looking at it, they found that something was wrong, these human-faced spider corpses actually started to rush towards the human-faced spider corpse king.


The black human-faced spider corpses all rushed towards the human-faced spider corpse king. Each of the human-faced spider corpses was corroded by black blood, but they rushed forward one after another, like moths to a flame.

When they came to the Human Face Spider Corpse King, they made a strange cry of "Om Om Om".

"No way, is it true that the children are heartbroken because of the mother's death?" Lin Ye felt a little unbelievable, which obviously went against common sense.

However, when they saw the next scene, they didn't think so anymore. Instead, they got goose bumps all over their bodies, and their scalps felt a little numb.

The human-faced spider corpse king was not dead, just dying, and at this moment, all the human-faced spider corpses rushed towards it.

Even though the ground was strongly eroded black, it still couldn't stop the footsteps of many human-faced spider corpses.

When the first human-faced spider corpse came in front of the corpse king, the corpse king suddenly opened its big mouth, and swallowed it into the mouth with a groan.

Immediately afterwards, the corpses of the human-faced spiders came to it, and all of them entered its mouth.

Blood splashed out from the chewed corpse of the human-faced spider. The scene was simply horrible and horrifying.


"Ouch!" Xue Wu couldn't help but vomit. Originally, as a girl, she couldn't take it anymore after seeing these scenes. She didn't expect that he was eating her own kind, and it was a child bred by her. , she couldn't accept it.

At this time, the three of them were only about 300 meters away from the man-faced spider corpse king. Looking at the big chewing mouth, a large number of man-faced spider corpses were chewed to pieces, and felt a tumbling stomach, and couldn't help but want to vomit.

"Is it healing or what?" Li Jie asked.

The three couldn't help wondering, could it be that the Human-faced Spider Corpse King devoured these little human-faced spider corpses to heal his injuries?
But after a long time, it was not the case.

"What the hell is it doing?"

Pieces of blackness, tens of thousands of human-faced spider corpses rushed into the mouth of the human-faced spider corpse king like crazy, and they were all chewed to pieces, but they still continued to do so.

what is this?
At this time, Li Jie grabbed a human-faced spider corpse, and swung it with a punch, knocking the human-faced spider corpse into the air.

His punch was not powerful, and with the defense of the human-faced spider corpse, it couldn't kill him at all.

And Li Jie just didn't want to kill it, he wanted to see what would happen next.

As a result, the human-faced spider corpse that was knocked into the air climbed up without even a single glance, and went directly towards the human-faced spider corpse king.

"Nimma, look down on me?"

Tens of thousands of human-faced spider corpses entered the mouth of the human-faced spider corpse king one by one, which made them not know what to do.

It took about ten minutes, tens of thousands of human-faced spider corpses entered its mouth, and some of the experimental bases seemed a bit empty.

"Is this the end?" Lin Ye was taken aback.

But what surprised him was not the speed at which the Human-faced Spider Corpse King "eats", but the hundreds of thousands of Human-faced Spider Corpse, swallowed by it, did not swell at all, which is a bit weird.

Although the human-faced spider corpse king was big, it was not as big as all the spider corpses combined.

You know, if you add up the number of human-faced spider corpses, it will cover an entire mine.

But when it reached the mouth of the Human Face Spider Corpse King, it seemed to evaporate?

A loud roar!
The sky was shaken, and the wind howled, blowing away in all directions.

After the Human Face Spider Corpse King finished eating, he let out a roar like thunder.

Lin Ye and the three of them quickly covered their ears, and stepped back again and again.

After a long time.

The sound disappeared, and everything was quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Ye carefully looked at the Man Faced Spider Corpse King in front of him, but he didn't seem to find anything.

At this moment, a strange sound was suddenly heard, as if something had broken.

Immediately afterwards, his body shook slightly, and his eyes were full of shock.


The head of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King exploded, and a black arm protruded from it.

It was a human-like arm with sharp and slender fingers and dark skin.

This scene appeared in the eyes of the three people, all of them were horrified.

Gradually, a black figure crawled out from the head of the Human Faced Spider Corpse King, looking extremely strange.

At this moment, the Man-faced Spider Corpse King was already dead, and the huge corpse was motionless. However, who was this guy who crawled out of the Man-faced Spider Corpse King's head?

From the outside, this dark figure looks like a man.

On the black skin, there are blood-red lines, and there is no thread on the body.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and a trace of bloody red light flashed in his eyes, exuding a strange breath.


He slowly opened his mouth, and a strange scream came out of his throat, revealing sharp teeth, which looked very hideous.

He was like a man, and his whole body was covered with black blood. Because he had just crawled out of the corpse of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King, there was an unknown liquid on his body, which looked very disgusting.

Then he knelt on the ground in some discomfort and let out a piercing scream. She covered her head uncomfortably, and his screaming became louder and louder. Then, he suddenly grabbed the girl next to him. The man in red, the man in red has not moved from the beginning to the end. However, Lin Ye and the others can feel that the man in red is a living person, that is, the person in the state of suspended animation they mentioned before. What is the relationship with this man-faced spider corpse king?Why can he live so long beside the Spider Corpse King, and the highly corrosive blood of the Spider Corpse King never touches him, as if the Spider Corpse King deliberately protected him.

(End of this chapter)

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