Chapter 918 Keep Calm
"Yeah, he has already stopped listening to what we said, and even though he knows that Zhou Yangshen is a villain, he still helps Zhou Yangshen to protect this serum. It is conceivable that the important thing is that he must get something from him. The handle, I think the breakthrough point is also on this man in red. You man in red is in a state of suspended animation, but he has been by the side of the man-faced spider corpse king. Didn’t leave, what does that mean? It means that this man in red is very important to the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, but he is here because of a state of suspended animation, and the medicine for this suspended animation state is probably invented by Zhou Yangshen, Zhou Yangshen Let the man in red take the medicine of suspended animation, let him stay here, and then threaten the Spider Corpse King, if he doesn't protect the serum well, then the man in red may never be able to wake up It's coming." Li Jie analyzed, this is what he's been thinking about now, if they put forward this condition, maybe the Man Faced Spider Corpse King won't be able to fight them, in fact, his idea is still very good, right?
Now that they have decided to do this, they began to implement their plan. First, the flames of Xuewu attacked the man in red. The Human Face Spider Corpse King was suddenly surprised by Xuewu's move. Before he could react, when the flames were about to reach the man in red, Lin Ye hurriedly erected an ice wall to barely escape the flames of Xue Wu, protecting the man in red.

"..." Xuewu was a little embarrassed.

"..." Lin Ye was also a little embarrassed.

"...Hehe, that, my friend, did he go off fire? He accidentally hit your good friend, but he didn't reach it, right? Then another friend of mine rescued him, So, you see, we are very normal and don’t want to attack your friend. You see, my friend wants to use voice to attack your good friend, the man in red, but my other friend disagrees. , was blocked by it, what does this mean? It means that we are really sincere, we just want to get the serum, and we don’t want to hurt you or your friends.” Li Jie rounded up the current situation in embarrassment. deadlock.

At this moment, the Human Face Spider Corpse King didn't even look at them. He walked up to the man in red in a panic, and checked his whole body carefully until he found that he was not injured in any way. , Spider Corpse King looked over, you can talk too, he first glanced fiercely at Xuewu, then looked at Lin Ye and said: "Thank you, I just rescued my friend, I am a person who can distinguish right from wrong, Although we are now in a hostile relationship, you just rescued my friend. No matter what plan you said before, I believe that the two of you, one attacked my friend, and you saved my friend. It may all be accidental, she attacked my friend, I will not let her go, you saved my friend, I will thank you, so what? Want to kill her, okay?" said the Spider Corpse King After that, the voice flashed in front of Xuewu very quickly, and then he raised one of his tentacles, and quickly went to learn martial arts. Lin Ye also reacted quickly, and immediately lost an ice shield in front of Xuewu, only to be able to block it. He was attacked by the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, but his tentacles still poked a hole straight out of the ice shield, and then the pointed end of the tentacles pierced Xue Wu's shoulder.

"Xuewu!" Lin Ye hurriedly commanded, the Baqihan sword appeared, the human face, and the spider corpse king attacked. In order to avoid the attack of the Baqihan sword, the human-faced spider corpse king had to pull out the tentacles, and only received it. Come back, this is how to let Xue Wu go.

"Hey, can you calm down for a moment? Didn't I say that? It was my friend who accidentally went off the rails just now. He wasn't the good friend who wanted to hurt you. Look at my friend, isn't he already dead? Is it like your friend just now? Nothing happened to your friend, right? You calm down now, let me tell you something, okay?" Li Jie said hurriedly.

But the Bamboo Rat King with a human face seems to be unable to listen to anything at this moment. His eyes are now full of the flames of Xuewu just now, and he attacked the man in red. His head is full of anger now, and he wants to kill Xuewu In order to relieve the anger in my heart.

It seems that the man in red is really very important to the Spider Corpse King, so they guessed that Zhou Yangshen used the man in red to blackmail the Spider Corpse King, so they used the state of suspended animation, Let the man in red become what he is now, and then, in order to obtain the antidote, Wang had no choice but to guard the serum for Zhou Yangshen. This Man-faced Spider Corpse King is so important, and he is so confident that he left the serum with the Man-faced Spider Corpse King. This man, Zhou Yangshen is really a monster.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King was still attacking Xue Wu, Xue Wu just dodged and did not fight back, Lin Ye also helped Xue Wuzhi, in front of the Human-Faced Spider Corpse King's attack, but the Man-faced Spider Corpse King was really It's too angry, his attack speed is very fast, and the strength is also very strong. It seems that if you don't say something to stop him, the battle will start.

"King of corpses, wait a minute, can you listen to me? We have basically guessed now, why are you being blackmailed by Zhou Yangshen? I want to tell you now, if my guess is right, I can help you , we can all help you, okay? Don’t hit my friend, I’ve already said that my friend didn’t mean to hurt your friend, and another friend of mine has already saved it Your friend, why don't you know how to calm down? Even if you attack him like this, he will not hurt your friend again. Listen to us first, okay? If we can help you, help you Get rid of Zhou Yangshen's threat, right? We know that your friend has entered a state of suspended animation, and the medicine for this suspended animation must have been invented by Zhou Yangshen, right? The antidote is also on Zhou Yangshen!" Li Jie shouted, He must let the Man-faced Spider Corpse King calm down first, so that he can no longer attack the Huns. However, when the Man-faced Spider Corpse King heard Li Jie mention that he was in a state of suspended animation, Zhou Yangshen had the antidote and the man in red. After all, the man in red is a very important person to him, so he can still listen to his affairs and keep calm. He stops his actions , looking at Li Jie, waiting for him to say the following.

(End of this chapter)

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