Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 920 Unknown Changes

Chapter 920 Unknown Changes

Hearing what the Man-faced Spider Corpse King said, Li Jie and the others also knew that this Man-faced Spider Corpse King had already doubted Zhou Yangshen. Although he said that he still couldn't trust them now, there might be no more fierce battles between them. Now they put in more effort and continued to persuade this man-faced spider corpse king.

But suddenly, before they could speak, the man-faced spider corpse king suddenly turned blushing all over, just not like the normal skin color of a person before, his body began to become more and more red, and then his The facial expression became very ferocious, the eyes were bloodshot, the teeth in the mouth became very sharp, and fangs began to grow, and then he suddenly faced Lin Ye, the three of them seemed to be injured, and the eight tentacles kept dancing So, it was this sudden change that caught Lin Ye and the others by surprise. What happened to him?
"Roar!!!" The Man Faced Spider Corpse King opened his mouth wide and roared continuously. He shouted at Lin Ye and the three of them, and demonstrated against the three of them. It gradually grew bigger, from the height of an ordinary adult to a height of only three meters, and then its eight tentacles also became very large, constantly dancing behind him, one can imagine this The damage has also increased. The sudden change of the spider corpse king made Lin Ye and the three of them wonder what to do. A normal-sized spider corpse king is already difficult to deal with. Why did he suddenly Has it become as high as nearly three meters again?
"What's wrong with him? Why did he suddenly become so big? Is there any spell in what we said just now?" Li Jie looked at the Man-faced Spider Corpse King and said.

"Looking at his current appearance, he may have lost his previous consciousness, because he is already in a constant state, and he didn't speak at all, and then demonstrated to the three of us, as if he was a different person. I think he might be under control." Lin Ye said.

"Being controlled, is Nana Zhou Yangshen again? Did he add something to the Human-faced Spider Corpse King? I rely on Zhou Yangshen to really be..." Li Jie was already so angry that Chaoyangshan had nothing to say. Having said that, this person is really too cunning!

"Well, I think it was him. If it wasn't for him, who could make a corpse king out of control to what it is now? I feel that the man-faced spider corpse king can't understand what we are talking about now, but , I think that although he is controlled by Zhou Yangshen and has become what he is now, he must still care about his friend in red in his heart. If we start a battle with him later, we must be careful. Man in red, protect him, if the man in red is injured, the Man Faced Spider Corpse King might really get out of control, and we probably won't be able to get the serum by then," Lin Ye ordered.

As soon as they finished speaking, the Man Faced Spider Corpse King attacked them, his huge body and those eight tentacles struck at them very quickly.

Lin Ye and the three of them managed to dodge, and then Lin Ye released his ability, well, hundreds of ice thorns and ice swords attacked the human-faced spider corpse king. Unexpectedly, the weapon hit the human face, and the spider corpse king Physically, the Human Face Spider Corpse King didn't even hide, because there were no ice thorns at all, and it couldn't do him any harm. His skin was really hard as if wearing armor, so When it hits it, it will make a thud, just like hitting an iron.

"It seems that he has strengthened again and is even more difficult to deal with than before." Li Jie said.

Xuewu released a huge flame like before, and attacked the man-faced spider corpse king. The man-faced spider corpse king still didn't even hide, standing there straight, using those eight tentacles to continuously attack Lin Ye and the three of them.

And here, Xin Yu and the others are still looking for an exit. They have now found a very large experimental base. This experimental base is also connected to the previous experimental bases, but it is very empty inside. Anything, and there are no doors in all directions. I don’t know what this place is used for, but on the ground of this experimental base, there is a pattern that can occupy the entire ground. This pattern is like some kind of magic circle. Anyway, no one on Xinyu's side knew anything about it.

"I think this place here is so strange. It always gives me a very bad feeling. I always feel that there are many things in it, which makes people feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. I don't know what this place is for. What are you doing here?" Cheng Cheng on Yier's chest said, the feeling ability in the city is very powerful, probably because they have been experimented with before, the reason is that he can feel all kinds of breaths, this kind of It can distinguish the breath, everyone's breath, the breath given to him by every thing, he can feel that it can distinguish people through the breath, so after Cheng Cheng said this, Xin Yu also felt that this place was very strange.

"Huh? Who was talking just now?" Ling Wei asked. In fact, she didn't know about Cheng Cheng's existence, because Lin Ye and the others didn't tell Ling Wei about Yi Er, let alone the existence of Cheng Cheng. , So often when they were talking just now, Ling Wei and the others didn't even know who was talking.

"Uh... I didn't tell you before, but our friend, he has some special abilities, and then, he may have some of these abilities, unbelievable, beyond your imagination, we are telling you now, I hope you can accept it, Because, do you know that he is a good person?" Xin Yu said, "Il was used to conduct an experiment in a human experimental base, and then his face has been destroyed, it is different from their normal people, Il , are you willing to tell him about your affairs? If you don't want to, I won't force you to say it. After all, we will get along for a very important period of time. If you don't tell them, you may It's a bit troublesome, but it's completely up to you, if you want to say it, you can say it, if you don't need to, you don't say it."

Il chuckled lightly and said, "It's okay, I'm basically relieved now, no matter whether others can accept my flaws, I dare to tell them." Il took off his mask as he spoke, revealing He no longer has a face with no nose and no mouth. This face is flat. In fact, the wound has already healed, and there are only some small scars, but after all, it is very weird. It surprised Ling Wei, Qi Shisi and others. .

Then Yi Er also pulled off the clothes on his chest, revealing Cheng Cheng's face, and said, "He is my friend, and his name is Cheng Cheng."

(End of this chapter)

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