Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 921 The Mysterious Pattern

Chapter 921 The Mysterious Pattern

"This... this..." Ling Wei was so surprised that he couldn't speak, he looked at the face on Yi Er's chest, his eyes were still looking for those people, it was a living face, how could this be possible ah?This is simply, it's not inconsistent, it's terrible, she is really incoherent and doesn't know what to say.

"Hey, hey, woman, calm down, I can't accept just this one. I don't think there is anything wrong with them. They were just experimented, so they became like this. Don't make such a fuss, okay? I Just say you women are just that." Yu Qiran said: "It's just that you are too timid, if you are so timid, you still come out to find serum, and the monsters you encounter in the future will be even more strange and all kinds of monsters. , you can’t accept it even more, so how do you find serum? Save your city?”

"Who, who said I was timid? I was just a little surprised. After all, whoever saw this for the first time would be able to accept it completely. I didn't mean anything else. I was a little surprised when I first saw it, but I , No, what the hell, I will still regard you as my good friends, after all, you all came together to help find the serum, in order to save our city, so, no matter what you are, even if you don’t want to do it Yes, it’s been a long time, or they are all half-human and half-zombies, I don’t discriminate against anyone or anything, I, Ling Wei, say here, although I am a woman, I am not a supernatural person , but in order to find the serum, in order to save the city I am in, I am willing to sacrifice everything I have, even if I lose my life, as long as it can save my city." Because I patted my own chest, said.

You can't help but smile, because this, the girl, made him a very good impression of her. From the time we first met, You Ran had an inexplicable affection for him, so I kept thinking about it afterwards. It might be naive to tease him, but it's still a matter of course, I can't help but want to talk to her, talk loudly, and confront her.

"Thank you, thank you, you can accept me." Il said.

"Okay, I'll talk about the rest after I go out. Cheng Cheng, you continue to talk about what you just said." Xin Yu said.

"Well, let me continue. Have you seen the pattern on the ground? Although we don't know what the pattern is for, there is an aura that makes me feel very uncomfortable. There is a voice in this breath that is shouting and struggling, and he seems to want to express something, as if they were trapped in this experimental base by this pattern, and they want to break free." Cheng Cheng said.

"In this picture, you can see that the cycling he drew is very regular. It is a big circle with various lines distributed inside. If you look carefully at the combination of these lines, do they look like one by one? People? There are short lines and long lines, and its basic structural framework is like that of human beings. This manipulation is definitely not accidental. You must deliberately manipulate it. They are equivalent to India. There is a very mysterious spell in it, and there is a pattern, the pattern and the spell can lock the human soul in it, you are optimistic about this experimental base, he is doing various virus experiments, and he needs many, many In fact, there were similar pictures in the laboratory we stayed in before. What do these groups do? I am afraid that the experimental subjects who died because of this experiment, including humans or animals, they The souls of the human beings will come back to find these. The experimenter deliberately said this pattern, this pattern can lock the human soul. To put it bluntly, the person who did the experiment directly was afraid of retribution, and said such a pattern Come and seek comfort in your own heart, because I feel that this kind of pattern definitely cannot be called a soul. Besides, we don’t know whether this person has a soul, but in our previous experimental base, this was only done in a It was just such a picture on a blueprint, but this one actually drew such a large pattern in such a large experimental base. I'm afraid that these experimental products will come back to cause trouble for them." Cheng Cheng said, in fact, after saying so much, he thought of everything they had experienced before. Only those who have been experimental subjects know how terrifying and frightening it is. .

"According to what you said, in fact, this pattern is just for those experimenters seeking comfort, but, didn't you also say it just now? You felt the breath, the breath of some people asking for help, and the breath of wanting to break free. What's going on here? Is this pattern real or fake? Is it true that it can lock people's souls, so they want to escape, so you can feel their cries?" Xin Yu asked road.

Cheng Cheng pondered for a few seconds, he thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know where this breath comes from, but he is in this experimental base, it may be this pattern dancing, I, maybe these shouts The voice is not talking about the souls trapped in the regiment, they may be here, somewhere in the experimental base, we can look for it carefully."

"But although it's very big inside, there's nothing there. You can see it all at a glance, and you haven't seen anyone at all. So, how should we find it?" El asked.

"I'm not too sure about this. Otherwise, let's not bother with these things. Let's find the exit first." Cheng Cheng said.

"I think so. Our main purpose is to find an exit. Since there is no exit here, let's not waste time here. If the three people get the serum and cannot evacuate quickly, it will be very dangerous. This experiment There may be something in the base, we still don't waste time, hurry to find the exit, and then leave here, ah, after all, we don't see any living people here at all, let alone any shouts Call for help." He said, he now feels that the breath inside makes him very uncomfortable. As a psychic, he can naturally feel the mental fluctuations that ordinary people can't feel. There is an unusual breath here, but this breath definitely does not belong to human beings.

"Wait a minute, look, doesn't this wall feel weird?" Kiss wrote in his notebook and showed them.

(End of this chapter)

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