Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 919 Persuasion

Chapter 919 Persuasion
Li Jie stopped when he saw the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, until he heard his own words, he hurriedly continued: "We have also dealt with Zhou Yangshen before, and we know that this person is very sinister, but he is also very insidious. Smart, he invented many kinds of drugs, including drugs, including various photos of the human body, he even invented a drug that can bring people back to life, and this drug can be controlled by him, so this state of suspended animation The medicine must be very simple for him, but he must have an antidote. He will definitely not give you this antidote easily, so let you help him guard the serum. He will not give it to you easily sometimes. Because he is too insidious and cunning, what he said and what he promised, he will definitely not be able to do, you must believe us, if we have dealt with him countless times." Li Jie Although what he said is a bit exaggerated, many of them are in line with the facts. Zhou Yangshen is a person who is difficult to guess, is also very insidious and cunning, and has many methods, so it is not guaranteed that he will not keep his promise and will not abide by him and the human-faced spider. The corpse king's agreement, that's why Li Jie said that, after all, it was to save the three of them, and also to get the serum.

Sure enough, after listening to Li Jie's words, the Human Face Spider Corpse King showed even more hesitation. He was caught by Zhou Yangshen before, and he had resisted in the experimental base, but this Zhou Yangshen did not know where he heard about the man in red. He knew that the man in red was his important person, so he was given the medicine of feigning death, and told him that as long as he was in the experimental base, help him guard the serum and prevent others from taking it away. , it, he will come here in five years and give the antidote to the man in red. He has been guarding here for nearly two years, and in three years, the man in red can wake up. It has been two years. In case, the important thing is to be a trustworthy person, if he trusts a few of them here, wouldn't those two years be in vain?But if these three people are liars, they don't even know who Zhou Yangshen is, and they don't know how to get the bonus. Then, won't the man in red keep this state forever?Therefore, the Man Faced Spider Corpse King also considered a lot, and he was also afraid.

"Do you really want to believe me? I didn't lie to you. Let me tell you this. Zhou Liangsheng once had a subordinate named Qi Lian. This Qi Lian was a good friend of my good brother. It is this Zhou Yangshen's subordinate. He helped Zhou Yangshen invent three viruses, one is the brain death virus, the other is the Isjataraku virus, and the third is the Wuerla Infinite Terminator virus. These three viruses are his It was invented for Zhou Yangshen. Who knows, just after he invented these three viruses, Zhou Yangshen regarded him as an eyesore and planned to get rid of him. Fortunately, my name is Qi Lian. Discovered Zhou Yangshen's conspiracy, so he escaped, but he didn't expect that Zhou Yang, Shen Zao had already implanted a very strange substance in his body, this substance can allow Zhou Yangshen to remotely control this Qi Lian , Think about it, how insidious and cunning this Zhou Yangshen is, how could he obediently abide by his promise if he had left behind? Did he say it was yours? As long as you are here to help her take care of her serum , how long will he bring the antidote and give it to your friend, right?" Li Jie looked at the Man-faced Spider Corpse King and asked.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King hesitated for a moment. He looked at the man in red, then at Xuewu and Lin Ye, and finally looked at Li Jie and nodded.

Li Jie nodded when he saw the Human-faced Spider Corpse King, knowing that he had already guessed what he said. Sure enough, Zhou Yangshen's urination was like this. He really might not be able to fulfill what he promised himself.

"You see, we have already dealt with him. What is his nature? We know about the same. We also know the rules of his work. He said, how many years later he will promise to come over and give the antidote to him. This man in red, but he really may not be able to do it. He really has no credibility at all. He is a person who is not trustworthy and contradictory. He is talking about him. You really don’t believe him anymore. If you really give him the serum, he will get a good harvest here. He will come to get the serum one day, and he will not give you the antidote. You also know that Zhou Yangshen is a very powerful person. You can’t beat him, right? ? When the time comes, he won't give you the antidote, what can you do? Because you can't beat him, he just uses you, reason, you just look at the serum, after a few years, after his own plan is completed, this The serum is already there, there is no danger to his plan, when no one is looking at him, he doesn’t need you, and he doesn’t care about this serum, whether it will be taken away by others, you are useless, he I will definitely not care about you anymore, and it is even more impossible to send you the antidote, because she will not appear in front of you again. This serum is only worth using now, after waiting for a few years In the future, after his body is not completely reflected in the whole world, the serum will have no effect, so he will say that after a few years, you will help him see it for a few years, and then he will give you the antidote, saying It's all in his plan." Li Jie said, although many of the words he said were mixed with his own making up, but he knew that what he said was full of meaning. It makes sense, after all, Zhou Yangshen is really weird, cunning, and elusive.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King, after listening to Li Jie's words, his face was very tangled, and he also looked dubious, because he didn't know Zhou Yangshen himself, Zhou Yangshen also found him suddenly, and took him to this experimental base In it, he was the person who swore to him at the time that as long as he was here to help him look after his five-year academic situation, he would definitely come and give the antidote to this, his good friend after five years, but after hearing Li Jie say so Nonsense, he was a little bit scared, he didn't dare to bet on this person's life, he didn't know whether he should believe the words of these three people, or continue the agreement with Zhou Yangshen, because of all of them, He didn't understand, he didn't know which of them was telling the truth and who was telling the lie.

"How do you make me believe what you said? Although you have guessed Zhou Yangshen's plan correctly before, it doesn't mean that you really understand this person completely. What if his agreement with me is true? If it is true , I choose to trust you here and turn against Zhou Yangshen, and then our agreement will be voided. If he doesn’t give the antidote to my friend, who will pay for this responsibility? Let me tell you, I am responsible for the safety of this person’s life. Don't dare to joke, because after all, the key is on his side, not on your side, so I still can't trust you? If you want to get this serum, beat me head-on, don't try to persuade me, or , use insidious tricks." The Spider Corpse King said, but when he said this, his aura had lost half, not as aggressive and domineering as before.

(End of this chapter)

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