Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 914 The Real Man-faced Spider Corpse King

Chapter 914 The Real Man-faced Spider Corpse King
"Uh...ah...wake up...wake up..." The man grabbed the man in red's clothes and said these few words with difficulty. Obviously he was a little uncomfortable, and his voice was also uncomfortable. He thought Let the man in red wake up, what is his relationship with the man in red?

"What is he? How did he crawl out of the corpse of the Man-faced Spider Corpse King? Is he a human?" Xue Wu asked suspiciously.

"I also feel very strange, because I can feel that there is a powerful force on his body, but this force is completely unable to distinguish whether it belongs to the power of zombies or the power of humans, but since he can get it from the human-faced spider Crawling out of the corpse king's corpse means that he is not an ordinary person, maybe he is not a person at all, who knows what he is..." Lin Ye also said with some doubts, really, he has never met such a person before. This kind of thing, but the human-faced spider corpse king, it seems that in the future, he ate all the human-faced spider silk, but his body did not change in any way, but a person crawled out of his head, which is very Strange, then what was the human-faced spider corpse he ate before?Is it just to make this human crawl out of his head?Why is there a human in the corpse of the human-faced spider corpse king?All kinds of doubts troubled the three people, because none of the three people had seen such a situation before, and they couldn't explain it. They could only watch silently. This strange person grabbed the man in red and kept pushing calling him.

"Wake up...come...come..." Then this strange man took out something from his body, like a small bead, Lin Ye watched helplessly that he took it out from his body , Then the man put this strange little bead into the mouth of the man in red, and then pushed the bead into the man's face, letting the man in red swallow it.

The bead was very small, and the man in red swallowed the bead smoothly. Then, the man waited quietly for the man in red. The man in red didn't change at all. Lin Ye and the three of them didn't know what to do. What to do, I can only watch quietly, watching, what will happen next.

After a few minutes of silence, suddenly, you also noticed that the body of the man in red began to move, he began to turn his head, his chest began to rise and fall, and then his eyes began to blink , as if he had recovered from a state of suspended animation, and then he saw the man in front of him covered in black liquid, his expression was a little surprised, whether it was surprise, shock or surprise, they couldn't tell, and then, the man in red, started Slowly moving his body, he stretched out his hand first, and then held the man's hand. This man had a lot of blood from the man-faced spider corpse king, which was very corrosive. Soon the man in red The man's hands were corroded and became a little dilapidated.

But the man in red didn't let go, and kept holding his hand.

"Uh..." The man growled a little uncomfortable. He held the man in red tightly with both hands. He felt the strength given to him by the man in red. Slowly, slowly, his body began to stood up.


At this moment, a tentacles suddenly grew out from the back of the man. Looking closely, it seemed like a spider's tentacles.


Before Lin Ye and the three of them came back to their senses, another tentacles appeared.

"Puff puff puff puff puff"

Eight consecutive sounds, eight tentacles grew out from the man's back, black and translucent, also with blood-red lines.

"What is that? A humanoid spider?" Li Jie asked in surprise.

At this time, Lin Ye felt a familiar aura. Although it was different from the aura he had experienced before, he could already determine what that guy was.

"The Corpse King! That's the breath of the Corpse King!" Lin Ye murmured.

"What? Corpse King?" Li Jie's Xia Jiesen asked in surprise.

"This man is the corpse king, he is the real spider corpse king!" Lin Ye said.

"What, how is it possible? What is the big man-faced spider corpse king that fell to the ground just now? Isn't he the real man-faced spider corpse king? The man-faced spider corpse king is the real corpse king, no Is it?" Li Jie was a little confused.

"No, that huge body is not the real Man-faced Spider Corpse King, but just a place to breed offspring. It can be said to be a hatchery. That huge Man-faced Spider Corpse King has never been The real man-faced spider corpse king, but the humanoid spider in front of us, he is the real man-faced spider corpse king, and then he is the real corpse king." Lin Ye said.

The Human-faced Spider Corpse King is just a super hatchery with super reproductive ability, there is nothing wrong with that.

It wasn't until now that Lin Ye realized that what the Man-faced Spider Corpse King was referring to was never the huge super hatchery, but the human-shaped spider in front of them.

He is the real spider corpse king!
Even though his figure is like an ordinary person, the corpse aura emanating from his body makes Lin Ye feel very uneasy.

Corpse aura is the standard used to judge the strength of zombies. Ordinary advanced zombies, even high-level advanced zombies, do not have very strong corpse aura.

"Be careful, you two. The one we felt before only has the extraordinary level, not his real power. Now I can feel that his level power is even higher than the epic level!" Lin Ye said, if In this way, this human-faced spider corpse king is definitely much more powerful than that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo!

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo was a disappointment at the peak of the epic level, but this man-faced spider corpse king may be higher than the epic level.

No wonder the man-faced spider corpse king said before, do you think you can defeat this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, so you can defeat him?That's what it means.

"Then what should we do next? I feel like he is about to turn into a corpse now. Are the eight legs growing out of his back the legs of a spider? What is this man in red? How could he let this disappointment become What about this look? Did this disappointment ask for something from his body? What was the little pig that disappointment gave him to eat just now? Why is everything so strange?" Li Jie said, the temptation they are harboring now is really There are too many, plus, they need to find the serum, and they can't escape directly, but if they fight, they don't know how to answer. If they can't fight, isn't it very dangerous?It would be great if they could beat him, but they don't understand this face at all, what happened to the Spider Corpse King?Why did his strength increase so much suddenly?And why did he suddenly become like this?What is the difference between the hatchery of the human-faced spider corpse king and this human-faced spider corpse king?Really all kinds of doubts and questions haunt them, and they can't explain them, so they don't dare to step forward to fight easily.

(End of this chapter)

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