Chapter 916
The Man-faced Spider Corpse King looked at Li Jie in surprise. He didn't expect his chaos to be able to block his own attack. After all, his attack strength couldn't even be blocked by Lin Ye's ice shield. This gas shield is still very powerful. This little human seems to be very powerful.

"Drink!" Lin Ye roared, and directly exploded the gas shield on his body. The white light flashed, and the spider corpse king was also taken aback. Was blasted out.

"Om!" The human-faced spider corpse king was bounced out by this powerful energy, and was knocked into the air by a small human. The human-faced spider corpse king felt a little angry.

The eight tentacles attacked Li Jie together again, of course not only Li Jie this time, Lin Ye and Xue Wu also joined the battle, the flames of nothingness continued to attack, the man-faced spider corpse king, Lin Ye's eight strange cold swords were straight Shooting at the chest of the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, the Man-faced Spider Corpse King was attacked from three sides, Li Jie was in front of him, Xue Wu and Lin Ye were attacking on the left and right sides, and behind him was a man in red who was the only one who could retreat. Obviously, he was very protective of a man in red, keeping her behind him all the time, not wanting Lin Ye and the three of them to get close. This man in red may be very important to him, and you have also discovered this, so he deliberately Turning his attack to the man in red, the Spider Corpse King roared angrily, and all eight tentacles attacked Lin Ye.

Wanting all of this to be within Lin Ye's plan, after Chu Zhi turned to Lin Ye, Li Jie and Xue Wu's attacks all hit the Human Face Spider Corpse King, and the Human Face Spider Corpse King roared.

Then he knelt down on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of black blood. However, Lin Ye didn't really attack the man in red. After all, the man in red may still be a human being, but they just planned to make the man-faced spider corpse king's attention turn to the man in red. Attack him from the front.

"I said before, unless you beat me upright, I will never let you go, if you are like this, then don't blame me for being rude!" After the Human Face Spider Corpse King finished speaking, the whole The body jumped into the air, and the eight tentacles spread out behind his back, and then these eight tentacles stretched out in all directions, and suddenly became very long, so long that they could attack Lin Ye, Xuewu and Li Jie at will.

The speed of the tentacles is very fast, and the attack power is also very strong. This scene is equivalent to the man-faced spider corpse king in the air, and the eight tentacles behind it continuously attack the three people underground.

Lin Ye and the three of them kept dodging Chu Zhi's attacks on the ground. The speed of this touch was very fast, and it just passed by in a flash. If they were hit by it, they would definitely end up in a bloody mess. It seems that this person The Spider Corpse King really hates other people plotting against him behind his back or some kind of scheme. Just now, Lin Ye’s trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain made him very annoyed. He likes to fight people head-on. If he can’t beat him, He is convinced, but if he uses yin, he will definitely not accept it.

And just when Lin Ye was in a trance, and he stopped for a moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and the eight tentacles pierced him, nailing his whole body to the ground.

"I'm going, it really hurts!"

Eight tentacles pierced his body and nailed his limbs to the ground. Ning Qiu was in pain.

"Om!" The Spider Corpse King roared, followed by a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he was very pleased with himself.

It seemed that he didn't want to kill Ning Qiu directly, but was going to torture him slowly.

The sharp tongue stuck out, and it was fixed on his face. Lin Ye suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body, and he was so disgusting that he died.

"I said, you won't, and what about this habit, corpse king?" Lin Ye said with difficulty, his face pale and cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King naturally understood what he was saying, but he didn't answer Lin Ye's words, and bit his throat.

The sharp teeth shone coldly, biting hard on his neck,


But then, he was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

Because his bite didn't break Ning Qiu's throat.

It turned out that the Baqi Hanjian flew over and blocked Lin Ye's neck. The Man-faced Spider Corpse King actually bit on the Baqi Hanjian. Wang's lips were drawn a slit.

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King let out a low growl, and instantly stepped back.

"I went to the corpse king. You not only attacked me, but also bit me. So, does this kind of disappointment have this habit? It really makes me feel a little...disgusted." Lin Ye supported the injured place.

Xuewu quickly supported his swaying body: "Brother Lin, how are you doing?!"

Lin Ye shook his head, saying that he has no major problems. Although his body was injured by the tentacles, his supernatural powers can quickly heal his wounds.

Although it is said that the ability can quickly restore Lin Ye's injuries, but after all, they were injured, and their combat effectiveness has declined. The spider corpse Wang Jian saw that Lin Ye was seriously injured, and Li Jie was also seriously injured. , I was the only one left, and I couldn't help laughing: "Isn't it embarrassing to talk big too early? Let me tell you this, I said you can't beat me, you just can't beat me, don't treat me Come and fight me head-on, the three of you, although you are all epic-level supernatural beings, remembering supernatural beings is nothing to me at this moment."

"I think it's still your big talk, don't say it too early!" Xuewu said angrily. Seeing that Lin Ye was injured, he was full of anger, and immediately released the ability, and balls of flames were directed towards the face of the person. The spider corpse king attacked, but of course the human-faced spider corpse king didn't take Xuewu's flames seriously, and easily dodged.

Xuewu's ability is not limited to these, he made his own flames harmless to the Spider Corpse King, and then Xuewu instantly magnified a ball of flames, covering half of the experimental base with the whole piece of flames, and then the flames Qi Qi pressed towards the Spider Corpse King, leaving no room for the Spider Corpse King to escape.

"Heh, small tricks!" The Man-faced Spider Corpse King snorted coldly, and suddenly he opened its eight tentacles, and these eight tentacles blocked his face, blocking all Xuewu's flames outside, Xuewu The flames didn't hurt the Man Faced Spider Corpse King at all.

"His spider legs are too powerful, it's really invulnerable to fire and water." Li Jie said in amazement.

"The armor on his body is very difficult to break through, and the corpse aura on his body is also very heavy. It will automatically form a shield. It is difficult for us to cause melee damage to him." Lin Ye said, at this time his The wound is recovering at the fastest speed.

(End of this chapter)

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