Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 915 Battle 1 Triggered

Chapter 915

At the beginning when they were dealing with the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, they used up all the abilities of the whole person, and there were so many people with abilities. At that time, the people with abilities were basically at the level of Transcendent. It took tens of thousands of supernatural beings to defeat the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, but if this human-faced spider zombie king is more powerful than the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, if he is a king, then the fierce battle between the three of them will be in the future. It is inevitable, and it is definitely difficult to deal with. They all know the level of the corpse king and the power of the corpse king.

Soon, the Human Face Spider Corpse King had evolved.

"Several, don't you feel strange? Let me tell you this, this is my real body. The one just now was just a hatching ground. Do you think that defeating him means that you have really defeated me? I hope you don't think so." Naive, as I said before, my power is on top of that ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo. I also said that if you defeat him, you can defeat me. There is also a gap between the ranks of zombie kings. "The human-faced spider corpse king became even more arrogant after his transformation. From the very beginning, he belittled the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo. I don't know if there is any enmity between them.

"We have also said before that we are not here to trouble you, and we are not here to kill you. We are just looking for something, as long as you are willing to give me the serum? We don't want to fight you, Okay?" Li Jie said, the most important thing for them to do now is to try their best to avoid this fierce battle, not to say that the three of them will definitely not be able to defeat the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, but it will definitely cause a situation where both sides will suffer.

"Why, do you think you said you didn't come to trouble me? I was very moved. I found you humans are stupid? Do you think you said you didn't come to trouble me, so I would let you go? Since You have come to my territory, so don't think about leaving so easily, Xueqing, I will not hand it over to you easily, unless you can defeat me openly, even though I am the king of corpses, I This person still pays more attention to the kind of honesty that you humans say, if it is a sinister villain who becomes a villain, I will definitely not let you go." The human-faced spider corpse king looked at them and said.

In fact, it's funny to say, a corpse king, what should I tell them?All human words, such as being upright and aboveboard, what is contradictory, etc., no wonder his body looks like a human.

"Then what you mean is that we must fight. We are not here to fight. You definitely don't want to fight with us, because you also know that you will definitely not completely crush us, and we cannot completely defeat you. , it will definitely cause a scene of mutual injury, and you must know that we are not only the three of us, but also our other partners. If they dare to come over, you must have no chance of winning, so you might as well give us the serum as soon as possible, In this way we won't trouble you again, right?" Li Jie said, but what he said is also reasonable, the three of them can be evenly matched with this Man-faced Spider Corpse King now, and if they come here again , then this man-faced spider corpse king will definitely be at a disadvantage. No matter how powerful he is, he is only one person now. The level is not low, and they are all supernatural beings hovering around the extraordinary epic level, so when this man-faced spider corpse king considers his own safety and chances of winning, he should compromise, right?
"You don't need to threaten me, and you don't need to intimidate me. Hmph, do you think that there are people, and they can find you here safely? Let me tell you, do you know how many mutant monsters there are in this experimental base? Do you think Can they deal with so many mutated monsters? I am very good in it. The most advanced mutated monster is the corpse king, but the attack power of those mutated monsters can be no lower than the other. When your partners meet them , it’s hard to protect yourself, do you still have any worries to worry about you? Even if they have come to encourage you, you have already been killed by me, and these mutations are my fault. Let me tell you this, although I am the corpse king, I I can control them to beat you, but I want you to know that the three of you can't beat me." This man-faced spider corpse king was very arrogant from the very beginning, and every word he said was full of anger. The provocation annoyed Li Jie and Lin Ye very much. It seemed that he had to teach him a lesson before he realized that these supernatural beings were not easy to deal with.

"Well, since you must choose to fight us, then don't blame us for being rude, we saw that you are a thinking ability, in front of such a polite corpse king, we wanted to let you go? It seems that you have lived for too long and don't want to live any longer, so you are provoking us like this?" Li Jie said coldly.

As soon as Li Jie finished speaking, Li Jie met the Spider Corpse King in just a blink of an eye. He raised his right hand and punched him.

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King couldn't help being taken aback, as if marveling at the speed of this human being.


The Man Faced Spider Corpse King opened his mouth and let out a roar, his five fingers formed into claws, blocking Li Jie's fist.

Li Jie couldn't help but took two steps back, feeling extremely astonished in his heart. He used all his strength for this punch. With his current strength, even steel can penetrate it.

He stepped back, trying to stay away from the Spider Corpse King, but found that his fist had been firmly clenched, and the sharp fingers without nails pierced his skin, and traces of blood flowed out.

At the same time, the eight tentacles on the back of the Human Face Spider Corpse King attacked at the same time, making it impossible for Li Jie to avoid it.

An ice shield appeared in front of Li Jie in an instant, but the speed was still a bit slow. A tentacles had pierced Li Jie's shoulder, and blood flowed. Fortunately, the physical defense was strong, otherwise it would have been fatal.

Xue Wu hastily released his supernatural powers and released flames, trying to repel the Human Faced Spider Corpse King.

Li Ye was not idle either, he quickly released thousands of ice thorns, connected to the flames, and attacked the man-faced spider corpse king.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King stuck out his tongue, touched the tentacles stained with Ning Qiu's blood, and then grinned, as if he thought it was very delicious.

His figure flashed, completely ignoring the attacks of Lin Ye and Xue Wu, and attacked Lin Ye again.

Facing the attacking tentacles here, Li Jie quickly dodged and avoided one of the initial attacks, and then seven tentacles attacked, and Li Jie quickly released his ability to activate the gas shield.

(End of this chapter)

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