Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 922 Unexpected Gains

Chapter 922 Unexpected Gains

Seeing what Qi Shisi said, Xin Yu and the others all looked at it together. This is also Zhou's wall, because they found that these walls are not flat walls, and there are always things leaking out of these walls, although they can't tell the difference. What are those things, but if you look closely, it seems to be cloth.

"This thing is very similar to clothes, why? They put clothes inside the walls?" Ling Wei said.

"Clothes, wait, if it's clothes..." A bad premonition appeared in everyone's minds. If this premonition is true, then the people in this experimental base are really too insane.

"Have you all thought about it? But, is this really impossible? Why would he do this? Even if it is a dead experiment, they can buy it, they probably won't do it, unless These people have completely lost their humanity," Ling Wei said.

"The end of the day is the time when humanity is most tested, and the end of the day is also the time when people are most likely to be inhumane. When they are experimenting with living people in this experimental base, are you still wondering if they have humanity? When all kinds of viruses are injected into these experimental products, they are already inhuman, and those who have no humanity are the most terrifying, so I think the breath we feel includes the struggle that Changzhou mentioned And the shouting sound does not come from this pattern, this pattern is actually a kind of deceptive feeling. In fact, the source of these real breaths is in these walls, where the experimenters put those experimental questions alive. Then they were afraid that their souls would find them, so they drew this pattern and suppressed them here." He said, his guess was what everyone expected, but it was too much. cruel.

"But, after all, they are all living beings. How could they have the heart to build them up in the wall?" Ling Wei couldn't believe it. He had seen too few human beings and he didn't want to experience them in the doomsday. There are too many things, let it be, they, Lin Ye, they understand them, they have lived in the doomsday for many years, and they have seen many things, the world is desolate, and all the sinister people, they have seen them all, so, feel again When they realized that they had strong expectations of people, they didn't have much inner feelings, because they had already experimented with these people, and they could do anything with other human beings, people without human nature.

Everyone was silent and didn't speak anymore, because they didn't know what to say anymore. As human beings, they still maintained their human nature. They were very fortunate that those who had lost their humanity were more terrifying than zombies. They really Yes, there is no principle, in order to achieve the goal, use any means, just like Zhou Yangshen, the scary thing about this person is not that he has lost his humanity.He has too smart brain and too strong strength, so he has done so many things, Lin Ye and the others have nothing to do with him, and they have never seen him at all. So far, this is his horror place.

"Then what should we do, what should we do next? We want to rescue all these people, but they are already dead after all, and what we get out is just corpses." Cheng Cheng said.

"We can't now because the scene at this time is very shocking, and I found our way of thinking, why do they have to hide their popularity in the wall, and use such a pattern to cover up the truth, is it just because of their bad taste? I think Not necessarily, we are here to find the exit for you to leave, isn't it? In case, they are just to cover up this exit, you think, after they came to this experimental base, there were no mutant zombies to attack us, this is What does it mean? This shows that those mutated zombies are not willing to approach. The inside, the breath inside, makes us very uncomfortable, and may make those mutated zombies very uncomfortable. This may be the purpose of the experimenter. These mutated zombies left, so we set up such a place here to suppress them. You said that the place his family mentioned here means that the exit may be nearby. We should start looking for it from here, or we should put This wall has been broken through." Analyzing it, he felt that what he felt should not be all false.

. "There is some truth in what you say, but we don't know what the wall is supporting. If it supports the main weight of the entire experimental base, then if we get through him, will the experimental base collapse? If the experimental base collapses, we will have no way to escape," Ling Wei said.

Hearing what Ling Wei said, she shook her head and said: "The weight of the load-bearing wall is very large, so its walls are very dense and strong, and only human corpses are built. The completed wall must be very unstable, and there are still gaps between the bricks. After all, human corpses may slowly decompose. At that time, the wall will collapse very easily. If it is a load-bearing wall, this experimental base cannot last for such a long time, and it must have collapsed early. After all, the human body bears very little weight. It's crushed to pieces."

Let it be said so, everyone thinks it makes sense.

"Then let's tear down this wall and get the people inside out." Xin Yu said.


In fact, they had Xin Yu and You Qiran, who released their supernatural powers. The powerful supernatural energy directly pushed the wall away with a bang, and the wall collapsed.

After the collapsed wall, it didn't sleep directly, only a few cracks inside, and the whole upgrade didn't change much, but they were surprised to find that behind this wall, since it was a passage, there was a black hole in it. Yes, I don't know where it leads, but this passage gave all of them hope for life. After all, they have been in this time base for a long time and have not found a new exit. Perhaps this passage leads to What about the outside exit?

But they will destroy the wall, all of it, and then get the people inside out.

"If there are souls in this world, I hope their souls can get good comfort." I often look at those people, because he is also a person who has been subjected to experiments and knows what they suffered before they were alive, so he has some empathy.

(End of this chapter)

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